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From: Your Name
Friday, March 14, 2025

Dear Fellow Business Man or Woman,

Are your marketing techniques really good? I mean…really, really good? How much do you spend on them? You’ve probably spent a lot of money, whether it was on Pay-Per-Click or something else in an attempt to get traffic to your site and sell your products or services.

Perhaps your website doesn’t sell services, but you still need to get major traffic to it – for charity, popularity – whatever.

What would you say if I told you that you could STOP SPENDING MONEY on advertising right now? What if I told you that there are 3 simple techniques you can use to get some serious traffic to your site, increase your conversions and make more profits?


I am so glad that I bought this eBook. The three amazing marketing techniques that you learn from reading this eBook are free. It contained many different tips and tricks that I’ve implemented very easily. It’s great for both beginners and intermediate marketers. Thanks so much!

Bob Hoyton
Boise, Idaho

Well you can!

This is the easiest and most effective way for you to market your website, products or services and the best thing about it – it’s all ABSOLUTELY FREE! That’s right – these methods do not cost a single penny. So, you can put your check book up and stop buying the PPC advertising. With this highly effective system, you can easily drive more traffic to your site and make more money.

How I Discovered This System:

I know this system works because it has worked for me. As a marketer, I too put out huge amounts of money on paid advertising. I had a maximum budget each month and one of those months when I was tapped out – I decided to try a few free methods.

The simple methods I tried gained me more traffic in the long run than the PPC ads – and the traffic I gained was QUALITY TRAFFIC. Meaning, more of those visitors turned into customers.

I was absolutely shocked! I couldn’t believe that this kind of traffic-driving method worked so well. Even better, I couldn’t believe that it was absolutely free. Well, I spent the next several months tweaking my traffic-driving method, creating a plan that was easy and fool-proof.

That’s right – absolutely anyone can use this method!

It’s so easy that no matter who you are, you can duplicate the plan. Even if you have never, ever done any of your own marketing before. The best thing is that it only takes a few hours at the most each day.

Hi there,

Thank you so much for writing this informative eBook and sharing these amazing tips with everyone. I began searching for marketing techniques when I was struggling with my business. This book has helped me go back to basics and formulate a strong foundation. I’m thrilled.”

Brooklyn, New York

“I want to thank you for the information inside the IM Jumpstart book. It couldn’t have come at a better time and everything was so easy to understand. I am very happy with what I’ve learned and know it is going to make all the difference in my marketing business.”

San Francisco, California

“I just have to say that this package was clear cut, easy to use, and contained some of the best tips I’ve seen in a while. I mean, throughout the package, I’d consistently find myself thinking, “Oh yea…great idea!” I’m really excited about what this package is going to do for my business and I’d recommend it to anyone.”

Marilyn Wontor
Lansing, Michigan

With the IM Jumpstart Package, You’ll Learn:

  • The 3 techniques that will easily launch your website, product or service into the public eye!
  • How to drive more traffic to your website or blog!
  • The best tricks for getting people to notice your products or services!
  • How to ensure that your marketing methods are effective – with just a few simple tricks that really work!
  • How you can make your website or blog rank higher in the search engines while using these 3 techniques!
  • How to make sure you’re not breaking any rules while you’re using these amazing techniques!
  • The easy way affiliate marketers can use these methods to get more sales and make more commissions!
  • And so much more!

It’s never been easier to market your website, products or services before! Learn these amazing techniques now and make a serious difference in your sales and profits.

Yes! I’m ready to start this IM Jumpstart system and drive more traffic to my website or blog!

If you’re still a little suspicious as to whether or not this IM Jumpstart system really is EASY or not, let me tell you now…if you can do the following, you can do this system…

  • Can you write articles or hire someone to write them?
  • Can you remember a user name and password?

Then you can follow this system!

It is so easy, you will wonder why you never tried it before! The best thing is that it’s effective. In fact, I haven’t used PPC since I discovered this method. That’s how great it is. The keys you need to make this system work are included in the package.

It’s all laid out in easy to read steps so anyone can follow it. You don’t have to be technical and you don’t have to be a marketing whiz. It’s so easy that even a child could pull it off!

In fact, I’m so sure you’ll be able to effectively implement this package that I’m going to offer you a special guarantee!

That’s right – this is my guarantee to you. I know that you’ll find this package extremely easy to implement. If you don’t, I’ll give you a complete refund of your order price – every single penny. Why? Because if I can do it, you can absolutely do it. It’s so easy a child could do it.

So, if for any reason you’re not satisfied with the IM Jumpstart package, just let me know within 56 days of your order and I’ll refund your entire price. It’s that simple. You’re going to do wonderfully with this package and I have the greatest confidence in you!

Yes! I’m ready to order ‘IM Jumpstart’ today!

When you order today, you will get an amazing bonus ABSOLUTELY FREE! This exclusive bonus is worth over $37 – but today, you’ll get it for free with your order of ‘IM Jumpstart.’ How’s that for a great deal? Check out the information below to see what kind of great FREE bonus you’ll be getting today with your order:

With this guide, you’ll learn even MORE massive cash-generating marketing tips. Add these amazing tips to your marketing arsenal so that you have a steady stream of quality traffic and gain more conversions. This means also that you make more cash, which any marketer can appreciate.

You’re going to love the tips you find in this guide – they’re all easy to implement tips that are for the most part free. This is the magic word – FREE – save more of your money when you don’t purchase paid advertising. Why would you when these methods are so darn good?

This guide is worth $38, but today – it’s yours ABSOLUTELY FREE when you order ‘IM Jumpstart!’

“My friend has not shut up about this package for weeks. So, I finally bought it. I’m only about halfway through, but now I know exactly what he meant when he said it was written by a regular (but experienced) person rather than a “sell-them-whatever-you-can-guru.” Thanks.”

Lima, Ohio

It has never been easier to market your website, services or products than it is today. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. The low, introductory price will soon be raised. Why wait until you have to pay $10, $20 or even $30 more when you can get ‘IM Jumpstart’ for such a low price today? Plus, you get all 3 amazing bonuses as well!

Yes, I want to order ‘IM Jumpstart’ today and receive
my amazing 3 bonuses absolutely free!

Order today and see the results in your bank account very soon!


P.S. Remember that this package is 100% guaranteed – if you’re not satisfied for any reason, I’ll refund your money. It’s that simple. There has never been a better time to buy – and today, you buy with absolutely no risk to you.

P.S.S. Don’t miss out on your chance to secure this amazing bonus with your order today. With the marketing information you’ll learn today – you’ll generate huge profits and drive massive traffic to your site. Order now!