Warning! A HUGE
Online Advertising Revolution On The Horizon Is About
To Explode In The Coming Weeks! This
Unprecedented Revolution
Is About To Pay Website Owners BIG Time - For The First Time
Ever, Website Owners Can Get Paid By Multi-Million
Dollar Companies For Each And Every Visitor They
Generate To Their Sites! But
That's Just The Tip Of The Iceberg - The Few People Who Promote
This New "Pay Per Play" Revolution
Are Looking At A Lifetime Of Unlimited Residual Income Two
Levels Deep (And It Could Be Switched On By Sending One Simple
Email To Your List)... (Make
No Mistake - This Is The Internet Marketing Opportunity Of A
Lifetime - But Blink And A Sea Of Untapped Profits Will Rush By
Dear Website Owner &
Internet Marketer, This
is a message that I genuinely hope reaches you. Because I know it's
going to be like a needle lost deep within a haystack of hype. If
you read this, it could be the internet marketing equivalent of
winning the lottery. But only if you take this information very
seriously and then take action. The
Reason Behind The Opportunity - The Powerful Trend Change That
Means Billions Of Advertising Dollars Is Going To Be Spent On A
Website Near YOU... We
all know that advertising is a multi-trillion dollar a year
industry. In fact, did you know that a single advert in the
superbowl costs $2.6 million. Multimillion dollar companies are
willing to pay this type of cash for a few seconds of your time -
because they know an event like the superbowl generates staggering
viewing figures of a hundred million people - and that means a lot
of exposure for them. But
now, these multi-million dollar brand name companies are discovering
that there's a real problem with standard television - an increasing
portion of their audience - millions of people, are spending less
time in front of the television and more time on the internet. Millions
of people are going to various online sites. Sites about their
hobbies - their professions - their health...and so on. The
effectiveness of traditional media (TV) adverts have taken a
nose-dive. These corporate giants are waking up to this fact as
their ad executives tell directors and CEOs that "the ROI's
just aren't stacking up!". The
result? These multi-million dollar companies are looking to
penetrate the internet (online) advertising industry for increased
exposure. Do you know what happens to a market when millions -
perhaps even billions of dollars - is injected into it? It
goes NUTS! Well, wake
up and smell the coffee - this process has already started...and if
you're a website owner you're in POLE position to take serious
advantage of this coming revolution. You're about to uncover a whole
new world...
The New Advertising
Revolution Called "Pay Per Play" Is Here - How &
Why Millions Of Websites Will Switch From Existing Affiliate Models
To Pay Per Play Almost Immediately Do
you know one of the most crippling problems that many website owners
face? They are
simply unable to convert traffic into cash! Most
website owners are not marketing geniuses. There are millions of
"mom and pop" type websites where even decent volumes of
traffic fail to convert into cash for the site owners. Some freebie
type sites get large volumes of traffic but unfortunately rely
solely on contextual income like Adsense to rely on income. Look,
I'm not going to trash Adsense - it has carved a huge niche for
itself online - but some site owners in certain niches cannot
make real incomes with it because the conversion rates and payouts
just do not facilitate it. For example, even if you're pulling in
100,000 visitors a month, but only 1% of them convert and the payout
is 10 cents per click... well that's barely $100 a month. Who can
live off that? This is an
increasing problem for many many websites - millions of them
in fact. And that's exactly the problem that Pay Per Play solves. With
Pay Per Play, The Website Owner Earns From Every Single Website
Visitor That The Site Owner Generates. They Don't Have To Buy A
Thing. They Don't Have To Click On Any Links - They
Just Have To BE! It's
the monetization model that millions of website owners have been
praying for since the dawn of privately owned websites. It's finally
here, and it's funded by some of the richest companies around. Bottom
line? Website owners get paid real money for every last visitor
that comes to their site. Without exception. Introducing
"Pay Per Play Profits" -
The Stunning New Guide That Shows You Some Incredible Opportunities
To Earn From This Exciting New Advertising Revolution...
Pay Per Play profits is an
outrageously powerful new report that goes well beyond the mechanics
of how and why pay per play works. It's a short, incredibly
hard-hitting blueprint that teaches you how you could earn several
automatic and residual streams of income using the pay per play
advertising model. You
see, using "pay per play" is so simple that you don't need
a guide - it's about as difficult as inserting a tiny bit of code on
your site. (hint - visit
this site to see an example of a pay-per-play site...have your
speakers on).
Here's just
a taster of what you'll discover inside Pay Per Play Profits:
The need for "Pay Per
Play" How the internet advertising industry has
evolved and why pay per play could be bigger than every form of
advertising you see now (including PPC, conventional pay-per-sale
and pay-per-leads). Online and offline advertising trends (and why
the tide is turning enormously toward website owners).
What exactly is pay per play?
How it works, and how it addresses the biggest problem that both
website owners and huge companies looking for advertising face.
Which website owners can benefit
from pay per play?
The logistics of pay per play - How
adverts are displayed and matched on your site, and a working
example of a site with PPP installed.
The benefits of pay per play - Why
pay per play ads are so cool... barely noticed and unobtrusive
requiring no action or involvement whatsoever from the website
visitor. This is important - some adverts online are mind-numbingly
irritating (pop-ups, videos that just start up and paralyze and take
control of your browser etc) - pay per leads have none of these
How you can make money with pay per
play right now.
there's also a shocking window of opportunity open right now
to promote the very concept of pay per play - and it's this
that can generate those unlimited streams of residual income for
you...months, years and even decades down the line! Imagine
if you could have been a partner when Google were promoting Adsense.
Imagine if you could have earned lifetime commissions from every ad
displayed on every website that you referred Adsense to. Let me tell
you, you'd probably be sitting on a beach in the Maldives sipping a
MaiTai right now. That's
exactly the same opportunity that you have right now with pay per
play - but you MUST take action immediately, because once this
information gets out, there will be absolute mayhem to refer
as many sites to PPP as possible. Here's
where Pay Per Play Profits gets really interesting, because you'll
also discover:
The best pay per play company to
partner with - This company has a track record and has been
backed by a major search engine to deliver billions of PPP ads over
the coming months. My word, if I could invest in it today, I would!
How to get lifetime commissions
from websites you refer (on two levels) - If you take away only
one thing from this entire message, it should be this. You'll learn
how you could get lifetime commissions on every ad posted on all
your referral websites - on two levels. Do you have any idea how huge
this could be for you?
Illustrations of how just a couple of
referrals could lead to thousands
in residual monthly income. (Ten referrals = $3,000 in monthly
How to sign up to do the above for free.
Remember - this is
information that the rest of the world is blissfully unaware of. For
the lucky people who take this information on board, and apply the
advice offered in this shocking report... lifelong monthly
commissions are up for grabs from an entire WORLD of websites (well
over 500 million of them in fact). You
may think this report is going to cost an arm and a leg to obtain -
by all accounts it *should*. But all you need to invest is a meagre $29
to obtain this report immediately! Astonishing
- I'll Even Include Master
Resell Rights To "Pay Per Play
Profits" So You Can Resell It Yourself And Keep 100% Of
The Profits! This
is a quality report. It will sell by the bucket-load simply
because there are literally an endless number of website owners who
need this information very badly. You can be the one to supply it to
them and scoop up 100% of the profits with these master resell
rights. You'll get an
exact replica of this sales page & graphics - insert your own
payment links and keep 100% of all your sales. Order
Pay Per Play Profits Now For A Very
Modest $29 Only! Secured
Payment Via Paypal. Immediate Download.