![]() Attention: Now you can think like a genius! "Who Else Wants to Develop Super Creative Abilities to Generate Highly Innovative Ideas, Solve the Most Difficult Problems With Ease, and Attain Enormous Success in Life?" They snickered as I strode the length of the conference room, to the podium. I was prepared to address the committee. "Is this some kind of joke?" whispered a fellow associate, as I moved past him. I was new in the department, and have not yet bowled them over with my great ideas. "Not exactly an idea generator, what's that person trying to prove?" muttered one of the department supervisors. I laid the folder containing my presentation on the podium, and opened it slowly. Clearing my throat, I said, "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming." I looked into the eyes of my new co-workers and saw a mixture of amusement, disbelief, and bafflement. It's true I have not exactly wowed my new team with my contributions since I was hired. What they didn't know was that I've been keeping something from them. Should I tell them about the secret of my success? I smiled at the assembled committee and began to lay out my ideas for the company's new advertising campaign. Mouths started dropping. Folks started nodding and smiling. Soon there were whispers around the conference room and smiles. When I finished my presentation, there was a big applause. The members of my team rushed forward, crowding around me, shaking my hand and banging me on the back. "How did you do it? Your ideas were great! You really surprised us! You've been holding back haven't you? Okay, what's your secret?" I told them my story. I have discovered a way to increase my productivity by unleashing my creativity. Yes, it was just that simple. I discovered it was within my power to enhance my own imagination. It was all in the pages of a simple report - Unleashing the Creative New You! From [YOUR NAME] Dear Friend, It has probably happened to you before. A problem arises at the office or in your family, and everyone looks up to you to solve it. You don't want to hurt feelings or step on anyone's toes, so you find yourself hedging around the issue. What you really need is a creative solution, one that will soothe everyone's ruffled feathers. You need something that will appease all parties involved. How do you make everyone happy? Is that even possible? You smiled to yourself thinking that what you really need to be is a genius to solve this dilemma. You wish you're one of those people who can come up with something amazing, inspiring, and creative, at the drop of a hat. Have you become a creature of habit over the years? Think there's no way you could ever be creative? Maybe you've been stuck in a rut. What if
I told you that it is indeed possible for you to become the creative being
you've always wanted to be? What if you could:
You will feel so good about yourself, your work will prosper, your family life will improve, and even your relationships will blossom. What if you could look at something everyone else has looked at, but see it in a totally different light? What if you could give it a twist? You could develop your intuition, that special insight that only creative people seem to possess. Think you're not creative? Think you're not imaginative? Well, stop thinking. We're all capable of creativity. It's in our genes, our very DNA. All human beings are creative. It's just a matter of developing that creativity. "But how do I do that," you ask? "I don't know if I'm smart enough to be a problem solver. "What if I don't possess enough knowledge to be really good at this?" Well, Albert Einstein said, "Creativity is more powerful than knowledge."
I stumbled upon the very answer for all those who think they don't have it in themselves to be creative, imaginative, or inspired. You do have it in you, and one report will teach you exactly how to unleash it.
Creativity gives you that edge, that certain something that makes you stand out in a crowd. You want to be more than just smart; you want to be inspiring! So, how do you nurture that creative spirit within you? Check out Chapter Five. How do you channel all that newfound creativity into your every day life? See Chapter Three. What if you make mistakes? The answers are all in Chapter Six. Don't you have to be some kind of genius to be creative? No, and you'll find out why in Chapter Eight. Are you ever too old to learn to be creative? Of course not! Find out why in Chapter Eleven. Still don't believe that you too can be inspiring, imaginative, and creative? Don't take my word for it; read what others have to say:
For a limited time, I'm making a special promotional offer. I want to get this report out to the public, so people can see for themselves. Specialized reports of this nature, produced in limited quantities, usually sell for $79.00. But you don't have to pay that amount. In fact, you don't even have to pay $50.00 for this rare and powerful information. You can download your own copy of Unleashing the Creative New You! right now for only $27!
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Sincerely, [YOUR NAME]
P.S. Order your copy of the report today and start becoming more creative and innovative quickly! It's that easy! Click Here to Order P.P.S. Better grab this report while you can still get it for such a bargain! Let the lessons start helping you to be a more creative and impressive person admired by everyone else. [Your Physical Address] Your Contact Information/Email Legal Information Copyright © 2007 Your Company Name. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimers | Terms Of Service | Privacy Notice |