"Why Don't Diets Work For Me?"
And none of them have worked. Right? You're still as fat as ever and you're still trying to lose weight. It's time to get real. It's time to wake up and realize that the weight loss industry is taking you, and millions like you, for a ride. They keep taking your money and you never lose any weight. You might lose a few pounds then straight away you put them all back on again. Have you ever wondered why this is? You should have. Well, now you're gonna find out. There's a simple fact that they've never told you, and they're not gonna tell you, all the time you've got money to spend. Why should they? They're not gonna kill the goose that keeps laying all these golden eggs! If you want to lose weight, lots of weight, you need to wake up to a few cold hard unpalatable facts that explain why you got so fat, and how you're gonna go about getting thin again. But I don't want any slackers. This is a BOOT CAMP. It's gonna be hard but if you follow the WEIGHT LOSS BOOT CAMP EXTREME STRATEGY then you WILL see results. This is supercharged, life-changing stuff and you'll be wasting your money if you're not 100% serious about this:
Now, I don't want you to be under any illusions here. Losing weight is hard. In fact, based on your success so far you might think it's downright impossible. Well it's not impossible if you go about it the right way.. This isn't your normal weight loss book.
Pleeeeease!.... All this stuff is garbage!...Do you want to lose weight or don't you?WEIGHT LOSS BOOT CAMP EXTREME is a completely different type of weight loss book. You're going to learn stuff you've never read in a diet book before. You're going to have to think about your weight problem like never before. It's gonna be hard, but it's gonna be worth it. Why?..."BECAUSE IT WORKS!" In fact it's the ONLY approach that CAN work. Face it, you're being lied to every day by the "Weight Loss Industry" because they want your money."Over the years I've tried pretty much every diet and plan
going. It's always been the same story; I lose a few pounds then my
motivation begins to weaken and within a couple of months those pounds
have gone back on again. That's why Weight Loss Boot Camp Extreme is such
a breakthrough. It has nothing to do with diets and crucially, it puts YOU
in control of your weight loss plan. When youre in the driving seat youre
so much more likely to succeed. At last I'm getting on top of my weight
problem and I feel much more confident about my future" Rick Mansell,
Oakland CA "This book was a revelation to me! Like most overweight
people, I've tried hundreds of diets over the years but none of them have
ever really worked. What Dr. Richards teaches in this book is a whole new
way of thinking about food that I've never seen anywhere else. With the
help of this straightforward approach I have completely changed the way I
eat and the way I think about food. I'd recommend Weight Loss Boot Camp
Extreme to anyone who's serious about their weight problem" Lisa S.,
Pecos, TX Nothing can take away that sense of achievement when you've finally reached your weight loss goal. And it's a tragic shame that thousands, no, millions of overweight people never get there.Instead they drift from day to day, wishing and hoping they'll lose weight somehow.
It just doesn't happen for them.Are you going be another one like them?The simple fact is, they're missing out on a vital ingredient in their weight loss efforts....MOTIVATION[kc_background type="1"]Without it you're doomed to
fail. Losing weight is hard.[/kc_background]
In Weight Loss Boot Camp Extreme we're gonna show you how to get that motivation and, more importantly, maintain it until you've reached your goal. Everybody starts their diet in a motivated state. They tell themselves that this time it's going to work. Then after a few days of cabbage soup or lentil dumplings or whatever, the motivation begins to flag. I'm not surprised. Who wants to live on cabbage soup day after day?In Weight Loss Boot Camp Extreme, you're gonna learn, in ten fact packed lessons:
![]() With Weight Loss Boot Camp Extreme you're gonna develop your own weight loss plan.When you've worked it out for yourself, to fit your individual circumstances, you're much more likely to stick to it, right?So this is how it works. I give you the facts, I provide you with a life-changing framework that takes account of those facts. Together we develop a plan that will work for you. And It WILL work, if you stick to the rules. I guarantee it!
Ok, I'm ready to submit myself to the Weight Loss Boot Camp Extreme. I know it's not going to be easy, but it's results I want and so I'm up for the challenge! Count me in!
Yes, you're right...I've gotta get out of this 'get as much stuff as possible' mindset. Less is definitely more. Let me have Weight Loss Bootcamp Extreme NOW!