“Do You LOVE Everything Elvis?” Want to Know More About the KING Before He
Was a STAR? Learn About His Life with Priscilla and Lisa Marie? Be Inspired by His Life and Music? Dear Elvis Admirer, Have you always been intrigued by Elvis, his life and his music? How did a country boy become one of the biggest legends of rock-n-roll music? Where did he begin and how did fame and fortune change his life and the lives of those he touched? Elvis' legend lives on... New generations continue to be fascinated by Elvis and his music. He was truly a 'legend in his own time' and since his death in 1977 his fame has only continued to grow. But who was Elvis BEFORE he was a legend, how did he become famous and how did fame and its pressures take over his life? “Want to Know the REAL ELVIS?” You've seen the hair, the glitzy jumpers and the movies set in Hawaii, but WHO was Elvis really? How did his past influence the music he sang, the choices he made and the life he led? Who were his friends and family and what do their experiences say about Elvis? How did his music develop and where did his fame take him? Get ready to find out all the details. Whether you're a longtime Elvis fan or a recent one, you'll find the stories of his life, family and fame to be thrilling, entertaining and emotional. His story has been told by others before, but now it's up to you to fill in the gaps and imagine the story only his past can tell. Ask the questions, find out the answers! Once you get started you won't want to stop. Elvis' life story is sure to captivate you... Before you move
to Memphis or book a trip to Vegas, satisfy your curiosity in the
comfort of your home with information on the songs that made Elvis a
hit, how his image changed during his career and the personal struggles
that plagued him... All this and more in...
Where was Elvis born and raised, and how did it influence his music? Who were the people that Elvis was closest too? What do their lives tell you about Elvis? How did Elvis first get into music and what reaction did he get? What songs first made Elvis a household name? How did he become popular? What made Elvis' style and music change over his career? Learn more about the performances that shot Elvis into music history How did the musician become an actor, and what was his life like then? What made Elvis join the military and how did that choice affect him? Who was Priscilla and what kind of life did Elvis have with her as his wife? Learn more about the only child of the famous King! Where is Graceland and how is it preserving Elvis' memory? What part did drugs play in Elvis' life and how did it begin?
What brought Elvis back to live performances and how did fans react?
What You’ll Also Get… Learn about Elvis' struggle with weight and how it jeopardized his career What happened during Elvis' final days? What kind of life did Elvis have in the end? Have you personally been touched by Elvis' music? Do you want to know more about the country boy who became world famous as much for his music as his charisma and quivering hips? Download ‘ELVIS - Life of the King of Rock'n'Roll’ right now!
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