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Stop spending a ton of money on expensive sunscreens and lotions that are worth a couple of dollars PER application!!Is TOO MUCH Sunshine Hurting Your Health, and Making You Look Way Too Old?Are You Frightened That You Might Become Just a Fatal Statistic and Develop Cancer Because of Too Much Sun Exposure?Do You Sunburn Easily and Want All Natural Fast Relief From Sore, Red and Even Blistered Skin?Then you need to read- Handling the Sun and Sunburn NaturallyDeal with Sunburn and Protection From the Sun Without Feeling Greasy Or Wet and Itchy!Boost Your Body's Resistance to Cancer Causing Ultra Violet Light!Prevent Abnormal Skin Cells Due to Sunshine Finally and Forever!Never Fear Sitting In the Sun Again!!From the desk of -- Dear Friend, ![]() Are you that unfortunate individual who just a few years ago thought it might be a good idea to bake your skin in the sun so you could have rich glowing brown cocoa colored skin like all of the big movie stars? Not so long ago (less than twenty years ago in fact) a deep rich sun tan was accepted far and wide as a status symbol. After all it was only the rich people in society who had the time to slather tanning oil all over their bodies and gleam in the sun! Sometimes people did not even bake in the sun. They went to "health clubs" and baked their skin in tanning and sun beds in an attempt to look glamorous! Today we know that this is nothing but a good way to get skin cancer! When it comes to sunbathing and lying in a tanning bed many of us now wish we had known then what we know now! Wanting to have a tan has only been hip and trendy since the 1950s when boasting the "natural healthy look" first came into vogue. However before that people knew better. They stayed in the shade and carried umbrellas to protect them from the sun. That is because the fashion then was to keep the skin looking as lily white as possible. Unfortunately our taste in fashion changed and it became desirable to have a bit more of a copper glow. The result has been more deaths than ever in history from skin cancer. Here are some scary facts about skin cancer in our world today!
You Can't Absorb Vitamin D Without Sitting in the Sun!True or False?Many of us sat in the sun all day because we were told by doctors, gym teachers and our moms that it was what we were supposed to do! It wasn't because these individuals wanted us to look glamorous. It was because sitting in the sun was the only way to get the Vitamin D we needed to build strong bones and teeth! In Handling Sun and Sunburn Naturally I take a good hard look at the Vitamin D issue and answer such questions as -
...and the answers too many more of your questions about the relationship between sunshine and the amount of Vitamin D in your body. Learn How to Suntan Without Getting Cancer!Get Enough Vitamin D!It is obvious that you cannot get enough vitamin D without exposing yourself to some sunshine! That is why in Handling Sun and Sunburn Naturally I tell you how, in plain, easy-to-understand, every day language how to defend yourself against sunburn in all kinds of different situations! This includes advice about -
...and other practical non-toxic prevention methods and solutions for avoiding sunburns and the terrible consequences of repeatedly "frying" your skin. Do You Know What Toxic Stuff is In Your Sunscreen?Sometimes the Cure is Worse Than the Disease!In Handling the Sun and Sunburn Naturally I also help you take a good hard look at a very important issue to do with tanning and U.V. exposure and that is the number of toxic chemicals that are in sun protectant products! As you may know every commercially produced sun protection cream, spray, lotion or gel that you apply to your skin to protect against the sun has an SPF number attached to it. This is short for Sun Protection Factor. This SPF number gives you some kind of indication of how much protection you can expect if you use it properly. In Handling the Sun and Sunburn Naturally I help you investigate sun protection substances more closely including...
Get Over A Sunburn Fast Using Natural Healing Techniques!Sometimes no matter how careful we have been about practicing "sunshine safety" we manage to get burnt anyway. This is despite wearing a suitable shirt, staying out of natural sunlight, staying in the shade and doing all those other things! The sun can be very powerful and some sunburns can be life threatening if they develop blisters, start weeping or if you start feeling dizzy and unwell. I also let you know how to diagnose the severity of your sunburn and when it is time to visit the emergency room of your hospital. In fact if you should immediately seek medical attention if you experience any of the following -
The above symptoms are not only symptoms associated with a sever burn or skiing infection they are also symptoms of sunstroke (also known as heat stroke.) Heat stroke can be lethal if not treated properly. In Handling the Sun and Sunburn Naturally I give you all kinds of advice and natural remedies for mild or minor sunburn including...
...and much more when it comes to taking away the pain of sunburn Stay Young Looking and Cancer Free!Handle Sun and Sunburn Naturally!I wrote this book partly because we are all human and no matter what we do sometimes we manage to get burned. This is because we were not destined to stay inside the house forever. There is no such thing as a healthy tan! There are serious long term consequences to allowing yourself to be sunburned. These include -
...Sunburn can be a stealthy lethal killer. Each time you are sunburned cells are destroyed in the outer layer of the skin and tiny blood vessels are damaged. The elastic fibers beneath the skin are damaged leading to discoloration and aging. The damage to skin cells from UV exposure (either from sunlight or tanning lamps can also include damage to their DNA. It's this repeated DNA damage, which can lead to a cell becoming cancerous. With the incidences of skin cancer rising dangerously in many parts of the world, and with its ability to develop and establish itself in the body 'long' before external signs are detected it is crucial that we avoid it. Paying attention to exposure and sunburn is paramount if we are serious about preserving our health. Now while it may be easier to ignore the effects of sunburn occurring at a cellular level, we can't ignore sunburn! It is our first warning sign that we are overdosing on radiation from our environment and are at risk of contracting cancer. Sometimes to live a little you do need to get out in the sun! We can't avoid living our lives entirely! This is why I hope you will see Handling the Sun and Sunburn as being a kind of guide that can teach you how to avoid the negative effects of the sun. In this eBook I hope you learn how to avoid the abject that suffering from sunburn can bring! Doesn't let overexposure to the sun wreck your chances of enjoying a long full life!
If the suggestions put forth in this report don't help you to take practical and easy steps towards dealing effective with the dangerous side effects of sunburn... as quickly as YOU want them to, I'll refund 100% of your purchase price, no questions asked. Why am I taking all the risk on myself? Because I believe in the methods that I have written about in 'Handling The Sun And Sunburn Naturally'. I believe they work. I KNOW they work - I have tried them all. I believe in the results I've gotten for thousands of people, and because of that I believe that this method will work for you.
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