Tired Of Paying Too Much For Google Adwords?
Discover How An Ex-Google Employee Built An
Opt-In List of 5322 Subscribers In Just 10
Days While Paying Only $0.06 Per Click!
If you want to start from scratch and use an inexpensive
method to build up a powerful list in the next 10 days,
then grab this special interview right now...
Re: Learn the Adwords secrets...
Ok, let me ask you a simple question.
If you could talk to somebody who has worked at Google for over 5 years and has helped thousands of clients make more
money with Google Adwords, what would you ask?
Would you ask...
How can I prevent my account from being "slapped?"
How can I pay only $0.06 per click and build a list of over 5000 prospects in only 10 days...
How can I build the perfect squeeze page that Google
not only accepts, but loves?
How can I make $5 for every dollar that I spend on Google Adwords within my first month?!
Well, now is your chance.
You see, I interviewed Simon and found out exactly how he did it.
This isn't some interview that simply contains incomplete information - I actually convinced Simon to spill
his guts on how he built his 5000+ list in only 10 days...
I'll be honest - I am NOT a Google Adwords expert.
I do use Adwords quite regularly, but I have struggled just like everybody else in trying to make it profitable.
However, after listening to Simon I was able to improve my click-through rates, drop my costs, and make more money with
Google Adwords.
Grab this interview for only $7...
Because this is a new product I am looking for testimonials. If you are willing to listen to the entire audio and then give
a testimonial, then I will give you the product today for only $7.
If you don't like the product, simply ask for a refund within 8 weeks and I'll give it to you.
In fact, you can even keep the audios and PDF transcript that you downloaded just as a thank you for trying it out!
Are you ready to make more profits with Adwords?
I want instant access to the BBO Adwords Formula so that I can learn how Simon built a list
of over 5000 prospects in only 10 days.
I also understand that I will learn how I can do this myself, in any niche market that I choose.
Furthermore, I fully understand that if I am not happy with what I receive I can simply ask for a refund
within 8 weeks.
With that knowledge, here is my $7...

Thank you,