Everything is "right" but your still not rich...
Maximizing Your Conversions Just Got Easier !

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Never Before Revealed Information!
2:25 p.m., Thursday Afternoon
Dear Friend,
When I wrote this is was mid afternoon. My friend just got off the phone with me and he was complaining about his job, as usual. I felt bad but then felt great because the salespage I just wrote made me a few hundred dollars in just one hour.
Sorry to sound like I'm bragging but you could be doing the same. If you've been involved with Internet Marketing for a while you probably have everything down pat. You could even be making some money off this little game.
If you're not making the kind of money you want and you're doing everything right or you are not making any money and doing everything wrong, the proper salespage can make or break your business.
But Don't Worry ...
I wasn't always writing the best possible salespages to make the most amount of money in the fastest amount of time with the least amount of work. In fact, I struggled for years. But boy oh boy. Once I learned how to write salespages that convert I realized I could sell anything.
Here I am a few years later and I am doing just that. Selling anything to anyone just because I figured out the secrets to writing salespages that convert. When something converts well it makes you more money in less time.
Graphics, offers, testimonials, gimmicks. Those are all parts of a successful sales page but they are so minor compared to proper and effective copywriting that many people including myself simply write a killer sales page and let our writing do the selling.
How Is That Possible?
It's possible because people want to learn. It's a natural instinct that every human being has in them. It's your job as a copywriter to hit that nerve and make them pay for it and feel great about doing so. If you know how to make your sales page convert you'd already know about:
1) Crafting Your Call To Action
If you don't tell someone to do it they are never going to do what you want them to. How can you make anyone do anything? Well, pick this guide up and you'll find out just how to do this and a lot more!
2) The Right Way To Write An Introduction
Your introduction is as vital to your salespages success as any other part. Without knowing what you're doing all your efforts are going to get you no where. Find out exactly how to introduce what you're selling plus much, much, much more!
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
· Why getting attention is not the reason all headlines and sublines are in Red
· The simple way to "reel 'em in" and "make 'em pay" all from your writing
· How proper testimonial writing skills can make or break your marketing
· When just telling people how good your product is won't work any more
· A great way to turn the most boring subject into a cash generating phenom
· The real and right way to leave your visitors in suspense forcing them to buy
· How the big boys warp words and embellish claims and how you can too
· Crafting the perfect highlights that will really make you stand out from the crowd
· Shocking your visitors into buying with a few simple words
· Why countdowns are a thing of the past and how to move towards the future
· And a lot more!
How Much Is That Worth To You?
I’ve seen books that don’t
contain half of the information I’m going to give you sell in the stores
for thirty, forty, even fifty dollars. Thinking about everyone that’s sunk
their hard-earned marketing dollars into these “quick fixes” is enough to
make me want to scream. If they only knew how much value they weren’t getting for their dollar!
I firmly believe that everyone
should have access to this information, which is why I’m offering my e-book
at a bargain price-with a money back guarantee to boot!
100% "Love It or Leave It" 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee!
If you're not totally thrilled with “MAXCON- Making Your Salespage Convert” for whatever reason at all, simply send me an email and I'll cheerfully refund 100% your money with the click of a button. |
You've got a full 90 days to try out the material. This is a no questions asked, no fuss money-back guarantee I like to adopt. |
Is that fair or what?
Look at it this way - $27 really is a drop in the bucket compared to the time and money you can save yourself by avoiding all the other books and tutorials out there. Why spend a fortune learning how to quilt, when you can do so for a much better price?
Here's How To Order To Right Now!
Special Offer - $27 for next 20 orders only!
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P.S. Remember how I wrote about a simple way to scare your visitors into buying what you're selling? Not only will you learn that but you'll gain a whole lot more too!