“Innovative New Technologies Let You Harness The Power Of The Stars To Create Content, Increase Traffic, Sell More Products & Make More Money Online!”
A new song by your favorite artist is played on the radio for the first time, and you recognize their voice instantly. Because you like their previous releases, you know you'll pick up this new release too... A TV
commercial runs on your local station, and you immediately realize the spokes
model is an actor who's on your favorite show. That recognition and 'connection' to this person influences your decision to try this product - if THEY suggest you use it, it can't be that bad, can it?
And so it goes in modern society around the world - mass media has shaped our societies to the extent that recognizable celebrities wield enormous marketing power over their fans - influence that large corporations pay a fortune to harness and direct each year.
And now, through the power of amazing new Internet technologies, you can use those same tactics to brand YOU a star, to build YOUR brand awareness, to drive traffic to YOUR websites and affiliate links and make more profit online as a result... How do you achieve this celebrity status and become instantly recognized by voice or your image? Become the trusted voice that leads the masses to buy?
Podcasting & Video Blogging!
When you add podcasting and vlogging to your marketing mix, you begin to harness that star power, to brand your voice and image and to build a following that can give rise to an almost 'cult' following. Broadcasting your voice and image around the world over the Internet gives you a much larger potential audience than any television station has - and the delivery of broadcasts to cell phones, PDA's and other handheld devices increases that audience even more!
Radio & TV stations pay millions to set up their facilities and get their broadcast out to the masses... But if you're reading this, chances are you only need one or two inexpensive software additions to be able to start broadcast right now - today! You don't even need website hosting - these technologies use the power of blogs (which you can get free through Blogger or WordPress) and podcast and video directories online like iTunes and YouTube, which will host your broadcasts for you for free as well!
But how do you know what you need, or how to get started? Introducing...

It's You... Live! Podcasting & Vlogging Your Way to Success Online!
In this ground-breaking book you're about to download, you'll learn everything you need to know to quickly, easily and inexpensively get set up for podcasting & vlogging and even begin broadcasting your message today if you like! No fluff-filled 6-pager, this amazing resource is packed with over 40 pages of solid content including...
Podcasting & Vlogging Basics:
What are Podcasting & Video Blogging?
What is the Difference between them?
What is RSS?
What is the Purpose?
Your Basic Action List
Start Podcasting:
The Podcasting Tools You Need
Writing & Planning Your Podcast Content
Recording Your Podcast
Editing Your Podcast
Using ID3 Tags for Your Podcast
Hosting Your Podcast
Uploading Your Podcast
Podcast Promotion
Podcasting Action List
Start Video Blogging:
The Video Tools You Need
Selecting Your Blog Host and Domain
Planning Your Video
Shooting Your Video
Editing Your Video
File Format Selection and Uploading
Promoting Your Video Blog
Video Blogging Action List
Wow - That's a lot of great information, isn't it? Know the best part? There's no waiting to get your hands on this e-book! As soon as your payment is processed you'll be directed back to this site for Instant Download of this powerful new resource - this is a 100% digital product! So why put off your fame & fortune when you can get started right now???
Download Your Copy of
It's You... Live! Right Now For Just

100% Satisfaction
Download your 'It's You... Live! ' today and if you feel it doesn't live up to everything I've said - for ANY reason - simply contact me within 60 days for a full refund! |

See (and hear!) you online...
Your Contact Info
P.S. - OK - I've removed the blockage, cleared the hurdles and put together all the information you need to become a podcasting & video blogging star - now the rest is up to you. Download your copy now and you can be a published podcaster and/or video blogger by tonight!
P.P.S. - Remember, there's no risk - you have nothing to lose... I'm taking on all the risk here in giving you my No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee! So go ahead - Start your download now!