Monitor Your Websites 24/7 To Know
Instantly When Your Sites Are Down
Also Monitor Any Web Pages On Any Websites
To Be Notified Of Updates
Dear Friend,
One of the big drawbacks of running your
own web business is your reliance on web hosting
Statistics show that the average web host is down for
over two and a half hours each month, but for
some hosts it is much worse than this.
If you web host is down, your whole business is completely
shut down.
Potential customers arriving at your site will simply
click away to your competitors.
Existing customers and users may be frustrated and go
Worst of all, expensive advertising and
pay-per-click costs will be wasted.
Although most web hosting companies monitor their servers
regularly, they do so at the server level, not through
accessing the hosted websites.
There are many faults that do not show up at the
server level, which means that websites can be down for
considerable periods without anyone even knowing about
This problem has led to many site monitoring services being
set up, which continually check websites and tell the owner
(usually by email) if the site goes down.
This allows the website owner to contact his or her
hosting company to get the site restored as soon as
The drawback with these services is that they generally
involve paying a monthly fee. Even $10 a month can soon
mount up, especially if you're just starting out.
Accessing this type of online service also
generally lacks the convenience and ease
of use offered by a Windows software tool.
Now there's a quick and easy alternative, which runs on
your own PC, continually monitoring all your websites
Quick And Easy Website Monitoring From
Your Own PC
Watchman Pro is a very easy to
use Windows software tool
download Watchman Pro, run it (no installation
needed) and enter all the web addresses you want to
Watchman Pro will hide itself in
your system tray (the area at the bottom right of your screen
where the clock appears).
Whenever you are connected to the Internet, the
software will silently probe each of your
websites every 10 minutes (or at any other interval selected
by you).
If a
problem is detected, a popup box will immediately
appear notifying you of the problem, and (optionally) a
siren sound will be emitted.

double-click on the system tray icon and Watchman Pro
will show itself, allowing you to see exactly what has
happened and allowing you to check the site with your
Internet browser, just by clicking a
The software can
also optionally send an email to any email address, so you can
be notified of the problem even if you are away from your
As soon
as you know that your site is down, you can contact your web
hosting company, to get them working on the problem as soon as
Runs Automatically When You
Switch On Your PC
Watchman Pro is intended to be
fully automatic, running in the background permanently
whenever your PC is switched on.
It will activate
automatically at Windows startup and shut
down automatically when Windows closes down. (You can choose
not to use this feature and activate the software manually if
you prefer).
The software will automatically monitor
your Internet connection and will check your sites whenever
you are connected to the Internet.
All this means that once you've set up
Watchman Pro, you can just forget about it and
let it get it on with its job.
Monitor Any Web
Pages For Updates
Watchman Pro can also be used
to monitor web pages for changes.
You can monitor as many different pages
as you want - on any websites anywhere - just by typing the
URLs into the software.
The software will take a record of the
contents of the web page and notify you whenever the page
You will even get notified if the page
changed overnight when your PC was switched off.
You can use this to monitor blogs,
article sites, user groups or any other type of
Full Master Resale
Rights FREE
Watchman Pro is a
great tool - but I'm going to make it even more
valuable for you, by including full Master Resale Rights
This means you can sell the
software yourself and keep all the
Just make one sale to
recover your investment.
I'll even give you a copy of
this ready-made sales page to make it really
easy for you.
Just add your own order button to
the ready-made page, upload to your own web host and you can
be ready to take orders instantly.
You can also
use the software as a valuable bonus with other items you
sell, or include it in packages and membership sites, or
give it away free as a valuable bonus for your newsletter
Get Your Copy Now For Just
You'll receive instant access to your
software by Internet download.
Totally secure payment
is through Paypal
Watchman Pro is for use on PCs running
Microsoft Windows XP (home or Pro version) or Windows Vista.
It should work with any web site and any web host. 24/7
monitoring requires your PC to be permanently connected to the
Internet (the software can only monitor while it
is connected). However when monitoring web pages for
changes, the software will store details of the page so
changes will be detected even if the page changes while the
software is not running.