Finally! Video
Blogging Explained …
Video Blogging for Profits
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4:12 pm, Monday Afternoon
Dear Friend,
Have you been thinking of breaking into the world of blogging but are afraid to try something in new. Perhaps you have been experimenting with Google Adsense, affiliate programs, and other sales programs without success.
I know how hard it is to start something new especially after I have tried and failed with so many different money making ventures. I know from personal experience that it is easy to get enthusiastic about a new profit generating venture only to be disappointed in the long run.
Many methods and guides I have used are either incomplete or require more time and money than I can comfortably invest in an Internet venture. These days I am extremely skeptical of ventures even when I am assured by experienced Internet entrepreneurs that the method will work. I am always afraid that I will get caught up in some new “fad” that will fizzle out in a few months.
The truth is that a new form of blogging, video blogging, is becoming the next big thing. Video blogs, also called vlogs, are becoming popular with people of all ages and while many considered them a fad they are far from it. Hundreds of thousands of people have started watching vlogs for pleasure.
With the growth in technology it has become easier for people of all ages and backgrounds to upload the latest video posts on their computers, iPhones, iPods, PDAs, and more.
Why not profit for Vlogging?
With so many people enjoying videos uploaded by everyday people why not use this growing phenomenon to make money. Imagine easily creating your own video and then actually making money with it!
Videos are taking over the Internet and are quickly replacing many forms of online communication and entertainment. There are a wide variety of video sharing websites and online communities all dedicated to helping users find videos on all subjects. Many famous people have even gone so far as to stop typing traditional online diary updates and have instead decided to upload videos for their friends and fans to view.
The idea of actually profiting from videos might seem ridiculous or impractical but think of the world we live in. Most of us carry digital cameras with us all day every day in the form of cell phones that can be used to record short videos. These videos can then be easily uploaded to a wide variety of video sharing websites or your own blog. How easy is that?
Plus think of the millions of people that live to see the next video uploaded online. Voyeurs have taken over the Internet and there are thousands of people waiting to watch whatever you upload. Why not take advantage of the popularity of video sharing to make money.
No More Excuses! It's Time To Start a Vlog! There is absolutely no reason why you can't start profiting from your videos and a video blog today. Whatever excuses you might have had in the past to keep you from creating videos or a website no longer exist.
Over the past five years the world wide web has undergone many changes. All of these changes have made it easier for individuals like you to start up a website for little or no cost!
Have you worried about spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on hosting? Now hosting plans are cheap or even FREE! Were you concerned with the cost of an expensive camcorder for video? Now most digital cameras and even cell phones are affordable and capture clear, high quality video Were you afraid of spending thousands of dollars on a website design?
These days you can find hundreds of free templates that will help you create a professional website in no time.
Did you consider everything already mention and held off only because you were afraid viewers would be unable to load a site filled with videos? Now you can relax! Most Internet surfers use high speed Internet in the form of Broadband, DSL, and Cable Internet connection.
If you have ever considered starting a video blog or website to profit you now have NO MORE EXCUSES!
In my ebook, Video Blogging for Profits, I will show you step by step how to benefit from your own video blog. I will show you everything you need to know to get your own website set up without investing hundreds or thousands of dollars in equipment and fees.
This detailed ebook will make it easy for you set up a video blog and it is free of technical language making it extremely easy to understand. By using this ebook you will be able to profit right away since you will not have to worry about recouping extensive investment costs!
If you have ever considered starting your own video blog but did not want to waste time learning about the world of blogging, marketing, and income generation this ebook is especially suited to you.
2 Great Benefits
1) How to Set Up a Vlog
My ebook will tell you how too quickly, easily, and most of all affordably set up your own vlog. Even if you have never owned a blog or a website you will be able to understand these instructions. You will be carefully guided step by step through the entire process.
2) How to Get Free Traffic
I will tell you many different ways to get free traffic to your new video blog. The methods that I will show you do not involve any search engine trickery. These methods will help you get unique visits from real Internet users completely free of charge.
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
- Which individuals started out video blogging only to end up famous.
- The steps needed to have your own video blog up and running in no time flat without any technical experience.
- How to get your first video made and ready to post to your new video blog in virtually no time.
- The best way to create video content that will make your video blog popular with surfers and subscribers.
- Different ways to take video and edit the video to be placed on your new video blog.
- The best ways to get high quality equipment for deeply discounted prices.
- How to use video blogging to establish or increase affiliate sales and sign ups.
- How to use video blogs to create a higher click through rate on ad campaigns.
- Ways to get others to pay you for creating your video posts.
- How to use video blogs to create entirely new streams of income.
- And a lot more!
How Much Is That Worth To You? I've spent a lot of time studying and trying blogging and video blogging. I have found, through trial and error, what methods work and which methods are a waste of time. More importantly I learned which methods were wastes of money!
All of this research has helped me create a steady source of income that I am extremely satisfied with.
After watching many individuals try to create their own video blog only to fail I have decided to share my knowledge. I want to help you and anyone else that has dreamed of owning a profitable video blog get one started without investing a great deal of money or wasting valuable time.
Now, for only $17 you can benefit from the knowledge it has taken me years to acquire. You might be reluctant to spend any money on information that you feel you can find yourself but take some time and think things through. Do you really want to try one of those free websites out there that promise you a free blog that will let you upload videos?
While some of them will give you the results you desire many will leave you frustrated and disappointed. Do you really want to go through all of the free blogging platforms in an attempt to find the right one? Why not let me help you instead.
Do you want to spend money on a PAID blogging platform that will also promise you the moon only to get disappointed? Of course not. You might be thinking that few blogging sites will take your money promising you a video blog only to fail to deliver but you are mistaken. Unfortunately, many platforms will disappoint you by not allowing video uploads.
If you do manage to find a good blogging platform to use and figure out how to create a video on your own will know how to edit it or what the do's and don'ts of video blogging are?
Even if you manage to get a video blog up and running smoothly how do you expect to profit from it? First of all you will need a professional or unique video blog design. There are many companies and individuals that will promise the best but my ebook will tell you the best places to find free blog themes.
It will also tell you the best places to find customized blog themes for extremely low prices.
If you do not care about how your blog looks do you care about getting traffic? Starting out do you really want to spend all day everyday struggling to get a few visitors to come to your video blog? My ebook will show you how to get thousands of daily hits completely free of charge. One source I show you will provide you with hundreds all on its own.
Now that you have thought things through why waste your time and money testing out methods that I have already tried? Instead benefit from my knowledge and get started without any further problems. I've done all the leg work for you!
When it comes to making money with your video blog my tried and true methods will blow you away. The methods I show you are all extremely to implement and by taking advantage of them you will create a handsome daily income that will only increase as your traffic increases
If you are already experimenting with income generation methods such as Adsense and other pay per click programs this ebook will show you how video blogging can and will increase your click through rate and page impression rate. It will also show you how to use video blogs to increase affiliate sales and even Ebay sales!
The income possibilities of video blogging are nearly endless and my ebook will make it easier for you to get started. Why waste your time searching for ways to profit from your video blog when there are many tried and true methods. With this ebook you will be able to quickly start up a video blog and you will be able to use it sell nearly anything!
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