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From the desks of: Bobby and Rob
Date: Thursday 12:28 P.M.
RE: Niche Affiliate Blogging For Massive Profits
Dear fellow bloggers/affiliate marketers,
You'll probably be as shocked as I was when you hear this... Did you know that there are about ten million active blogs worldwide? And according to several studies, very few blog owners generate any income. In fact, most bloggers earn nothing! Zilch! Zero!
How can this be? Well, the reason why most bloggers are not earning an income they can be proud of is simple.
It really is!
And you are about to learn this startling reason in just a moment... but first, let me introduce you to a group of bloggers that you may never knew existed.
"A Secret Elite Bloggers Society..."
Hidden from view from the rest of the blogging world, there is a 'secret elite bloggers society' that few talk about. In fact, those in this society would rather people like you never know about it. Why?
It's because they have learned a secret. A secret so powerful that it has enabled many of them to break free from the shackles of their 9-5. In fact, many of the people who are part of this society are now totally free. Free to do what they want whenever they want to do it. Truly living the life.
So how much are some of these bloggers earning? Well in a recent secret study and massive research project conducted by an undercover 007 blogger found some astounding results. Take a look at this...
Name |
Blogging Income Yr. |
Name |
Blogging Income Yr. |
M. Frind |
$3,650,000.00 |
M. Daimler |
$360,000.00 |
D. Miles Jr. |
$1,200,00.00 |
J. Comm |
$281, 501.52 |
J. Calacanis |
$1,095,000.00 |
J. Ribeiras |
$240,000 |
T. Carter |
$511,000.00 |
S. Maguire |
$237,250.00 |
R. Gardner |
$436,797.00 |
Al X |
$153,921.24 |
S. Pavlina |
$365,000.00 |
J. Chow |
$140,431.92 |
This is just a small sample of the thousands and thousands of people who are earning a six-figure income from blogging! So how are they doing it and why have most of you been going about it all wrong?
Read it cover to cover. Easy to understand and follow. Great job!
Flint, Michigan |
"The Little Known Secret On How People Like You Are
Able To Earn A Six-Figure Income Blogging Part-Time"
First, it's important for you to know that it's not your fault. You've just been doing what everyone else is doing because you didn't know any better. It seems that 95% of the bloggers in the world are simply 'following the herd'.
Think about what you're doing here! If you keep following the masses, you'll keep duplicating their results, which gives you little to no income coming in from your blogs!
It's time for you to break free from the masses and start doing what those in the elite blogging society do. Now, are you ready for this?
The secret to earning a six-figure income with your blogs is by creating a new blog for each category (niche) that you want to make money from. Yes, it's really that simple... but there's a little more to it.
What most bloggers are doing is what we like to call "life-blogging". They blog about their life, their thoughts, movies, games, clothing, TV shows, and on and on. They are all over the place! One day they will blog about the movie they saw last night and then the next day they blog about how their dog wouldn't stop barking at the mailman.
By looking at 95% of the blogs out there, one would think that all bloggers have A.D.D. because they bounce around from one subject to the next! And what makes matters worse is that everyone else who reads their blogs are conditioned to blog the same way.
This has created a massive domino effect in the blogging industry!
However, this can also be looked at as an enormous opportunity for those who are looking to earn massive profits with their blogs.
The opportunity to earn a four, five, or six-figure income from niche blogging is bigger than ever before because of the "life-bloggers"! Now you probably want to know how to take advantage of this massive opportunity, right?
"Here's How You Can Take Your Blogging To
New Heights Using This Powerful Secret!"
The term "niche blogging" is simply blogging about one specific subject - and sticking to that subject. For example, let's say that you have a blog about gardening. You would then blog about the 50,000 or more different subjects that are all gardening related.
As you blog about flowers, dirt, fertilizer, tips, hints, trees, etc. you're creating your very own niche blog. Now here is one of the secrets behind this that all five, six, and seven figure blog earners know... By sticking to the same subject that others are interested in, you'll start to build a following.
And that following will become repeat visitors to your blog, often returning to your blog once a day or more. Now the key here is that they are returning because you are always blogging about the subject they are interested in. 95% of the bloggers out there miss this completely!
Free Tip! If you bounce around from one subject to the next, you will never build a following!
Now as your following builds, you'll also be attracting other people to your blog who are also interested about gardening. Now you have three out of the four main components to niche blogging to generate income!
I didn't realize it was going to be this easy to setup! Being a complete newbie had me a little worried, but your course was very easy. Thank you!
Phoenix, AZ. |
"Niche Content + Returning Visitors + New Visitors =
A Ton of Traffic to Your Blog"
Having a ton of traffic to your blog will be the main driving force behind building a successful niche blog. But we're missing that one final component... the one that will fill your back account...
What is it?
Affiliate Programs.
By combining all four components correctly, you'll propel yourself into the stratosphere when it comes to generating income from your blogs!
Now let's be honest. There's a slow way to accomplish the goal of exploding your blogging income... and there is a hyperactive pedal to the metal fast track way.
If you are the type who likes to figure everything out on your own and wait a year or two to see the results you are looking for, then we suggest that you stop reading right now. You have a lot of research, testing, interviewing, tweaking, and countless hours of frustration ahead of you. So you better leave now and get to work if you are this type of person.
However, if you are the type of person who likes to see instant results and start exploding your blogging income right away by learning from someone who is earning thousands of dollars per year blogging part-time, then hold on to your hat!
If you are truly ready to learn everything you need to do, step-by-step, using the world's first hyper warp speed methods to instantly build your blog empire, explode your income, and save months or even years of time, then I would like to introduce you to the...
"Niche Blog Affiliate Profits Course: The First Ever No Holds Barred Step-By-Step System That Teaches You How To Create Highly Profitable Niche Blogs That Create Massive Profits And Run Completely On Auto-Pilot!"
Now I want to show you exactly what I'm doing to make a nice full-time income using this system. But first, I think it's important for you to know where I'm coming from.
My name is Bobby and I have three incredible children, a wonderful wife, and I own a carpet cleaning business that has owned my life for many years. Because of my carpet cleaning business, I often missed a lot of those 'once in a lifetime' moments like when my daughter took her first steps, or when my son said his first word.
Then one day it dawned on me. If I keep going at this rate working 60+ hours a week, six and sometimes seven days a week, I'm going to miss out on a lot of important things.
I remember the day I finally decided to make something happen. I was driving to an appointment in my van and I passed a baseball field. Now I've passed this field a thousand times, but for some reason this day was different.
As I drove by I saw the kids playing a game and a thought flashed through my mind. In four or five years from now, will I be driving by this same field on my way to another carpet cleaning job while my son is playing in a Little League game?
"It's funny how in one moment... one thought can alter
the direction of your life completely for the better."
Now I'm not much of a computer wiz. I knew about e-mail and used the computer a little here and there. But I also knew that people were making a lot of money from the internet - and I felt that it was the answer I was searching for.
After countless months of trial and error, I finally figured out a system. A system so powerful that I'm creating one niche blog after another like clockwork that now brings in a solid six-figure income for me and my family.
And because of this system I'm about to share with you, I am free of stress! I now have a lot more time to spend with my family and best of all, I don't have to worry about missing any more of those 'once in a lifetime' events. Life is incredible.
This is exactly what I want for you. You deserve it. You owe it to yourself to learn this system. If a carpet cleaning computer dummy who didn't even know what a blog was at first, can do this... you will no doubt be able to do many times better than I have!
Image waking up every morning and seeing your PayPal account stuffed with cash! There's nothing like it in the world! Here, take a look at one of my accounts:

This is a very useful package that has been put together. Not only is it an awesome value, but the material is super easy to follow and implement.
Rory S.
Aledo, TX.

You can have the same financial independence and freedom that I have. You can free yourself from your current day job and relax in the comfort of your own home while you work only 3 or 4 hours just a few days a week! So are you ready? Great! Let's dive in!
"Introducing....Niche Blog Affiliate Profits!"
Now you can start generating multiple affiliate commissions from ClickBank, Commission Junction, ClickBooth and more using this killer blog system!
No Pay Per Click Costs
No SEO Skills needed
No HTML Knowledge
No Customers To Deal With
Create... Profit... Duplicate! |
I've spent countless hours on the Niche Blog Affiliate Profits System making sure everything is 100% very quick and easy to duplicate! So even if you just got online yesterday, you'll be able to copy the system and start generating your own affiliate checks online! Wait, I know what you're thinking and wanting to ask...
"This sounds great, but if it's so easy and you make so much
money doing it, why would you reveal your secrets?"
I understand your concern, especially with some of the low quality material out these days. Here's the answer... and I've made it as simple as I know how, even though this information may shock some of you..
Studies show that only about 10% of the population actually reads what they buy. Crazy, I know! Now out of that 10%, only a handful of people will consistently apply my techniques day in and day out. What does this mean? It means few people will take action and create an online income for themselves. This allows me to share my secrets with as many people as I want with no fear of competition hurting my business. Not to mention there are thousands of different niches you can make money with! |
"This leaves the door wide open for you!"
You can start implementing these super simple techniques immediately after grabbing your own copy of "Niche Blog Affiliate Profits" and be one of the few who truly makes it online! You owe it to yourself to be one of the elite few that can say..."I make a full time living online from the comfort of my own home and I love it!"
If you've ever tried to make money with affiliate programs, you know how lucrative this industry can be from the stories you hear out there. In my opinion, it's the perfect business. Setting up your affiliate programs and making money with the "Niche Blog Affiliate Profits System" is as easy as it gets! No selling, no employees, no customer headaches... it's the ultimate work at home business!
Another PayPal screenshot from a brand new niche blog that has links to two ebooks:

"So How Exactly Does The Niche Blog
Affiliate Profits System Work?"
In a nutshell, you buy a domain, find a niche market, find an affiliate program for your niche, plug-in one of the thousands of free WordPress templates available, and then publish all the information online. Post blogs on your main topic and over time, you'll start to get 'organic' traffic from search engines.
What does this mean for you....FREE TRAFFIC!
There's a big catch to this though... you have to know how to pick your domain, choose your niche, match up the right affiliate program, and publish the blog online. Not only that, you need to know the right ways to promote the affiliate programs, how to pitch them, how to find the right ones, and on and on and on... This is what took me endless months to learn because no one is teaching this out there!
This can be a serious headache and take up a lot of your precious time. Believe me, I know!
Because of my prior frustrations trying to figure everything out, I have created a system that automates 95% of everything for you. You'll be creating your online niche blog empire in no time!
Now you can have the flexibility to work your own hours, spend more time with your family, and be financially independent. You can have it all!
Once you've put a few of these money makers online and start generating nice profits.... you've made it! You'll then be able to create income for yourself anytime you want. It's up to you how many of these niche blogs that you want to create. You're in complete control!
"Here's what you will discover when you get your own copy of the Niche Blog Affiliate
Profits System!"
-How to choose and setup a niche domain!
-How to find super hot niches!
-How to match up the perfect affiliate offer!
-How to target the right longtail keywords!
-How to get free traffic to your blog!
-How to automate 95% of your work!
And Much, Much More! |
Module #1
Affiliate Programs For Your Niche
Having a hard time finding affiliate programs for weird or obscure niches? That's no longer a problem as I reveal my sources for finding affiliate programs for virtually any niche you can think of and never new existed! |
Module #2
Niche Blog Automation
Automation is what separates the pro's from the amateurs. All super successful marketers automate their business, this module shows you the ropes and kicks your niche blog business into overdrive! |
Module #3
Free Blog Traffic
Traffic to your websites will make or break your business. Discover these simple, yet effective techniques for getting traffic to your blogs in no time! |
Module #4
Choosing A Domain For Your Niche
Forget about what you've heard... having a keyword rich domain does make a difference. We'll show you which types of domains work better or worse with the major search engines and give you strategies for each! |
Module #5
Longtail Niche Keywords
This is essential to run a successful niche blog business. We'll show you how to properly choose the right keywords that will have your blog making money for you in no time! |
Module #6
How To Find Hot Niches
Finding hot and responsive niches for your blogs is key and this module will show you what you need to know so you can pick the best topics for your niche blogs. All the secrets are revealed in this one! |
I've taken out all the hard work for you and condensed it down into easy to read and easy to follow ebook modules. Just a couple of hours with my modules and you'll be on your way to starting the online business you have always dreamed about!
You'll finally have the opportunity to see what it's like to work from home, set your own hours, and live a stress free life! It can be all yours right now! Don't you want it? Then grab it and take control!
The Niche Blog Affiliate Profits System is a proven step-by-step system to get you up and running in no time!
And right now you have a truly limited-time offer to nearly steal the Niche Blog Affiliate Profits System! Because this is a brand new course, I want to make 100% sure that anyone who wants to make money niche blogging can afford this course.
"Save $87.03 By Securing Your Niche Blog Affiliate Profits System Today!"
The original launch price of the complete system is $97. But because I'd love to see you get started today and see you making money by this time next week, I'm going to give you a one-time $87.03 discount and give the entire course to you for only $9.97!
But not only that, I'm going to throw in a super fast-start bonus that will be limited to the first 50 orders. This is something that I've never seen anyone else do, and I hope this proves that I am 100% dedicated to helping you succeed!
Super Fast Start Bonus
Limited to the first 50 orders ONLY!
If you are reading this, then that means that this offer is still available! The first 50 orders that come in will receive full support from me via e-mail!
You will get my private e-mail address where you can ask me questions and pick my brain as much as you want for a full 30 days!
That is more than enough time to help you get started and earning income from your current - or even a brand new blog! No one else out there offers this type of supprt at no extra cost! So for the first 50 people who secure their course, I will be here to help you succeed!
This is a $500 Value! |
And to help relieve any doubts or questions that you have, on top of the super fast start bonus, I'm also going to provide you with a guarantee that'll back up everything I've told you today.
"You Have My Absolutely Rock Solid 100% Guaranteed Promise That You Will Make Money - Or You'll Get Your Money Back.
No Questions Asked!"

But that's not all... You will also receive these incredible bonuses worth over $300.00! These are yours to keep forever.
Amazing Bonus #1
Easy Blog Traffic- This is a complete blogging course with 12 videos, 2 mp3 recordings and 2 ebooks. It also includes Master Resell Rights! The lowest price we've seen for the course that included master resell rights is $34. You get it with our package for free! Click here to see the actual sales page for the course. |
Amazing Bonus #2
Get Yaro's incredible ebook "Blog Profits Blueprint" as well as the MP3 audio recording. Discover the no-nonsense way to build your blog into a full time income from a true "master" of the game! |
Amazing Bonus #3
Not sure how to make a blog? Read this easy to follow ebook and learn the basics fast. Have your blog up and running, making you money in no time flat. Includes Master Resell Rights! |
Amazing Bonus #4
Ready to make money from your blog the lazy way? The Blogger Adsense Guide is the ultimate guide to raking in massive Google Adsense cash with blogger (Blogspot) blogs, designed for newbies who need a shortcut. Even if you have no blogging experience and don't know anything about Google Adsense, you can still make money! Master Resell Rights Included! |
Amazing Bonus #5
"Murder Your Job 2007 Edition" will show you how to build your very own autopilot internet business in 30 days or less. This 51 page action packed report will show you a simple 3 step system to start making at least $1000 per week from the Internet. |
Whether you're new to Internet Marketing or blogging, or you've been active in this industry for years, the Niche Blog Affiliate Profits System is a must have for everyone! To lock in your copy of the Niche Blog Affiliate Profits System, plus all of the exclusive bonuses, plus save $87.03 right now, click here!
Just in case you don't understand what a great value you are getting with Niche Blog Affiliate Profits...let's do a quick recap!
The Niche Blog Affiliate Profits course
Which includes 6 ebook modules and 5 how to 30 days of unlimited email support for the first 50 orders!
($597 VALUE!)
5 Incredibe Bonuses Worth Over $300
1. Easy Blog Traffic
2. Yaro's Blog Profits Blueprint
3. Blogger Adsense Guide
4. Blogging Cash Course
5. Murder Your J.O.B.
All Of This Is Yours FREE! |
You get the Niche Blog Affiliate Profits course, the unlimited email support and all the bonuses ($897 value) for only $9.97!

Congratulations! You are just moments away from starting a real Internet business! This is very exciting and you should feel proud of yourself for taking the necessary steps to secure your financial future. Niche Blog Affiliate Profits will give you the freedom you've always dreamed about. Set your own hours, be your own boss and say goodbye to that 9 to 5! You deserve nothing but the best and I want to help you realize your dreams and start making real money online.
Thank you!
Bobby and Rob
P.S... Remember, you have nothing to lose! You will have unlimited e-mail support for a full 30 days to ensure that your blog becomes a virtual ATM machine! This is available for the first 50 orders only - so don't delay!
P.P.S... You truly have nothing to lose and everything to gain! You have my full 56 day, no questions asked money back guarantee that you will be up and running and making money with your blog... plus you'll have unlimited e-mail support from me any time you need it for a full 30 days! This system works! Let me prove it to you!
>>>Order Niche Blog Affiliate Profits Now<<<
This is hands down the best package I've ever invested in for less than $10. I would have bought this for $47 without hesitation or regrets. Thanks for putting together some great material!
Hayden P.
Levenworth, KS.