From healthy to helpless in less than a second is a scary thought. This FREE book HOW TO SURVIVE THE FIRST TEN DAYS AFTER A STROKE can help you understand what stroke is and show you some of the ways to deal with suddenly being more helpless than you've ever been before. It was also written to help you get your life (mind and limbs) back to proper working order in the shortest time possible. STROKE IS SERIOUS BUSINESSOf every 100 people who are hospitalized for a stroke, 15 - 40 will return home someday, but they will require home care services for rehabilitation. Stroke rehabilitation is one of the key components of stroke care. The goal of rehabilitation is to assist stroke survivors to reach his or her optimal level of physical, social, and emotional function. Is it possible to bring dead limbs back to life by having someone move them around? Yes, and the good news is if you go at recovery with purpose then a full and complete recovery can happen at any time, just as suddenly as when you lost everything.
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