Setting up the back-end for your PayPal based sales
sites and giveaways used to be a total pain... At Least Until Now!
If you'll give me a few minutes of your time I'll show you how
you can completely automate your sales sites in 7
minutes or less...
Automate The Entire Sales & Product Delivery Process For
All Of Your PayPal Based
Sites in 7 Minutes or Less!"
This Could Be
The Easiest System Ever Put Together To
Automate All Of Your sales site Processes From
PayPal IPN, To Emailing Your Customers,
Handling Downloads, And More!
No Programming Skills Required!
Date: July 28th, 2007
From: Cheryl Lee
What if I told you that you could skyrocket your traffic, produce
more sales than you ever thought possible, all with minimal work and
very little out of pocket expense!
Would that excite you?
There is an incredibly powerful marketing tactic that can truly
provide that sort of scenario for anybody wanting it.
Over the past year I've quietly been promoting low cost
infoproducts and secretly creating a very comfortable
income. (that's not important but what you're about
to read next is -- and it can have a direct impact on
your online sales process)
In the
process of creating these sales sites, it's seems that
there's always the problem of figuring out how to handle
the back-end processes such as setting up the PayPal IPN
scripting (for handling instant payment notifications),
product delivery systems, emailing clients to make sure
they receive their products, how to create and add-in
one-time-offer pages, and so on...
And frankly, it was often a customer support
People not clicking on those pesky little "Return to
Merchant" buttons after their purchase, not following
instructions, exiting the 'signup page' and a whole
laundry list of other problems wound up taking up my
time and taking away from my marketing efforts. (I
know that many of you have already experienced this
doing this for awhile, I decided to come up with a
better way, so I wouldn't spend more than half of my
time creating these same processes over and over again,
and free up my time so I can create even more money
making websites in less time, with less effort.
after much trial, error and perfecting this new
application, I'm making it available to you.
Seriously, why would you
create your sales sites or your JV giveaway signup pages
using only half-measures? (You don't have to answer
that...) Why not create a truly
automated sales system that can handle everything for
you from the sales process, to product delivery, to
handling your one-time-offer pages and sales?
about a system that allows you to give others the
ability to sell your products and keep 100% of the money
from those sales while you get the new sign-ups to your
email lists? (I know that's nothing new but when
yours runs as smooth as silk it will gain the respect of
your customers and naturally create joint venture
partners with no additional effort on your part -- think
about that for a minute)
Why not
use a system that allows you to choose if you want to
share the front end sales with people who're promoting
and also allows you to choose if you share the back-end
sales from your one-time-offers?
"Let's Look At A
Typical Sales Site Setup..."
create a sales site to sell your latest product or
service. You allow people who purchase your
product/service to promote it and make 100% from any
sales they drive to your site, and you get the new
sign-ups to your email list.
You also
create a one-time-offer on the back-end so you can make
money from those sales as well, from anyone who takes
advantage of it.
So, you
have an index page, a thank you page, and a
one-time-offer page you've created.
"How Do You Tie Them All Together?"
Typical Manual Setup:
go to PayPal and create a "Buy Now" button from their
system. You put the successful return URL in the button
form (the URL people are suppose to be redirected to
upon success purchase of your product) and a URL if they
cancel the purchase they're suppose to be returned to.
direct a successful purchase to your one-time-offer page
and add a "No Thank You" button to that page in case
they choose not to take you up on your OTO offer which
directs them to your thank you page.
You add
a download URL to your thank you page where your
customer can download his/her purchase.
protect your download page, you encrypt the PayPal
button so people cannot find out where your download URL
is located.
That's a typical way of creating these sales sites, and it
works. Most of the time. But there are many problems
setting up your sales sites the "old fashioned way", let's
look at a few...
#1 With Typical Setups:
happens to those people who purchase from you, but they
never click the "Return To Merchant" button at
PayPal after making their payment? This happens a lot,
and if you've been doing business online for any length
of time at all, you know this to be true.
#2 With Typical Setups:
happens is many people simply don't look close enough to
that final page at PayPal after making a purchase, and
many of them simply close their browser window, and go
check their email for information from you about their
purchase. (If you done any type of dime sales, 100%
commissions sales and the like then you know I'm not
making this up)
Well, if
you're using a system like the one mentioned above, your
clients are not getting an email from you or your
system. They sit and wait, and after a few minutes of
not receiving their information from you, they send off
an email to you. (The benefits of this feature are
You then
spend your time hunting down your download links and
URLs so you can send off the product download URL to
your customers. (This can be a huge waste of time...
and then there are the REALLY impatient people who file
a complaint with PayPal. To make matters worse you might
be on vacation or just out spending some time with your
friends and family. It's not that you're trying to cheat
anyone or that your customer support is lame... it's
just that your system needs improving)
Unfortunately, this is a very typical scenario, and it
happens to a lot of merchants. This is not only
unproductive, but it takes a lot of time away from you
that you could be spending on more productive issues.
#3 With Typical Setups:
problem with the manual setup like the above site
(and this one's a biggy) is that you have no way of
setting up a viral system.
One of
the greatest features you can setup on your sales sites
is making them viral! That's offering 100% commissions
on either the front-end or back-end sales, or both,
and allowing your customers the chance to make money
from your site, while you grab the email addresses
from your new site visitors and grow your list.
If you really want to see your profits grow and watch
your email list rise like mom added to much yeast to the
mix, make your sales sites viral, and be ready for
major growth in your online business.
So, how
do we cure the problems above?...
"PHP And PayPal IPN
To The Rescue!"
offers a system called IPN (Instant Payment
Notification) and you can use this system to handle a
lot of the back-end processes for your sales sites.
(I'm sure that you might be saying "Great, I don't know
a thing about programming PHP and I don't have a clue
how to set up IPN" -- that's okay because you don't have
to know a thing about it)
In the
scenario above, your customer could have received
his/her email with download link if you had IPN set up
on that site. It's very easy to do, just grab an IPN
script written in PHP which PayPal offers from their
site for free, modify it to send an email to your
customers when a sale is made, and everything is taken
care of from that point on.
what if you don't know how IPN works and you don't know
how to write PHP code?
you can always hire a programmer to create this back-end
system for you or you can spend much less and grab a
copy of my eProfit Generator
and let it do all of that work for you!

eProfit Generator is
a software program that is installed on your
desktop. It will manage all of your dime sales, 100%
commissions sites or any other PayPal based site for you
without you lifting a finger.
Now you don't have to go it alone. eProfit Generator will
automate virtually all aspects of managing your joint venture
It'd be crazy to try and do it manually. This new software will free
up time so you can do more profitable things.
Generator Is Point And Click Easy!"
Using eProfit Generator to set
up all of your sales sites is a breeze.
Even if
you have existing sales sites that need updated to this
new system, you can do it all in just a matter of
minutes using this system.
eProfit Generator is a
Windows® desktop application that you simply tell it
where your pages are located, click a couple of buttons,
and it spits out an entire whole new system for you to
upload to your server!
You DO NOT have to program anything at
all, it does all of the programming for you in an
instant of the back-end sales system.
And, the
eProfit Generator is more than just a
sales system, it can also help you when setting up JV
Giveaway signup sites as well.
"Look At Everything eProfit Generator Offers You:"
- Set Up Complete Sales sales sites With
PayPal IPN
- Emails Your Customers When
They Make A Successful Purchase
- Allows You To Add-In A One-Time-Offer
Page To The Selling Process
- Can Setup Signup Pages To
Handle Email Signups
- Can Setup One-Time-Offers In Your Signup
- Protects Your Thank
You/Download Pages From Non-Paying Bandits
- Sends Out A Different Email For Your
One-Time-Offer Purchases
- Allows You To Customize The
Emails To Fit Your Business And Style
- Creates Your PayPal Purchase Buttons,
Complete With All Code Added
- Allows You To Offer 100%
Commissions On Front-End Sales
- Allows Your To Offer 100% Commissions On
Back-End Offers
- Absolutely No Programming
Required On Your Part!
- Cool Desktop Video Tutorial Set Included
- Just Upload Entire Package
To Your Server, And Promote
And there's more. . .
Now And Receive The Following Bonuses:
- sales site Template Set For Creating Your
Index, Thank You, And OTO Pages
- 10 Different Header And Footer Graphics Sets Package
- Plus,
FREE Updates And Upgrades To This
System As They Are Released!
Now, with the eProfit Generator,
creating all of your PayPal IPN based automated websites
is fast and easy! And don't forget, it will set up your
signup sites as well.
You can grab this
incredible new application for the once in a life time
low price of only $9.97
And, if that were not
enough, if you purchase right now, I'm going to
give you a special link which will allow you to promote
and sell this system to your friends, customers and
email list and keep 100% of the profits from those sales
deposited directly into your PayPal account.
And as always, this new software
comes with my 30-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee!
"Here Is My Personal, No Risk,
30-Day Money Back Guarantee"
If you are not completely
thrilled with the eProfit Generator
software, then simply let me know and I will refund 100% of
money! I will take the risk with this guarantee because I am
positive that you will absolutely love this product and begin
creating and automating a ton profitable joint ventures immediately!
You get a full 30 days to test it, and try it out to see
yourself how easy it is to use. |
And, when you order today you'll also get one additional
Order today and you'll also receive a
free copy of the "Redirect Generator"
The "Redirect Generator" is an easy-to-use
software tool that allows you to create redirect pages to protect
your affiliate links.
With the "Redirect Generator" you've got the freedom to
title, keyword and description meta tags.
Redirect Generator hides your affiliate link (including Clickbank
hop links) and allows you to create professional looking redirect urls.
This tool is valued at $27 but it's yours free when you purchase
eProfit Generator.
So what
are you waiting for?... The entire risk is on me, you
have a full 30 days to try my system and see how it
works for you.
"Add It All Up!"
You're receiving...
The eProfit Generator -
A $97 Value
The Custom
Template Set For This System - $47 Value
The Custom Header And Footer
Graphics Set - $47 Value
The Redirect Generator
- $27
That's a total value of $218.00 if you purchased everything
separately, but because you're purchasing today from this special sales site,
you get everything for the incredible low price of only: $9.97!
All you
have to do is simply click the button below and place
your order. You'll receive instant access to this new
system. Click the button below now:
To Your Success,
Cheryl Lee
P.S. Remember, you are also receiving a special
link so you can promote and sell this system and keep
100% of the profits from any sales you generate! All
sales are placed into your own PayPal account the minute
a sale is made.
P.S. #2 Also, you're receiving the step-by-step
tutorial videos which will walk you by the hand through
the entire setup process. But don't worry, it's
extremely easy, and after creating one sales site system,
you'll have the process down to a science.
P.S. #3 I almost forgot to mention that this
very sales site itself is being handled by the eProfit
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