Through our guide, you will learn how
Create an instant online presence with absolutely no cost
Generate multiple streams of revenue
Build a loyal community of followers
Find a profitable niche
Attract enormous traffic to your Blog
Establish yourself as an expert in the eyes of your
And you’ll see how to do it
very easily!
From: Your Name
Location: ?
Dear fellow-workers, non-workers, and very young folk,
First let me welcome you my first joint venture with a kid! Yes, I
would call him a kid since he just turned 15 last month.
Flash back to 2007...
It was late 2007 when my 12-year-old nephew Casey was spending a fair bit of time on a spare laptop I gave him. One
Saturday evening, out of curiosity, I asked him why he was wasting his time on a computer as opposed to being more
sporty. I remember my reaction when he said; “Sorry, can’t play, I gotta work!” I laughed and asked
him “Oh yeah? And what work is a 12-year-old capable of exactly?” Reality hit me pretty hard at that
instant when he opened up affiliate accounts and paypal account (that is really cool mom setup and manages),
showing the fruits of his labour or...more precisely...the money he was making daily from his
At the time, I never knew that
making "real" money online by using free blogging was actually
I was aware of the numerous get-rich-quick schemes out there
and all the so-called home-business opportunities which littered my email box daily with promises of how I could be
making so much money, hand over fist. A lot of the emails even went so far to promise me millions of dollars by
implementing the methods from their systems. I’m still waiting for those millions after having
implemented the methods from some "guru's" that are still promising crap today!
After having wasted enough of my money on these
bogus systems, I came to the conclusion that the only way one could earn money is to be a digital product
producer and/or author. That is until Casey showed me what was possible merely from blogging. Since
then, I’ve been blogging every day with a passion and wrote a ebook about it called "Making A
Living Off Your Blog" that still sells to this day.
No doubt in my mind! If you can type then you can blog. And if
you can blog then you have just found a whole new approach to making money as we did. It only took my 12-year-old
nephew to open my eyes and discover how easy it is in making money outside of killing myself producing and writing
my own digital products. And now I’m willing to open your eyes and show you exactly how easy it is to blog for
Casey had NO knowledge in building or coding websites - but it’s
not at all an issue since there are a great many ways to build a site. It’s very quick and easy for you to build
your own. You can literally have your basic site up within 5 minutes. It’s that easy and furthermore, it costs
absolutely nothing! Don’t worry about domains or hosting, it is all taken care of and we
show you exactly how.
Casey has been blogging for about three years
and has not reached a million dollars. I personally DO NOT think it is possible, but
that is not what he is aiming for. What he is striving for are ways to make live easier. His
main focus is to go college, be a veterinarian and enjoy what he loves! Now that might just make him
a million:)
Again, let me make it clear: This is not a system that promises false
If you can be realistic regarding what you hope to achieve then you will achieve it. Even despite the unlikely goal
that you will make millions through blogging, you certainly can and will create a second source of
income or, even better, multiple sources of income. And as always, extra money always helps.
Especially if that extra money is earned just from blogging which is the easiest task you can do and from
anywhere in the world right from the comfort of your own computer.
Casey and I together studied numerous methods and discovered new
techniques including generating traffic, finding the most profitable niche, monetizing our blogs to the fullest,
etc. We tweaked...we tested...we failed...we
succeeded...and every day we jotted down what worked and what didn’t through trial and
Casey also saw a spike in his own blogs which went from successful to super-successful by implementing all that we
had discovered during the experimental stage. Suffice to say, we now present to you our very methods which we use
to make money through what has basically become a traditional pastime in our
From all the stacks of jot-notes and running piles of paper
containing our experiments scattered throughout my home office floor and desk, we decided to gather what was
useful and discard what was not and put it all together neatly and professionally in a book which we are proud
to call our very own:)
Our aim was to produce methods in a way where anybody who ever implemented the steps in our book could do so
without investing any money whatsoever in the building, designing, and marketing of their own money-making
blogs. Basically put...you invest absolutely no money in your blogging ventures. Not a
penny other than the cost of this brand new and easy to follow report!
We will lead you every step of the way throughout our guide. No stone is left unturned and every single detail
(even the most miniscule of details) is thoroughly explained along with added
screen-shots. We will use live sites to fully demonstrate our techniques and by the end of this guide, you
will have set up your own money-making blogs!

"Easy To Read 37
Page PDF Report"
Furthermore, our guide can be read
and implemented by most anybody. If you want to pass the guide around to your family and get them started on
blogging, then by all means. The more money coming in, the better! Wouldn’t you say?
There’s quite a story behind how we came up with the price for
this guide. Back when I proposed to Casey (and his mom) that we should give away our methods in order to
help others who are struggling to make money online, Casey felt that the amount of time and labour spent between
us had to be worth a pretty penny. And considering the potential money which one could make by utilizing
our step by step methods to ensure their own future with blogging, he was 100% correct.
First Casey proposed that we should create a membership site charging $100 where customers would have to
join and we would hold online classes at set times, leading them step by step. But I shot that
idea down when realizing that not only was the membership price hefty but it was also an inconvenience for
people to make time to attend our online classes since everybody has their own schedule.
We then considered hosting a one-time online seminar where we would teach people in real-time how to get their
blogs up and running over a 2 hour session. But again, the idea didn’t come to fruition when we felt that
people would be better off with an actual step by step guide. This way everyone could refer to
over and over throughout their blogging venture and were able to read at their own pace. Plus, I hardly had any
experience teaching a live class or hosting a tutorial session online.
So ultimately we decided, as I had described before, to simply put our guide together in a nice little digital
report and make it affordable to all. We first priced our guide at $47 but felt it would be far too expensive for non-workers who are either laid off or
unemployed and kids who aren’t making an income. So we lowered it to $37 which I
thought was a reasonable price considering how much time we have invested into this project. With
Christmas and New Years long wrapped up, we decided to have our own little LATE sale to celebrate the new
year! Better late than never I guess:)
For a very limited time, we are proud to offer you our brand new step-by-step guide...
“How A Young Kid Taught Me How To Make Money Online Every Day Through Blogging”
(whew, man that is a long name - but true) for the very low price of just...


Casey and I are so confident that you will be happy with your
purchase that you will get our 100% Satisfaction
If you don't like the ebook and think this blogging venture is just not for you, we will gladly refund your money
within 30 days. All we ask is that you give our guide an
honest effort:)
You will be helping yourself and helping others! We will donate $1 of
every purchase to the Red Cross!
We are well into 2010 and most everybody has made some kind of
new year's resolution. Anywhere from trying to get fitter, finding a better job, working harder to get that
big raise, etc. If your new year's resolution is indeed to make more money in 2010, then rest
assured that there is no better path to your online money-making venture than through our guide. Why
struggle and waste time implementing a whole lot of get-rich-quick schemes when you can cut to the chase and be on
your way to making that extra income you desire through a proven method which even a 15-year-old kid is making an
incredible income from?
A number of people have cashed in big through blogging. Many of them took plenty of time to reap the rewards for
their efforts over the long haul. Our guide “How A Young Kid Taught Me How To Make Money Online Every Day Through
Blogging” will help you to avoid the rough start and learning curves and will have you on your
way quickly as we guide you every step of the way in building and establishing your blogs!
Are you ready to make some changes in your life for the better? Do
you want to make more money this year? Then let’s get BLOGGING!!!
Claim your copy right now for only

The most common new year's resolution which I've noticed amongst
family and friends tends to involve the need for more money. Often people will think that working harder is
the only way to make more money. Those who have succeeded in making more money will often say that working
smarter is the best way to make more money. I personally know many people who work hard but those same people lack
direction thus venturing down a pointless path altogether and achieving little to nothing. I made mistakes early
and I learned from them. You will not make those mistakes.
Casey and I will lead you towards the right path in our guide, it is entirely up to
you if you choose to walk through it and succeed! There is money to be made and it's time for you to make the
money you desire! Let's make 2010 your best year ever!
Wishing you the best of luck in your online money-making venture in 2010!
To Your Online Success,
Your Name
P.S. Are you still
undecided? Are you still not fully convinced that our guide can help you earn a passive income through blogging?
Remember, you are receiving absolutely everything you need to begin your online money-making venture right now. All
of the techniques that Casey and I are using to make money online everyday is contained within this guide. We will
take you by the hand and show you just how simple it is to earn a solid income online. Our guide is backed with
a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee so you have absolutely nothing to lose!
It's time to make your new year's resolution into a reality! You want more money?
Then let us show you the way so you can begin making the easiest income you can imagine! There is no better time
than the present! 2010 is here and your online success begins now!