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Dear Smoker:
First, let me say that I know
how you feel. You’ve been smoking for quite awhile now and you
know that you need to quit. But when you try, you find it’s
much more difficult than you ever imagined. The reason I know
how you feel is because I’ve been in your shoes.
People who smoke can give you
a hundred reason why they smoke and a hundred more why they
should quit. So why are there still so many people lighting
up? Addiction is the answer to that question. When you take a
drag on a cigarette, hundreds of chemicals are introduced into
your body. The most addictive of those chemicals is nicotine.
Nicotine is a drug just like
cocaine, marijuana, and heroin. When your body is used to
having that drug in its system, deprivation can cause some real
problems. Those problems keep you from quitting completely and
getting on with a healthier lifestyle.
Some Say There’s No Hope, But I Know There Is!
That’s because I found this
amazing book, “Stop Smoking, Kick The Habit Now!” It
helped me quit smoking, and I got so excited about it’s amazing
advice that I now own the rights to share it with YOU!
Smoking kills – it’s a fact.
More people get sick every year because of smoking – either
directly or indirectly. Thousands of children suffer the
effects of secondhand smoke from their parents or caregivers.
But I don’t have to tell you that. You already know. That’s
why you’re reading this letter!
Consider the statistics:
1 out of every
5 deaths in
the United States every year can be directly linked to
Smoking reduces life
expectancy by 7 to 8 years
Secondhand smoke has
caused over 2 million deaths in one year’s time
Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemical compounds and 400 of
those are toxic
You are introducing dangerous
substances into your body every time you take a puff. Smoking
is a huge health risk – there’s no denying that! So why are
there so many smokers? The reasons are many:
These are only excuses,
though. They are words that smokers say so that they don’t have
to deal with the reality and hardship of quitting. And quitting
is hard – there’s no doubt about it!
Begin The Process Now – Start Down The
Road Toward Being Smoke Free!
The reality is that you will
begin to realize immediate effects when you decide to put down
your smokes. It’s true! Your body begins to heal after just a
few hours of being smoke free.
Becoming completely
smoke-free, however, takes a long time and a lot of commitment,
but once you know how to approach the process, it gets a little
Now, I’m not telling you I’ll
be able to completely take away your cravings for cigarettes.
That depends on you. What I can do with this book is show you
how to make those cravings a little less intense.
I can’t give you a magic pill
that will make cigarettes repulsive to you. But I can show you
ways that make quitting just a little bit easier. You see,
ultimately, it all has to be up to you. You have to have that
desire inside you to put down the cigarettes and live a
smoke-free life.
Smoke-Free Means Stress Free – Eventually!
It took me forever to get to
the point where I realized it was time to quit smoking. I
suffered from a chronic cough, breathing problems, and social
shunning – all because of my smoking. I finally reached the
point where I knew I had to quit – and soon!
I had been a smoker for 15
years. At my worst point, I was at two packs a day. I felt
horrible both emotionally and physically. I had tried at least
20 different times over the course of that 15 years to quit, but
could only make it a few weeks before I found myself lighting up
again. It was demeaning.
Then I found this book. From
the first moment I read “Stop Smoking, Kick The Habit Now”, I
knew I had found all the information I would need to become a
successful non-smoker.
You see, smoking becomes a
lifestyle and changing that lifestyle is terribly scary. When
you are used to being one type of person, doing a complete 180
degree turn into another type of person is daunting and it’s
easy to lose sight of that. This book helped me realize that I
could beat the demon cigarette and become a non-smoker once and
for all!
How does a simple book do
that? Here’s a little look at what you will get inside these
Setting a date to quit
Getting support from
friends and family
How to quit cold
What to do when you’re
around people who still smoke
How to react if you
Places to find support
And more!
You see, when you decide to
stop smoking, the biggest hindrance is confidence. You don’t
think you can do it. You don’t see how you can ever get rid of
your addiction. What you need in these situations is support
and confirmation that what you are doing is definitely the right
This book gives you tons and
tons of reasons why you should quit smoking. It also gives the
characteristics of successful quitters so you can begin to model
yourself after them. Plus, you get over 10 motivational quotes
to keep you from starting up again.
Think about how much money
you spend every week on cigarettes. I know, for me, it was over
$50. In one week, I would spend $50 feeding a habit that did
nothing but lead to deteriorating my health. I used to joke
that someone had to keep the convenience stores in business, but
the reality was that I was ashamed. $50 could go a long way at
my house, but I was setting it on fire – literally. How many
people can afford to set a $50 bill on fire each and every week?
It’s Time To Get Your Money Back!
There are so many products on
the market right now that promise to help you stop smoking.
They’re called Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), and they
exist in the form of patches, gums, lozenges, and even nose
sprays. Some of these methods just might work for you. But,
some of them might not work and then you’re out the money you
spent on them.
When you order “Stop
Smoking, Kick The Habit Now”, you won’t have to worry about
wasted money. If you go to a discount store and buy a stop
smoking patch kit, you’ll pay about $60 depending on where you
live. Well, now that I have the rights to this book, I say
order it right now for just $_____.
Well, if those patches you
buy at the discount store don’t work, do you think you can take
the empty box back to them and get your money back? Let me tell
you right now, that won’t happen! But I can guarantee that with
this book, you can get your money back!
Famous, 100%, 90 Day Money-Back
Clear As Black-And-White Guarantee! |
After Using What You Learn From My Book, You Don't Learn
How To Successfully Kick The Habit, I'll
personally Buy My Book Back From You & You Get A 100%,
No-Hassle Refund!
('And you can
even keep the book for free
as a thank you for trying it out!') |
This Is The Book That Will Put You On
The Road To A Smoke-Free Life!
I picked up my first
cigarette when I was 19. I put down my last cigarette when I
was 38. When I spent $_____ to get
this book, I bought my life back. Now I’m offering it to you
for $_____.
Get Your Life Back At a
Bargain Price.

And with a guarantee that we
can show you what experts, professionals, and people just like
you have to tell you about how you can successfully quit smoking
and breathe easier. It takes just moments to make a lifetime of
And by the way, I love
quitters! Here’s to your success in becoming a non-smoker.
Join our ranks! We’re pretty good people!
Happy Quitting!
Your Name
P.S. Rest easy that when you
order “Stop Smoking, Kick The Habit Now” from me, you
will be doing so without worry. I value this product so very
much that you have 90 days to use it before you decide if it’s
what I say it is. If you’re not satisfied, just let me know and
you’ll get all of your money back – 100 percent!
Try to find a guarantee like
that with over the counter products. I’m offering it to you
right here, right now. There’s nothing to lose, and your life
to gain! You owe it to yourself and your loved ones! We’re in
this together, and we’ll prove it with this book!