| Resell Rights
So Many Products That Promise You So-Called "Instant
Riches" But Are Now Collecting Dust In Your Hard Drive?
It's Not Your Fault...
The Beans Are Spilled And Here's Your Chance To Acquire The
Top Killer
Marketing Skills
To Generate
A Handsome Profit From Digital Products Online...
Starting This Second!"
Edmund Loh & [Insert Your Name Here]
Today's Date:
Digital Product Collector,
would you like to turn your collection of digital products
that are now being stashed away at the dark corners of your
hard drive... into a series of recurring cash machines
that rake in sales like gang busters?
you're anything like most Internet Marketers, you've downloaded
a lot of products, especially Resell Rights and Private Label
Rights, from many websites you've joined - whether they're
free or paid. Solutions in the form of products
that promise you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams.
why not?
all, these products give you the luxury of skipping the product
development phase so you can jumpstart into the Internet Marketing
scene. Right?
this is probably not a nice thing to say but I want you to
come to terms with nothing but one truth...
"The BIGGEST Truth About Most Digital Products
You Have Downloaded - Finally Exposed!"
if you believe that buying these digital products with Resell
Rights and Private Label Rights are going to make you rich
without doing any lick of work, then you've been lied to.
it make sense if I told you that these products can't make
even a dime for you - only unless you know how to make them
do so? When I realized that myself some time ago, I wanted
to knock my head against the wall so badly. And I realized
yet another truth...
Are Actually More Lousy Marketers Than Lousy Products!
often do you hear of people complaining how lousy or low-quality
Resell Rights items and Private Label products are in the
Internet marketplace?
see, if you're a lousy marketer, you can't turn the products
you have in your hard drive into profits, no matter how good
or high quality they are.
the result: those products become accumulated
digital dust in your hard drive.
this would be a piece of cake to a professional marketer regardless
of how good or bad the products he or she has.
best case scenario: your hard drive is now your gold
"What Does It Take To Turn My Idle Products Into
Recurring Cash Machines On Autopilot?"
you're finally asking the right question! :-)
none other than Education... and I'll provide
you what most other marketers won't!
The Digital Powerhouse Secrets
- How
to Transform the Digital Dust in Your Hard Drive into
Profit-Pulling Cash Machines!"

27 Letter-Sized Pages,
PDF Format, Instant Download After Purchase
Will Learn Things Like:
"If You Can Develop The Midas Touch And Convert
Every Idle Resell Rights Or PLR Product Into Recurring
Sales Engines To Work For You Around The Clock. . ."
much are you willing to pay to gain such mastery?
now, this is a rare skill that belong only to a selective
few. But it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to
be born exceptionally gifted or talented; it can be taught
to you.
see, I get emails every now and then from people (especially
newbies) asking me questions like:
you've been asking questions like the above, I have the answers.
Unfortunately, in as much as I like to reveal them all - it's
too long to answer in just one piece of email or even a real-time
chat conversation.
why I conceived The Digital Powerhouse Secrets
manual - and the secrets are yours to master from for just
you get your copy, I'm sure you will agree with me that this
price tag is a miserable sum compared to the sheer value -
or rather, in exchange for a life skill.
turn every single idle digital product in your hard drive
into cash!
to add to the ante, I'm also backing up your purchase with
my rock-solid guarantee. Read on to find out:
Investment Is Protected By My 90 Day
"100% Satisfaction Or Your Money Back" Guarantee!
your copy of my Digital Powerhouse Secrets
today - not tomorrow. Check it out, apply what you've
learned and start sampling with some of your product
downloads. Resell Rights and PLR products you have in
your hard drive now are some good examples to begin
action and materialize your ideas as taught in my manual.
You have my word that making money from digital dust
is no longer impossible.
Your purchase of this manual is protected for the next
90 days so you have a full three months to
implement my 'dust-to-riches' strategies. If you're
not satisfied or feel you've received an undervalued
deal, contact this website and give your receipt of
purchase - your
refund will be processed in full.
questions asked. |
that? You've nothing to lose now - but everything to gain.
Act now though because I might change my mind and
increase the price or even remove this web page any time I
feel I'm just building more 'competitors' as a result of divulging
my little known skill to turning digital dust into recurring
sales machines!

Digital Powerhouse Secrets For Only $27.00
Edmund Loh & [Insert
Your Name Here]