"Who Else Is Ready To
Get Master Resell Rights To This Brand Spankin' New Christmas Package,
With Graphics That Will Blow Away Your Customers, Incredible Content, A
COMPLETE Resellers Kit And Enough Cash For Your Whole Family To Start
Believing In Santa Claus Again?"
sale xmas
Happy Holidays!
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From The North Pole Station Of:
Your Name
Dear Online Merry Makers -
its Christmas again and the flurry of shoppers are clouding the
streets, stores, and local bars. Holidays can be a HUGE
annoyance, but we cannot forget what this time of year is all about!
Its Christmas! That is family time to the MAX!
know that if you are like me, you want your family to have a great time
this holiday season and that is why I have put so much work into this
holiday resellers package. I know you will enjoy this as will
all of your loyal subscribers -
Christmas Package will give you the opportunity to make tons of Cash and turn you into Santa
Himself or....You can just give the money to the poor!
With the collection of
Christmas items below; graphics, fast cash ideas, children stories,
recipes, and so much more, you really stand the best chance online this
season to make some fast cash!
And with the resellers kit,
professional sales page, thank you page, and spectacular graphics to
boot? Who needs any other products out there right now?
A Quick Check List Of What You Will Get:
50 Christmas childrens stories for you to share with your loved ones! |
including 35 Christmas tales and stories with complete Private Label rights! |
Cookie Recipes, with hundreds of cookie recipes to choose from or to
combine to make your own traditional cookie for your family and friends. |
more recipes ebooks in PDF format
Time Favorite Christmas Cookies
Simple And Delicious Recipes For Your Special
Holiday Candy & Fudge Recipes
Pumpkin Pies and other recipes
Earning FAST Christmas Cash report that gives you many ways and ideas to generate holiday income on the GO! |
Super Christmas, Professional minisite graphics (see below for
examples) that you can immediately put to use with your content! |
A copy of this sales page! |
A Thank You Page! |
Graphics (alone worth the price of this package ten times over) with
incorporated flash for 'flashy' graphics that catch your readers
attention! |
Sample Graphics Included
Christmas Night Mini Site. Complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Christmas Wreath Mini Site, complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Christmas Candles Mini Site, complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Happy Snowman Mini Site, complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Christmas Bows Mini Site, complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Elegant Holly Mini Site, complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Snowman Snowglobe Mini Site, complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Santa & Sleigh Mini Site, complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Christmas Tree Mini Site, complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Santas List Mini Site, complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Sants With Presents Mini Site, complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Sants With Money Bags Mini Site, complete with header, footer, order button, small book and large book graphics with background! |
Have A Unique Opportunity, because this has never been offered to the
public, EVER before right now! Jump on board and get your copy so
that you can start making money 20 minutes from now! Plus you
will have all of this unique content to spicen up your holiday season
with your loved ones!
Subscriber Special!
You Receive Complete Replica Of This
Sales Letter And Thank You Page!

You Get The Complete Reseller Package To Start Earning Money ASAP!
(With Master Resell Rights)
Your Order Button Goes Here
Hurry, At This Price They Are Going To Go Fast!
To Your Eternal Success!
Your Name Goes Here