A Passion For Pilates

Here it comes again galloping up behind you like a prized racehorse out to compete for the Kentucky Derby!  Summer!  Picnics, 4th of July celebration, warm lazy days basking in the sun at the beach – screeeeech – the beach!

The beach – that place where you remove most of your clothing and bare your body to the world.  That place where you have to watch all the 18 to 20 somethings strutting their stuff in bathing suits that have less fabric in them than the dinner napkin draped across your thighs.

You’ve tried all the diets.  You’ve crammed down enough protein to open your own meat p0acking business!  You’ve consumed enough grapefruit to save the entire world from scurvy! 

Heck, you even broke down one year and bought a membership to a gym that you attended ONE TIME!  Mixing it up with those same 18 to 20 somethings on their own turf was just too much agony to endure.

What’s a girl (or guy) to do?  Maybe it’s time to try a different approach.  Sure, you might want to cut down on the glazed doughnuts and trade the sour cream for something a little more beneficial like cottage cheese, the light kind.

If you’ve tried every exercise routine known to the civilized world maybe it’s time to take a look at something just a little bit different.  Maybe you need to develop A Passion for Pilates!

Pilates is a totally different approach to exercise than what you may be accustomed to.  Forget about exercising to lose weight and shift your focus to physical activity and exercise that aims to improve the body’s strength and flexibility.

Yep.  Repeat it.  Focus on improving your strength and flexibility.

So how do you do that?  Glad you asked.  You can learn what you need to know by reading A Passion for Pilates!  Take a look at what is available between the lines of this dynamic digital presentation:

Ø      What Is Pilates? – learn the history and development of this modality

Ø      Beginning Pilates – where do you start?  Explained in simple terms where to go, what to wear, what to expect and more

Ø      Beginning Mat Pilates – what exercises to begin with are discussed here

Ø      Props for Pilates – do you need a reformer, Pilates chair or a spine supporter?  Get started using the mat as discussed above but be aware of what is available.

Ø      What is Contrology? – this is literally the backbone of the Pilates System.

Ø      Pilates for Rebuilding Strength and Flexibility Parts One through Six

o       Part One - Stomach Massage, Knee Stretch and Kneeling

o       Part Two - Long Box, Roll Down and Plank/Long Stretch Series

o       Part Three - Stomach Massage, Knee Stretch and Kneeling

o       Part Four - Leg and Long Spine, Open and Close, Hollywood Legs and 3 Way Hip Stretch

o       Part Five - Short Box Series and Around the World

o       Part Six - Split Series and Advanced

Ø      And a special section for Pilates Resources!

Now honestly, if you have tried every other method out there for losing weight maybe it’s time to try a different approach.

Wouldn’t it be great this summer to throw away your wrap and just enjoy the sunshine?  Well, you can do it and you can do it now!

Written in easy to understand plain English A Passion for Pilates! will give you answers to questions you haven’t even thought of yet about how to use Pilates.

Grab your copy today and you, too, can prepare to head for the beach!