Now you can receive a flood of traffic at the flip of a switch!
'Old school' methods don't die out! Top video course reveals the secrets that entrepreneurs use to effectively, create and leverage simple giveaways, which gain a flood ofhighly targeted prospects that becomehungry buyers — guaranteed!

If you’re interested in gaining a massive (and immediate) avalanche of high converting buyers to your products, services, affiliate offers and blogs on an on-going permanent basis.
If you’re exhausted and frustrated with struggling to discover what it takes to start or dramatically increase your list without hard work.
And you desperately WANT the inside secrets that only a handful of savvy entrepreneurs are privy too for getting top list owners in your chosen markets to say yes to listing building through giveaways.
... Then this is going to be the most important letter you will ever read.
It’s said that the money is in the list, and it’s true. Imagine that whenever you promote your own products or affiliate products, your list buys through your links.
- How powerful would it be if you could know the exact formula to get them to buy?
- Suppose you could setup a giveaway with or without a list of your own and instantly have the right prospects and customers lining up eager to do business with you?
- Imagine… simply using the right strategy to get established, trusted and well respected list owners with large lists recommending YOU and your offers to their subscribers?
It truly would be like having your own online ATM that generates cash while you sleep.
Sound too good to be true…?
It’s not. When you know the exact steps that are proven to work!
The truth is, building a list is not hard at all. You see,how your list converts all boils down to just a couple of simple things.
But the problem is… the times have changed, and people are more skeptical than ever before about free and paid offers online...
- To gain a responsive, high converting list
- To create giveaways that people respond to
- To find and gain the trust of established list owners
You need an advantage that has ALREADY been tested and proven by others.
That’s what I’m about to share with you here...
Let’s take a look at these two types of lists.
Would you rather have a list of 1,000 buyers or one of 10,000 freebie seekers?
Think about it. Buyers have invested money in your product. They know you, they want your product, and they want your future products if they are great.
But on the opposite end… the majority of freebie seekers don't know you as well - UNLESS they are recommended to you by another person.
Fact is, it’s getting harder and harder to sell to freebie lists than it used to be just years ago, but you can still utilize them if done correctly.
So how do you know if the valuable time that you are investing into the giveaway event is actually going to produce a high converting list, or worse, a low converting list?
One major factor is where your subscribers come from.
If your list comes from a traffic source where they know little about you, then you will lose out on conversions and set yourself up for failure.
But if your list is recommended by another list owner, then your subscribers tend to be higher converting.
It’s like a friend recommending another friend to check you out. And that’s where the power of giveaways can come in.
The saying goes that... if you set your house up on a rock and plan accordingly, you will be able to succeed. Set it up too fast on a sandy foundation and it will collapse.
Find the right system and you can avoid the same mistakes we have made and zoom forward. There’s no point in reinventing the wheel.
It’s the same concept here, and that’s what you’ll learn in this video series.
Only when you have a responsive list that knows you and has a good relationship with you, will you have the ATM and the higher commissions you’re dreaming of!
How would you like to learn how to setup your giveaway so it will succeed and enable you to create that high converting list?
And what if you could learn three specific strategies without any confusion, any product or list? That’s right!
All the strategies, the mind maps, and how to implement it are laid out in a full step by step process and they work whether you have a list or product!
With this breakthrough you'll discover a proven system for building a high converting list through giveaway events. This series of videos will fully equip you and your business to compete in today’s marketplace by attracting more new customers, engaging with them and turning them into red-hot buyers.
You are getting a complete giveaway and listing building course that’s ‘Already-Tested’ and delivers the core concepts for mastering the process of creating three types of giveaways that convert like crazy. You also gain a detailed strategy for finding and getting list owners to recommend and agree to work with you on any one of these three giveaway types. (This means there is no guess work on your part, it’s already figured out for you.)
Plus, by putting this all online for you, you can quickly download it anywhere in the world and watch it on your PC, MAC or tablet. Everything is laid out for you step-by-step, point-by-point and topic-by-topic to make it easy and fast for you to get started today!
Let me take you through at what's inside this course...

This video will introduce you to the system by getting you into the right mindset to guide you in the right direction.
You’ll be given a quick overview of the video series as a whole, given a list of tools you need to get started, and shown how the system will work. By knowing this, it’ll allow you to zoom forward and implement the giveaway event quickly and easily.

giveaway strategy covers building high converting freebie lists.
While I stated earlier that buyers lists are way better than freebie
lists, if done right this specific strategy will help you build more
responsive list faster than ever by ensuring the traffic that comes to
you is of high quality. This giveaway strategy only requires a
small group of list owners to participate and can be setup
easily. You’ll be given the mind map to how this works and how to
implement this strategy with ease.

learn how to build a buyer’s list by organizing giveaways that consist
of a group of list owners joining together to bundle their products
together. This type of giveaway is a little old school, but can
still work if done a certain way. We’ve tweaked the model to
ensure that it still converts, because if done incorrectly, it can
actually create a negative impact which includes overwhelming your
buyers, diluting the responsive of buyers towards other list owners’
participants, and more. This video will contain a mind map so you can
learn how the process works as well as step by step, over the shoulder
instructions on how to implement it.

this specific video, you’ll learn how to build a buyer’s list through a
more advanced strategy, which is the big fish of this video
course. The only downside with giveaways is that they tend to be a
one off, meaning they are done during a certain time limit. This
strategy creates a giveaway that is consistent and ongoing. The
advantage is that it generates buyers on a consistent basis and is a
win-win situation for all list and product owners involved in the
giveaway. This does really well because you're building a list of
buyers faster than ever and you don't have to do anything after the
initial implementation. This video will include a mind map as well as
the process of implementation.

Don’t have a list? And still want to build your list using these strategies? Don’t fret! If you don’t have a list, then you have to offer something beneficial in order for this to work. In this specific video, you’ll learn several strategies you can use right away to create a product fast, simply by leveraging the list owner participants involved.

In this specific video, you’ll learn how to find list owners to
participate in your giveaways. The key is not to just choose anyone, but
to choose the right list owners in the same niche. Even then, you need
to approach other list owners in a certain way that will want them to
respond to you. Do this wrong and no list-owner will reply back to you
and you will set yourself up for failure.

Now the question is how do you get the list owners to jump on board? You won’t be able to get everyone to jump on board, so don’t be discouraged. It is what it is and if you get rejected, then move on. But in this video, I’ll help you by showing you how to increase those “Yes’s” by helping to create a win-win situation for all participants to maximize your chances of a successful give-away event!
Literally this is the closest thing to watching over my shoulder and sitting next to me at my computer. You’ll get 7 full-length videos that you can download instantly on to your PC, Mac or Tablet. You’ll see first-hand exactly how I research, plan, and execute a give-away event from start to finish!
click the play button below to watch a sample
video to help you get started!
Here’s just a fraction of what you’re going to discover:
A complete step-by-step guide to setting up powerful giveaways online, with opt-ins, video, download links and tracking!
3 giveaway ‘go-to’ strategies that are time-tested, proven to work and are winning formulas for listing building today!
The one mistake that even experienced marketers make with giveaways that can actually decrease signups and kill conversions!
5 guaranteed ways to find list owners and get them to say yes to you
How to use a free web editor tool to put together a winning giveaway, add video, tracking and please list owners
Immediately useable opt-in strategies to start building a huge, responsive mailing list
5 ways to convince top list owners to work with you on giveaways and recommend you to their list time, and time again
2 examples of hot products that are consumable, easy and fast to make when you have no offers or products
How to earn big profits even when you don’t have a list to begin with or experience in mailing (this alone is dynamite!)
Three ways to build a relationship with list owners, and the one thing you absolutely must do before you contact them to get an instant response
And much more…
You will NEVER have to wonder what is the exact method and steps you need to take in order to create a giveaway that sucks in subscribers like wildfire and converts them into buyers with little effort
You will NEVER have to guess the ‘magical formula’ to get list owners with established lists to say yes
— as I will show you what works time and time again.( Just asking
isn’t enough. I have honed this down to a science that is simple, quick
and duplicable by anyone.)
You will NEVER have to figure out how you can do it — when you have no list and no product
— as I will show you a proven way thatwill have you up and running
with a giveaway within 15 minutes and still have list owners eager to
work with you
You will NEVER have to struggle with finding list owners
as I tell you precisely where they are, what to look for and which
ones to avoid. Not everyone with a list is worth your time. I will
slash the time it takes to find quality list owners in half
You will NEVER have to make the costly mistakes that other newbie entrepreneurs and business owners make
when first trying to build a list. As each of these videos literally
takes you by the hand and guides you through each step until you have a
highly responsive list that hangs on your every word
In order to make saying “yes” to Freebie List converter even easier, here’s one more advantage I think you will find irresistible…
"Enter What Your Customer says About Your Product Here!"
a more in-depth description of your customer's testimonial here. The
more detailed and specific, the better. If possible get a headshot of
your customer's picture, or an audio testimonial, or better still, a
video testimonial.
"Enter What Your Customer says About Your Product Here!"
a more in-depth description of your customer's testimonial here. The
more detailed and specific, the better. If possible get a headshot of
your customer's picture, or an audio testimonial, or better still, a
video testimonial.
"Enter What Your Customer says About Your Product Here!"
a more in-depth description of your customer's testimonial here. The
more detailed and specific, the better. If possible get a headshot of
your customer's picture, or an audio testimonial, or better still, a
video testimonial.
Think about it.
Where will you be a year from now? Will you still be struggling to
build a list, while competitors who are web marketing savvy steal
business from you?
Will you be stuck in that agonizing 9 to 5 job, only wishing that someone would show you how to escape it?
Or will you be enjoying the exhilarating feeling of building a list, selling your products and services online, automatically, while you sleep?
I have gone through the pain. Now you don’t have to. This digital downloadable package which you can be accessing in as little as 60 seconds from now gives you authentic proven advice on how to build the list that you have always dreamed about having. Don’t pass up an opportunity of a life-time. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Go for it!
Go ahead, click the order button now to get your copy!
The techniques shared in this course could directly affect your finances and life forever and helps you finally start making the money you deserve. Just place your order below. It’s safe, secure and gives you access instantly to the product.
Don’t wait around thinking about it. You will kick yourself later when I raise the price on this (I’ve done it before) and you are left on the sidelines. Get in on this now!
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Normal Price $97
Your Price Only $17!!
Yours In Success & Profit!
If you continue to approach building a list the way you always have, you’re going to get the same results. What I’m offering you here is the easiest, most-risk free way to try Freebie List Converter so you can see yourself how my proven approach can help you increase not only the number of subscribers you have, but quality and conversions. Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted?
Try this rapid method of list building and see the amazing results it can bring. And now you can without any risk, as you are completely protected by a 100% money back guarantee. Click the order button now, download it all and then you decide!