Your First Chance To Own 'The Miracle Of Vinegar', 'The Benefits Of Baking Soda' and 'Sixty Uses For Salt' All in brand new PDF format. . . . Dear Friend, You may be forgiven for thinking that these passed down secrets had gone for good, washed away with time and the modern age. . . . But they're not. You can now own three of the best traditional / did you know style reports that were much loved by our parents and grandparents. And they were pretty smart too because not only will these reports save you time and money but they'll also help you eliminate some of the scourges of modern day living such as harmful chemical usage in the home. This kind of information is what the big industrial giants don't want you to know. . . Why for instance would you want to spend extra money on your grocery bill buying caustic and harmful cleaners to remove pipe blockages when simply using vinegar works equally well. In fact vinegar can be used for hundreds of alternative uses, from preventing burn blisters to cleaning your windows. You'll find sixty plus more great ideas in our mini report - The Miracle of Vinegar. 
But There's more . . . Rather than charge you extra for more reports we've decided to include them all together for just one low price. So in addition to The Miracle of Vinegar you'll also receive another old time classic report - The Benefits Of Baking Soda' You'll get an additional sixty quick household tips and ideas including . . . How to completely remove burnt on food from pans effortlessly without scrubbing and without resorting to harmful chemicals . . . How to easily and quickly remove soap scum and limescale build up from showers, tiles and your bath - in fact all the surfaces in your home . . . . How to give you fridge a gleaming new interior and prevent odour build up that will last for months at a time. . . . How to permantly remove oil and grease stains from clothing even if you've tried all the 'cleaning' products in the store and they didn't work . . . There's lot more where they came from in The Benefits Of Baking Soda! With this great collection we're also giving away 'Sixty Uses For Salt' - another classic report that will save you money, time and elbow grease . . . You will not believe the things you can use this natural miracle for: How To Make Your Toothbrush Last Longer. How To Keep Ants Away. How To Make Sure Cut Flowers Last Longer. How To Remove Mildew. How To Kill Drain Odours. How To Get Rid Of Weeds From Your Lawn.
With daily reports in the press about the increasing health risks of using ever increasing amounts of chemical in our homes these guides from the past will help give you and your family extra peace of mind. And you'll be saving money and time too. You can download all of these hard to find reports - Over
200 Tips, Tricks and Useful nuggets of information - for just $9.95.
Includes the Extra Bonus:

25 of Grandpa's Top Tips . . .
Everything from making a Camp Stove that you can Carry in
Your Pocket and a Magical Fish Bait Formula to Get the Big Ones! through to How
to Make an Emergency Clothes Brush
They're delivered straight to you PC after payment via our secure server and because they're in digital format you get them instantly, no waiting for them in the mail - (Well at least some things have got better with new technology! ) To order your reports - Click Here Now 
Sidenote: Once you own these reports you can also send in your own tips and household remedies. If we publish your tips in future editions we'll send you the next complete set of reports for free. To order your reports - Click Here Now |