Full Private Label Rights to Hot Product #1:
The Beginner's Guide To
Membership Sites
Building for Profits in the 21st Century for Ordinary
20 Pages, Full Private Label Rights
Membership websites are the wave of the twenty-first century
not for one, but several reasons. The whole world has
become 'computerized' and membership sites raised the
bar in customer service.
Web 2.0 is interactive.
Communication is no longer a one-way street. Website visitors
don't want to just be talked to - they want to have the
chance to respond as well.
Owning a membership
site offers tremendous opportunities and profit power
that can be spelled in two words: recurring income.
Additionally, the membership website owner does NOT necessarily
have to scramble for website content constantly. Only
if you know how to.
The Beginner's
Guide To Membership Sites lives up to its name
when it comes to scratching the surface of this growingly
popular topic on demand among
Internet Marketers and niche
webmasters alike. Discover the different types of private
sites you can start and get ideas and inspirations - all
packed within this guide.
of Contents
Membership Sites are the Wave of the 21st Century?
Different Types of Membership Sites 9
Web 2.0 Websites 9
Playing on Exclusivity 10
Getting Free Members - Going for Volume 10
Community-Driven Membership 10
One Thing All Membership Sites Have in Common 11
and Inspirations on Membership Themes That You Can
Use 12
Following Your Passion 12
10 Profitable Membership Ideas 13
to Quickly Start Your Own Membership Site for Under
$500 15
Getting a Domain Name 15
Hosting and Website 16
Building Your Members List 17
Membership Software 17
Resources 18 |

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Private Label Rights to Hot Product #2:
FaceBooking Craze For Internet
Internet Marketers Should Use FaceBook, How It Can Help
Grow Your Business And How To Get 500 Friends In 30 Days!
27 Pages, Full Private Label Rights
In marketing circles, there is a great
deal of talk about FaceBook. FaceBook is a social networking
site that came quietly into the Internet scene in early
2004 and at that time, it was geared towards college students
Friends and 'soon
to be' friends can be located with their email, by region
or city, by profession, by their school, or numerous other
options. Once a person has joined your circle of friends,
you can interact with them by sending them messages or
leaving notes on their profile, which is essentially called
'writing on one's wall'.
A lot has changed
in 4 years and now anyone over the age of 13 can open
a free account at FaceBook and start interacting with
others. Today, there are more than 80 million
people using FaceBook.
Since FaceBook has
become open to non-college students, some of the most
famous Internet Marketers, including John Reese, Mike
Filsaime, Willie Crawford, and Edmund Loh have found that
the social networking site is more than just a way to
connect with old friends and to meet new friends, it can
also be used as a valuable marketing tool.
'FaceBooking' can
boost your business in the relationship area and connect
to your customers and potential partners on a personal
level - you will discover all these in FaceBooking
Craze For Internet Marketers!
of Contents
Why Use FaceBook? 5
How to Register Your FaceBook Account 7
How to Write an Attractive Profile 9
Adding Friends and Building Your Network 11
How to Get More than 500 Friends in 30 Days 13
How to Get Targeted Prospects from FaceBook Advertisements
How to Start a Group and Do Joint Ventures 19
Some No-No's on FaceBook 21
The FaceBook Frenzy: To Join or Not to Join? 23 |

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[YES] Can sell with Master Resell Rights.
[YES] Can sell with Private Label Rights.
Private Label Rights to Hot Product #3:
E-Book Reseller Riches
to Exponentially Increase Your Web Profits with Resell
30 Pages, Full Private Label Rights
There are massive profits to be made on
the Internet. Most of them revolve around the million
dollar industry of selling information products in the
form of E-Books.
The reason why we
have decided to release another book is to share our combined
expertise in the Resell Rights arena and how we can help
YOU to create runaway autopilot riches without chalking
out a single word of your own in terms of product creation.
Before we jump in, we must outline our reselling strategy
with care.
The journey of a
thousand miles begins with the first step - so we must
make sure we begin our first step in the right direction.
Remember, our goal is financial freedom - achieving
autopilot, recurring income long after you stop
of Contents
1: Introduction 5
2: Four Ways to Maximize Profits 8
Upfront Sales 8
Back-end Sales 8
Re-branding Fees 11
Selling Resell Rights 12
3: What Type of Resell Rights to Offer? 13
4: Executing Your Reselling Strategies 16
Always Cater to a Hungry Niche Market 16
Creating your Product 16
How to Price Your Product 17
What are Your Other Profit Centers? 17
How to Get Your Resellers Started as Quickly as
Possible 18
How and Where to Market Your Product for Upfront
Sales? 19
Your Checklist 20
5: Other Reseller Strategies 23
Writing Articles 23
Viral Marketing 23
Paid E-zine Advertising 24
Blogging 25
6: Summary 26
7: Getting Started At Lightning Speed 27
A Wealth of Resources 27 |

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Private Label Rights to Hot Product #4:
Cashing In BIG On The Health
And Wellness Industry
How You Or ANYONE Can Milk Every Single Dollar From One
Of The Highest Demand Markets In The World Today!
41 Pages, Full Private Label Rights
Ever thought of making money in an industry
with a HUGE market demand, UNPARALLELED growth potential
and MASSIVE income possibilities?
How would you like
to position yourself strategically and tap into one of
the largest trends in the history of mankind? Look no
further. Cashing In BIG On The Health And Wellness
Industry reveals how the HEALTH and WELLNESS
industry holds the key to any budding entrepreneur on
how to cash in on this rising trend!
of Contents
1: Who Are The Baby Boomers? 8
The Growth of an Unstoppable Market 8
When Did It Happen? 9
The Cultural Identity of a World Changing Generation
2: What are the Baby Boomer Trends? 12
Unparalleled Economic Demand 12
Boomers Start and Destroy Markets 13
Keeping up with the Boomer's Trends 14
3: Where are the Boomers Spending Their Money? 16
What Age are they in Now? 16
Where Would Their Main Priority Be? 17
Where Will They Start Looking For Solutions? 19
4: Health and Wellness in the Network Marketing
Industry 21
A Cost Effective Business Model 21
Feeding the Hunger 23
What Kind of Products are in the Market? 24
5: Network Marketing Trends and Phases 27
Network Marketing Trends 27
Nutritional Supplements 28
The Water Wave 29
The Age of Air 30
6: Building Your Own Product Awareness 32
Positioning Yourself as an Information Expert 33
Building the Relationship with Your Customers 34
7: How to Identify the Latest Trends and Cash In
Identifying Your Niche Market 36
Choosing the Right Company that Manufactures the
Products 37
Be Very Clear Where You Are Heading 38
40 |

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