“How Would You Like To Work 5 - 10 Short Sale Deals And Hundreds Of Foreclosure Leads A Month With Little Effort? ”
Tiger Foreclosures
Real Estate Software System For Investors.
Tiger Foreclosures creates a system to work hundreds to thousands of foreclosure leads all at one time. Track multiple short sales packages while you work those other foreclosure leads. Let this software system take the place of your many employees.
This is not web based software. This windows desktop software stores all data on your computer. You won't need a internet connection to use this. |
Foreclosure Leads
Maintain a database of leads that you can filter or sort in many ways. Keep track of seller contact information, unlimited amount of properties per seller, unlimited amount of liens per property.
Estimating repairs can be as easy as checking a box. You can set up different repair estimates for different areas.
You can setup unlimited amount of offer templates. Once your offer templates are set up you can run through different offers in seconds. Make offers over the phone fast.
Keep a history of offers generated for each property. By knowing the history of offers you will be able to see a pattern allowing you to make that deal happen.
Import comparables directly into the property. Once the comparable sales are imported, the FMV is calculated automatically for you.
Create as many notes on the properties and sellers as you want. You will always remember important facts or conversations you had with the sellers. Refresh your memory easily before you call that seller.
Find buyers for a property with a couple of clicks. You will be able to see what buyers you have while you’re talking with the seller.
Use our scripts when talking to sellers. Simply follow our built in scripts and click save when you’re done. You will never have to worry about what to say to a seller again.
Find Seller’s phone numbers, reverse lookups or property maps with two clicks of the mouse.
Set reminders up for your sellers. You will never miss a follow up call, paperwork signing or any other type of seller activity with our reminder system.
Printing letter for you sellers is a two click process. Select the sellers you want to print letters to, select the letter template and your letters will be merged with the seller information waiting to be printed off and sent out.
Mailing Campaigns can make your letters even easier. Select the sellers then select the campaign you want to schedule them for and all letters will be scheduled for you automatically. You will never miss sending out letters again.
Short Sales
Work many short sales at the same time with ease.
Keep track of all lender short sale requirements. Attach blank short sale packages for each lender. You will be able to have your sellers fill out the paperwork before you even contact the bank.
Keep track of loss mitigation representatives for each property lien. You will have a history of calls you can look up at any time to refresh your memory.
Never search for a seller’s completed short sale package again. Simply attach the files to the seller and you can open the package right from the software.
You will have all information at your fingertips. You can keep track of auction, call details, attorney information and lien details of each lien. Sound like a professional when you can answer all questions in seconds.
Set up reminders to call check on your short sale packages, call sellers back or contact foreclosure attorney to try to extend those auctions.
Door Knockers
Keep track of your foreclosure door knocking army. Assign your doorknockers specific locations to hit. You will be able to see weekly schedules of what houses your door knocker will be hitting.
Use your follow up system to remind you of door knocker training calls or simply to touch base with all of your door knockers. Attach files to and keep notes on each door knocker. Managing your team will never be easier.
Reminder System
You can see your schedule of tasks for each day, week or month. Simply click on the reminder and all people that the reminder is for will appear in the grid. You will be able to work and do your tasks right from the same window making it easier than ever to finish your daily tasks.
Reminders are color coordinated to reflect the type of person the task is scheduled for.
Different colors for sellers, buyers, lenders and more will give you an idea of what you need to do at first glance.
Team Contacts
You are only as good as your team. Now you have access to your entire team of mortgage brokers, appraisers, real estate agents, attorneys and more in one place. Never hunt for a team member again when you are seconds away from their contact information.
You will be able to attach files and notes to each team player giving you the ability to stay in control of your business with ease.
Like other sections, you are able to setup reminder follow- ups for any team contact. You will always be on top of your business making you look very professional.
This is the heart of your direct mail marketing. Here you can see what letters are schedules, set up letter templates to be merged with your leads and create full mailing campaigns.
You can see your weekly letters that are schedules to be printed and mailed out. Simply click on the letter and the list of recipients will appear in the grid. You can view their information by double clicking.
Setting up mailing campaigns will make mailings even easier. Assign multiple letters to one campaign and all letters will be schedules for you automatically.
Create mail merger letter templates here. Simple drag over the field you want your information to be merged with. All information will be merged automatically for you.
Categorize your letter templates for easy retrieval.
Ok already, how much is this going to cost me?
Now you are wondering how expensive this powerful, self paying software is.
Own Everything You Need To Know For Just
$97 |
Special Bonuses For
The Next 30 Purchases |
Special Bonus #1

The Short Sale Manifest
A Quick Guide To Profiting Through Foreclosure Short Sales
A quick guide for new investors who want to understand the basics of discounting foreclosure properties. This is a fact based, no-nonsense guide to quickly get you up to speed on short sales, dealing with lenders and sellers.
Wait, if you purchase now you will also get...

Real Estate Forms
Keeping your risk to a minimum is the key to being around as an investor. Now you will have a wide array of paperwork at your disposal. Paperwork that will include but not limited to purchase agreements, land trust, assignment of trust, authorization to release information, land contracts, lease options, options, sub-to disclosures, escrow letter, power of attorney and many, many more.. Over 100 different forms so you should be covered when the need arises.
Always check with an attorney in the state you are investing in to make sure your legal documents comply with state laws.