Stop the constant battle for QUALITY Traffic to your web site and...
Become An Instant
FREE Traffic Tycoon!
Get On The Gravy Boat To 100% Pure Profits
When You Start Using My Proven FREE Traffic
Generation Strategies Today!
From the desk of James Brown & Your Name
Fukushima, Japan |
Dear Friend,
Are you growing tired of paying outrageous PPC or CPA prices for your traffic? Or worse still, are you struggling to even get more than 100 uniques a day to your web site? I know was and I decided to do something about it!
An Internet marketer’s dream come true...
You'll Get Immediate Access To NOT Just One Traffic Generation Strategy But
SEVEN, That I Can Guarantee Will Radically Boost Your Web Site's Traffic
Without Breaking Your Budget Or Blowing A Hole In Your Wallet!
I promise this isn't some fluff and puff 20 or 30 page ebook of out-dated techniques... these are timeless classic's that you can repeat over and over again, for ANY web site. Its a 70+ page eBook that takes you by the hand and reveals exactly a simple step-by-step proven formula on how you too can be a Free Traffic Tycoon!
Here's The Contents Of The Free Traffic Strategies That Are Revealed:
1. Free Search Engine Traffic
Ever wondered how certain web sites come up at the top of major search engines? Assume you are searching for dog care. You type, "dog care" into the Google search box and you see about 40 million results for your page. Out of those 40 million pages, there are ten web sites that managed to obtain the top ten positions with Google.
With millions of people searching for information and products on search engines every single day, imagine the kind of traffic and subsequent sales you could have, if your web site showed up in the first ten, or even the first twenty or thirty results!
Now imagine that YOUR Web Site showed up in the top listings on every other major search engine as well!
This, my friend, is every Internet marketer’s dream come true! When you are positioned this well with the search engines, you'll automatically make money every single day and not have to spend a dime on advertising. The good news is that it doesn't’t take a lot of money, knowledge or special skills to achieve these kind of rankings for your web site!
Don’t be tempted to take shortcuts to achieve this, however. Many marketers, in their eagerness to achieve quick rankings, use dubious methods to achieve quick traffic. This kind of short-term thinking often results in their web sites getting blacklisted and even banned by search engines.
Don’t be tempted to take shortcuts to achieve this, however. Many marketers, in their eagerness to achieve quick rankings, use dubious methods to achieve quick traffic. This kind of short-term thinking often results in their web sites getting blacklisted and even banned by search engines.
2. Squidoo
What if I told you that there exists a site where you could write a paragraph or two about your web site and gain traffic almost immediately. What if I further told you that these couple of paragraphs could allow your web site to show up on page one in Google’s search results for your keyword, in less than a week. You would probably think I was crazy!
I am glad you think I am crazy. Because it proves how relatively unknown this special site still is to a large number of Internet marketers. This one web site is unlike any other you will see these days. It allows you to advertise your products and services for free and be quite blatant about it.
Advertising yourself or your business is not forbidden, in fact, it is encouraged! The BEST news of all is that Google is in love with this site! That means that the page with your two-paragraph advertisement will show up in Google’s first few pages of search results for extremely competitive keywords! What makes this a very attractive free advertising option is that it is not illegal, unethical or frowned upon by the search engines in any way.
Don’t miss out on this easy to use free method of driving traffic to your web site. Get in before more people realize the potential of this web site and start exploiting it!
3. Article Marketing
In the search engine world, unique and quality content is king! If you provide keyword-targeted, unique content to search engines, they will view your content in a positive light and will rank it higher for the major keywords of your content.
What if you could exploit this to your advantage and place this relevant content in sites that allow this content to be freely distributed? You would start to see a steady stream of unique visitors to your web site, curious to learn more. Other sites, looking for fresh content, would pick up your content and publish it on their own web sites. Thus, your web site URL could potentially be published in hundreds of relevant web sites in a matter of days using this method. This alerts the search engines, which then assume, that since a lot of important sites are linking to your site, your site must offer quality content. This in turn boosts your rankings tremendously.
It gets even better. Since the web site that you originally posted content on is already a top ranking site, your content will start showing up in the first few pages of the search engines. Although this traffic is temporary and tapers off in a few weeks, publishing content regularly to these high ranking web site can give you a steady stream of free traffic!
4. Viral Videos
It’s Monday morning. You’re still sleepy from your busy weekend when you check your email. A co-worker has emailed you a funny video of a guy trying to teach his dog tricks. The video is hilarious and you want to share it with your friends. You instantly forward this video to your ten best buddies.
Did you notice what happened here? People love to pass on interesting videos to their friends. The originator of that video understands this effect videos have on people and wants his video to get the maximum viewer ship and hence, offers it for free.
What if you, a clever Internet marketer, used this concept to your advantage? What if you made a funny or thought provoking or inspiring video and sent it to people with a subtle reference to your web site? People would gladly pass it on and in a matter of days, your video could be viewed by thousands of people, all of who will be exposed to the reference in the video to your web site and business.
This is an extremely powerful way of gaining free traffic and many marketers are using it right now to gain a competitive edge. If you haven’t tried this method, you need to get on it now. There are lots of sites where you can post your videos for maximum view ship but only a few can really provide maximum impact for your business.
5. Classified Ads
I am sure you are familiar with classified ads. They are usually found at the back of magazines or in special sections of the daily newspaper. With the advent of the Internet, classifieds have moved online where they can garner a more immediate response from interested parties.
While there are thousands of classified ad sites, there is one very special site that can really help your business. When you post an ad on this site, you will not only benefit from a large number of viewers, but most importantly, your web site will be picked up by all the major search engines. Why does this happen? It’s because this classified ad site is very respected by search engines and will continue to be so in the foreseeable future. Best of all, like all good things in life, it’s free to post on this site!
There is a catch though. Your ad has to be cleverly designed in order not to appear spammy and has to be posted in the right section; otherwise, the ever-vigilant administrators of this site will delete your ad quickly. You'll discover how to format your ad and which section to post!
6. Blogging
If you are a new internet marketer and want to start making money quickly, but are intimidated by web design, web hosting, FTP and other skills required to host a web site, don’t give up. There is a way for you to get your own web space, where you can post to your heart’s content, in a matter of minutes from now. This method of instant web space is also of use to experienced marketers who don’t want to pay to host a web site for every niche they want to explore.
Yes, like all the methods I have mentioned before, this one is free as well! If you can type a Word document, you can use this web space. It’s as simple as typing and clicking and can bring you free traffic. What makes this web space even more valuable is that viewers can post comments. This helps bring in more traffic as people link to your web space and interact within it.
Another unique feature of this kind of web space is that every time you post fresh content, you can update the search engines. This is called pinging the search engines. You cannot do this with a traditional web site. If you update with fresh content and ping on a regular basis, your web space can sky rocket in rankings in the search engines, thus providing more traffic. You can also syndicate the content on this web space, which means that your content can appear in news format on other sites.
7. Free Web Directories
Ever wonder how search engines rank their sites? With billions of existing web sites and thousands more coming online every single day, search engines rely on a few sites that categorize every site using human editors. Getting listed in one of these few sites would be the equivalent of winning the lottery in terms of traffic! Once you are listed on one of these sites, you will always have plenty of free traffic from search engines.
The catch is that if your web site is not put into the right category, you won’t benefit from this listing. Always choose your desired category with care. Also, these sites do not categorize web sites that are made primarily to sell stuff. A web site that looks like an advertisement is less likely to accepted that a site that offers real value to a human visitor.
The other challenge is that it may take a few months for your web site to get listed as the human process of selection is a lot slower than automated selections. It is well worth the wait and while you wait, you can build up your web site even further so that when a human editor finally looks at it, he or she is impressed with it and adds it to their listings.
7 Traffic Generation Strategies For A Buck Each!
Every minute you delay in getting this package, is every minute your competitors are exploiting these free traffic methods, while you continue to go no where quickly. The choice is really yours. In five minutes from you can be reading and employing these techniques to YOUR advantage almost immediately!
Don't let the $7 price tag throw you off and think its some cheap, trashy report! Its NOT!! This report is 70+ pages and only just written in the past few days! This information is HOT and completely up to date!
Free Traffic Tycoon
Get Your Copy Now For Only

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I'm looking forward to helping you take your free traffic generation strategies and web site traffic to the next level in 2007!
James Brown & Your Name
P.S. Do I really need to convince you any further? I mean come on, read over this letter one more time and ask yourself, what have I done differently to change my current traffic generation strategies? The decision is yours...
P.P.S. If this free traffic generation course isn't enough, remember, after investing it you can turn around and promote it to your list (or with a link on your web site). In 20 minutes you can make that $7 back times 10, 100, or even 1000! You get the FULL $7 paid directly to your PayPal account for every sale, the instant it's made!!
Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. The examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. Authors, contributors and resellers accept no responsibility for (the accuracy of, nor the information provided by) the authors or copyright holders of any product or manual contained within.