Dear Exotic Pet Lover, Exotic pets are popular, interesting and can be a richly rewarding experience! If cats and dogs are not your thing - or simply not allowed, you will find the world of exotic pets to be the answer! Do you find spiders fascinating? Or do reptiles catch your eye? Looking for cute and fuzzy? Ferrets and mice could fit the bill! Whatever your interest, exotic pets have different needs and equipment from your standard pets, so getting the right information will help you get the pet you want and ensure it enjoys a long and healthy life. What Special Needs Do Exotic Pets Have? Depending on the exotic pet you choose you may have to set up aquariums, cages, heaters or other equipment. Preparing for the cost in advance will help you to ensure you have the means to care for a special pet. What kind of food will it eat? Some exotic pets also come with exotic diets. Do you need to find a source of LIVE food such as insects or rodents? Since diet contributes to the health and well being of your pet it is important to understand the method and costs of keeping it fed the food it needs. Who will care for your pet when you're away? Unlike owners of dogs and cats, it can be difficult to find a friend that has the knowledge and expertise to care for exotic pets when you're away. Locating health care can be equally tricky. "Where Can You Find the Answers?” Before you get your exotic pet you can get the important information you need right here! Find answers to common questions about exotic pet ownership and prepare for bringing your four legged (or eight legged or no legged) pet home! All the basic information is here, from where to buy, to what to feed and how to find the RIGHT one for you...
What You’ll Also Get…
“Exciting Exotic Pets Await You!” Whether you already have a pet in mind, or are open to new possibilities, owning an exotic pet is a rewarding experience for the right person - being prepared in advance will help you make the commitment and bring you and your pet years of pleasure! If you are serious about owning an exotic pet, there's no better place to get all the answers you need to get started...
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P.S. Don’t forget that another day without using the advice available in ‘Basic Guide to Exotic Pet Ownership and Care' means one more day of missing out on the rewards of living with exotic pets. To start your journey to exotic pet ownership, get your copy Today!
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