ATTENTION: Offline business owners, product sellers, or anyone with a blog...
"Discover the Proven Strategies That Will Propel Your Blog to Rock-Star Status, No Matter What Niche You're in or What Changes Google Makes!"
Stop relying on "here today gone tomorrow" techniques
that don't work, and start seeing real growth
in your business and your profits...
From: Your Name
RE: How to be a rock star blogger in any niche
Dear Burned Out Blogger,
It's frustrating, isn't it?
You put in weeks or months of work, following advice from other, seemingly successful bloggers, only to get hit with the latest algorithm change and suddenly...
Your traffic drops.
Sales slow.
Social sharing is non-existent.
And yet, other blogs just take these changes in stride, with hardly a dip in their traffic.
You may have even said to yourself...
"Maybe I'm Just Not Cut Out To Be a Blogger..."
You're not alone. We've all felt that way at one time or another.
You feel like you're putting hours and hours into informative blog posts and no one is reading.
Or you carefully craft calls to action and no one clicks.
Or maybe you're just tired of working so hard and not making any money.
You know that blogging is a great tool for growing your business - after all, other people are doing it, right? So...
What Do Those Bloggers Have That You Don't?
Rock-star strategies, that's what. They know exactly how to...
- Monetize every available space on their blog without appearing spammy
- Create a community of loyal followers who read and share every word
- Keep readers entertained and engaged with a variety of interactive posts
- Develop long-term relationships with other bloggers
- Use multiple methods to drive traffic so they don't have to rely on Google
- Build a solid, responsive mailing list
Here's the good news: These are not ninja tricks reserved only for the rich and famous.
These are the exact strategies that any blogger - in any niche - can use.
How to Be a Rock-Star Blogger
what's it really take to be a rock-star blogger? A plan, persistence,
and an understanding of how to drive traffic and entice people to take
These are all things anyone - in any niche - can learn, so don't worry if you think you don't have it "in you" to be a rock star. I promise you do!
In this 4-module video course, you'll discover the tips and techniques today's top bloggers are using, and how you can do the exact same thing on your blog. We'll look at some of the best business blogs and deconstruct everything from guest posts to monetization strategies, so you can see just what's working - and what's not - and easily adapt the style to your own site.
Here's what's included...
Module 1: Quality Blogging in 2014 and Beyond
In the first module, you'll discover what it takes to reach rock-star status - and keep it - in light of the recent changes from Google. We'll talk about what they really mean when they say "guest blogging is spammy" and what you should do instead.
You'll learn...
- Why Google isn't the only game in town...and where else to find traffic
- 3 things to focus on besides search engines
- 7 qualities of true rock-star bloggers - some of them will surprise you!
- The pros and cons of guest blogging, including why it's still a great tool
- 3 critical litmus tests for any guest post you accept on your blog - skip these and you may just find your blog labeled as a spam site.
- The number one focus of every rock-star blogger - get this right, and the rest will come easy
- Why blogging as a vehicle for affiliate links simply doesn't work any more - and how you can still make money with your blog
- 2 reasons to take Google's constant algorithm changes with a huge grain of salt
Module 2: How to get expert bloggers as your guests
Hosting guest bloggers is an easy way to beef up your blog and position yourself as the go-to resource in your niche. But attracting other rock-star bloggers can be difficult. In this module you'll learn...
- The number one way you can stand out from the crowd - and you already have everything you need!
- How to use other people's content - legally - on your own blog
- How to "validate" yourself and your guest bloggers for more Google love
- 5 ways to attract the top bloggers in your niche - one of these will shock you
- How to ensure they'll contribute again - and it's NOT with a reciprocal post
- A 4 step plan to turn your blog into a go-to resource
Module 3: How to Make Your Blog More Interactive
As you may have noticed, it's not enough to just blog. Visitors are hungry for more, have shorter attention spans, and are consuming your content on the go via mobile devices, so it makes sense to help them get the most from your site.
In Module 3, we'll talk about...
- 7 ways to use video on your blog - including 2 you probably haven't considered
- 3 YouTube alternatives worth checking out
- Why more and more professional bloggers are turning to Vimeo
- How to leverage the power of iTunes on your blog
- Top 3 things to remember when creating any kind of content for your blog
- 2 popular blogs that use podcasting to attract more readers - and how you can do the same just by following these great examples
- How to easily repurpose content in different ways for maximum effect
- How to combine stellar customer service with interactivity to fully engage readers
Module 4: Ways to monetize your content
Finally we've come to what might just be the most important part - money. Because if you set your sights on rock-star blogging status, you definitely want your blog to pay the bills. In this module, you'll learn...
- The top 4 tips for staying off Google's "naughty" list - ignore these at your own peril!
- 5 must-have pages for anyone who sells anything online
- The one page that helps build your credibility - and what it should not contain
- When is the right time to start monetizing your content (this might surprise you)
- 8 options for monetization, including one you've probably never considered (but you should!)
- 3 unbreakable rules about accepting payments
- The right way to promote digital products on your blog - get this one piece right and you'll see a leap in sales almost immediately
- How to seamlessly and naturally insert calls to action in your blog without appearing pushy or spammy
- 5 ways to repurpose your blog content for greater reach
If all of this sounds overwhelming - don't worry. This step-by-step process is designed to grow. The more you blog, the easier it becomes, and soon you'll be enjoying the benefits of being a rock-star blogger, too!
But if, after taking the course, you don't feel it helped you grow your blog in any way, you'll be glad to know "How to Be a Rock-Star Blogger" is covered by my...
If you don't find "How to Be a Rock-Star Blogger" informative and helpful in growing your blog presence, simply email me for a full and courteous refund.
There's absolutely no risk to you!
Stop Wasting Time On
Strategies That No Longer Work
And start seeing the results you deserve! "How to Be a Rock-Star Blogger" is designed to help you get your creative juices flowing, grow your audience, and most of all, make blogging fun again!
You can reach the top of the charts with your blog, no matter what industry you're in or how large your market. With just a bit of planning, some consistent effort, and the guidance of those who have "been there, done that" your blog will shine again.
Don't miss this opportunity. Grab your copy of "How to Be a Rock-Star Blogger" today.
Ready to take your blogging to the next level? You DO have what it takes to be a rock star, so get out there and go for it!
P.S. Remember - this is a completely risk-free offer, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain: Traffic, credibility, profits - it's all possible when you're a rock-star! Grab your copy today.