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"Are You A Working Mom Who's Fed Up With A Demanding Job? Wouldn't You Love To Work For Yourself And Base Your Schedule Around Your Kids?"I've heard it a million times from my friends. They look at me and are incredibly jealous because I quit my job when I had my first kid and I've never gone back. I work from home and make more than I did at my day job. But the real reason they are jealous is because I have the time to spend with my kids and I never have to worry about what happens if they get sick or if I need to run an extra leg of carpool. Before I had my first child, I worked as a receptionist for a dentists office. I needed to be at work at 7:30am sharp and aside from a 45 minute break for lunch, I had to be seated at my desk until 6pm every single night. When Danny was born, I knew that my work schedule wasn't ideal for raising a kid, so I cut my work time in half and started working part time. ![]() The part time schedule was fine for the first year or two of his life, but when he started preschool, I toyed with the idea of going back to work full time. Working full time worked for a little while, until I got pregnant again. When my daughter was born, I once again had to go back to the part time schedule. I knew I wasn't going to enjoy spending the next few years working part time and then full time and then part time again when more kids were on the way, but I couldn't think of an alternative. In addition, as Danny grew older, he needed more of my time and I hated not being there to watch him grow up. I knew that as my kids were growing older, that working at such a restrictive environment wasn't the best thing for my family. When I was at work, even when I was working part time, I had no flexibility. I couldn't take a morning off to go to parent/teacher conferences, I couldn't take an hour off to watch a play one of my kids was in, I couldn't even take off early in the afternoon to take them to soccer practices. As Danny grew up and as the rest of my kids starting becoming bigger, I knew that the strain on my time would become more and more. Finally, the camel's back broke with the last straw. It was when Max, my third child, was starting kindergarten. Max arrived at the first day of school and immediately hated his teachers. He wouldn't behave and refused to listen to them. The guidance counselor at his school tried to help as best as she could, but her only solution was to have either me or my husband spend time in the school with Max every morning to help him get adjusted. Since my husband earned more than I did, it was up to me to help Max. I had no choice but quit my job completely and sit with Max every morning in kindergarten. After I sat with him and made sure he was ok, I had the rest of my day with nothing to do. Since I had no job, I decided to sit down in front of a computer and see if I could find a way to occupy my time and make a little money online. I'd heard that making money online wasn't so hard and that it was the perfect job for a stay at home mom. I really didn't want to ever go back to my receptionist job, so I committed myself to using the time that I had to see if I could carve myself out a nice job at home. As soon as I started researching working online, I saw that there were dozens of different options for me to choose from. I never knew that there were so many different ways to work online and the more I researched, the more confused I was about what the right path was for me to pursue. ![]() So I did what any curious person would do. I tried them all. I stayed away from the get-rich-quick niche and focused on methods that would consistantly put money in my pocket. When I started working online, I knew nothing at all about the internet other than how to surf it. I was sure that working online required me to know how to build websites or create graphics, but that's just not true. I was relieved to see lots of different ways of making an honest buck that didn't require me to learn a new skill. In fact, I was ecstatic to discover that I was able to use the skills that I already had to find work. I've been working exclusively online for a number of years now, and like I said before, all my friends are seething with jealously when I can attend all my kids' soccer games, piano recitals, ballet performances or take an afternoon off to get a facial. As you can probably guess, it didn't take too long for my friends to beg me to teach them how to do what I do. I first taught Margie. She lives up the block and really needed to quit her job. I was nervous at first about teaching her, but she caught on pretty quickly. Within just three weeks, she had quit her job and she's never looked back. After Margie, people started lining up to learn what I had taught myself. I started teaching classes and soon I had more students than I possibly could handle. It was then that I decided to write down what I knew and that instead of teaching people, I would just give them a book of what to do. I wasn't concerned about making money from my friends. I just wanted people to be as happy as I was. It was after a few weeks, when people I didn't know from all over the world started emailing me and asking me to send them my book, that I decided that it was time to sell it. I knew that if people were so interested in what I had to say, then what I had to say must be pretty worthwhile. At first I was uncomfortable selling this book that I wrote, but as my friends soon explained to me, if I was helping people live happier lives, they would be more than happy to pay for it. So with the help and support of my friends and family, I'm offering Mom's Working Online to anyone who could benefit from the opportunity to spend more time with their kids. Mom's Working Online Will Help You...
Can You Really Make A Living Sitting In Your Living Room?If there's one question I'm asked more than any other, it's 'can I really make the same amount of money online that I can make at a 9-5 job?' My answer is always a resounding yes. I don't answer yes because I've heard it to be true or because someone told me it was possible or because some website told me it was doable. I know that you can make a reasonable amount of money online because I currently do it every single day. Not only that, but I've taught countless others how to safely find a job online as well. There are a lot of websites promoting products that seem to guarantee that you'll make millions of dollars by using their products. I'm not going to sit here and say that they are all lying, but we can all figure out the merits of such claims. Mom's Working Online doesn't claim that you will be a millionaire by weeks end. All that it was ever meant to do was teach people like other, people with kids and houses and mortgages and responsibilities how to find a job where you can be your own boss, make your own hours and manage your own time. All without losing a penny of income. Working online isn't the scary experience that it used to be. Thousands (if not millions) of companies regularly contract out their work to home-based freelancers. They look for people like us who have the time, experience and the desire to work for ourselves. If you can type, if you have the time to dedicate to working and if you have the desire to free yourself from the chains of a 9-5 job, then you should be working from home. Find out what your best options are. Buy Mom's Working Online today. My Kids Are Really Young, Can I Still Work From Home?No matter what age your kids are, if you can find an hour of spare time during your day (or night), then you can find work. Working online isn't like working at a desk job. Your job doesn't revolve around your boss's schedule or his desire to leave early for the weekend (leaving you with a ton of work on your desk). When you work online, you pick the projects that you can complete in the time you have available, freeing your time up for whatever you want to do. If you have an infant who needs to be fed and changed every couple of hours, working from home is perfect for you. You can work for half an hour here, half an hour there and still provide the financial security that your household demands. Don't be fooled by others who try to entice you with promises of easy money online. Working online is just like working at a day job. You get in return what you are willing to put in, but wouldn't you rather decide how, when and what you put in? Mom's Working Online provides all the information you need to find a job online. For just one low price, you will learn the tips to lead to a happier life.
Don't wait any longer. Mom's Working Online has already helped hundreds of people start a new happy life, let it help you too. Buy Mom's Working Online right now and start working for yourself.
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