If you have ever dreamed of living the internet lifestyle...
Kicking Open The Doors to Reveal How You Can Profit From One
of the Easiest, Quickest Ways to Make Money Since Hot Cakes
Were Flying Off The Shelves!"
'Internet Lifestyle' is real and I'm going to tell you the
truth about how you can start to live it!
From: [Insert
name here]
Monday 13:07
Dear Friend,
Everybody is looking to make
more money, and waves and waves of people are crashing
on the shore of the internet and buying a load of products
then being sucked back into the sea of 'normal' work after
they realise a lot of the stuff they buy either doesn't
work or is nowhere near as easy as they make it
out to be.
But making money online IS
possible, and often it is a lot easier than people think,
introducing the ultimate business - affiliate marketing. You
just direct people to other websites to buy things, and if
they do then you get a percentage of the sale for referring
them, that means no dealing with customers and
no dealing with stock or products or any kind - leave
that to the merchants, you just send them the traffic and
get checks in the mail!
As an easy example then did
you know Amazon.com has an affiliate program? All you
do is get people to visit Amazon through your link and if
they buy anything within 24 hours
of clicking through, you get a percentage of the total sale
amount! (and people are buying things from Amazon constantly!).
'My Affiliate Empire'

It is hard to pin down exact
numbers but according to Wikipedia then MarketingSherpa estimated
that in 2006 affiliates worldwide were paid the equivalent
of $6.5 billion in 'bounty and commissions', yes that
is billion!
would you like a slice of that pie?
We may be in the
grip of a recession but people are still buying things
constantly, they are just more wary of prices now
and most reports point to people going online for their purchases
more and more to get the best deals! This means while brick
and mortar businesses are closing all around us then online
businesses are thriving!
I already mentioned
that I think affiliate marketing is the ultimate business
as you don't need to worry about keeping customers happy,
shipping products and having things lost in the post, keeping
stock, having staff answering the phones etc - all the nasty
stuff the online stores have to deal with!
But also having
an online business is one of the few businesses you
can start on a shoestring budget and fit round your
dayjob until you are earning enough to go full time! Most
other business require you to quit your job and risk 'all
or nothing' to get started, not to mention all the cash you
need for offices, storage space, equipment, advertising, signs
Now is the
time to learn the skills you need to profit from the internet,
here is what you could be learning just minutes from now!
How to build your business
with the future in mind (so many people get this wrong
which means they crash and burn after just a few months!) |
to get FREE traffic... |
3 places you
can use so you don't even need to create your own website
to get started! (great to make some money first then
reinvest it!). |
secret to getting into almost any affiliate network (and
what to do to change their mind even if you get turned
down!) |
The place you
absolutely must start off in your affiliate marketing
business, where you can get commissions on products as
high as 75%! |
how to choose the hot offers that are selling like hot
cakes so you can make sure you don't get any duds! |
How to get your feet wet
and make sure you have a winning niche before your commit
too much time to it... |
Exactly how to scale
things up until you are earning as much money as you want
from your 'affiliate empire'! |
and so much
more! |
Here To Order Now
Imagine being able
to tell your boss to shove it and
avoiding the awful morning commute!
I'm not trying to sell you an
impossible dream here, I'm not trying to say that
if you buy this guide suddenly the sky will open up and start
raining money down on you while you sip pina coladas on the
beach, it DOES require work to get started
and you ARE going to make mistakes, you are going to
struggle with things and have to learn the things you need
to know to get traffic and take your business to the next
But wouldn't you rather being
doing that for YOUR business rather than learning things and
working hard just to make your boss money? I used to hate
learning new things at work, it was always boring and more
often than not totally useless anyway - but now I relish the
challenge of learning new things and adding to my arsenal
of affiliate marketing tactics, and the more I learn and apply
then the more I can earn!
time you have an awful day at work will you be able to secretly
smile at the thought that you are building a way to get out
of that hellhole? Or will you just have to grin and bear it
like everyone else?
I know if you have
been looking to make money online for any length of time then
you have no doubt been assaulted by golden promises of push-button
wealth - I do think that affiliate marketing is a golden
opportunity, but I am not trying to rip you off with false
promises, that's why I'm giving you this guarantee for peace
of mind:
Solid 60 Day Guarantee
The risk is totally
on me, unless you are absolutely thrilled with the
of this book then at any time within
60 days of purchase just shoot me an
email and I will refund every last cent to
No questions asked. |
day you stall is another day you have to spend in your job
with no way out.
One of the first
things I cover in this guide is how to find a network where
the commissions you get on products can be as high $75 plus,
so how much should I charge for all this information? I
think $75 would be a fair price, afterall you can make
just ONE sale to get that money back...
But I think $75 is too much,
I really want you to get your hands on this valuable information
and I know that $75 is a lot of cash to hand over at first
so I'm going to give you access to all this information today
for just $27! Make just one sale and you get your money back
- then every sale after that is pure profit!
Look at it this way -- $27
is really a painless drop in the bucket to be able to get
your hands on 'My Affiliate Empire' and start
using it right away to build an online business!
you want to start making money with affiliate
marketing then you need “My Affiliate Empire”
It's easy to
get started right away. Just click the order link below.
Click here to order right now
for only $27 (even if it’s 3:00 am in the morning).
"My Affiliate Empire"
Buy It Now $37 Today $17
you going to take action and start to make money online
just dream about it and watch as others do it?
There is a ton
of money to made online, but only for those people who
stop messing around with get-rich-quick schemes and start
to build a real business - learn how to make real money
with affiliate marketing with 'My Affiliate Empire'.
[Insert name here]
P.S. Don't forget I
shoulder ALL the risk here, unless you
are absolutely blown away by the information then you
don't pay a penny - it's as simple as that!
Here To Order Now
P.P.S Every second
you don't have this information you are missing out as people
are constantly buying products online that you could have
directed them to and made a commission off - grab your
share now!
make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent
this product and its potential for income. There is
no guarantee that you will make any specific level
of income and you accept the risk that the earnings
will differ by individual.
with any business, your results may vary, and will be
based on your individual capacity, business experience,
expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees
concerning the level of success you may or may not experience.
Any examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee
that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Each individual’s success depends on his or her
background, dedication, desire and motivation.
is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be
duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future
results and/or success. There are some unknown risks
in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee
which can reduce results. We are not responsible for
your actions.
use of our information, products and services should
be based on your own due diligence and you agree that
our company is not liable for any success or failure
of your business that is directly or indirectly related
to the purchase and use of our information, products
and services
you think this product is a magic pill that will make
you money without any effort please do not buy it. You
will be required to put effort into learning this system
and with any business there is a very real possibility
you may lose money.
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