“Discover Camping for Boys”
Now you can use simple, step-by-step techniques to help boys become strong men through camping--- 100% Guaranteed
Dear Reader,
If I’m right, you would probably love nothing better than to help the boys in your life achieve their goals while enjoying the benefits of clean, fresh outdoor living. Obviously, that’s a no brainer! Who wouldn’t want to see young men begin the path to their future through good, old-fashioned fun? But, how do you go about it?
Without the right tools and information, it could take you years and cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that would help you to achieve these goals.
Instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with the right formula, there is an easier way. We’ll get to that in a minute.
First, let’s take a look at the cold, hard facts:
Fact # 1: Civilization has been making of the world a hothouse.
Fact # 2: Medical examinations of school children reveal some startling facts
Fact # 3: Our world abounds with temptations for today’s youth that can be hard to resist without proper guidance and direction
But now there’s good news ....

I won’t deny that there are a ton of books out there on the subject of camping for kids. Unfortunately the problem with most books on this subject is that they are filled with plenty of promises and no solid techniques and strategies to back up those promises.
Camping for Boys breaks the mold of all the other such books and manuals you have heard and read about. It presents solid, proven steps to help boys achieve their camping goals faster and easier.
Imagine being able to relax in comfort, knowing that you are helping a young man on the path to his future through camping and you can lay aside the troublesome worries that plague so many youth today.
Sounds too good to be true?
It’s not and I can prove it with Camping for Boys.
But, first a word of introduction.
My name is _______.. I’m not a professional copywriter. I’m not even a writer at all! But I do know valuable information when I see it. A few years ago I found myself in a situation not too different from your own. I saw the path that so many young boys around were taking and it wasn’t pretty. I desperately wanted to make things differently for my own son and his friends. I didn’t want them to succumb to the temptations that surrounded them. I had read numerous books on the subject and spent quite a bit of money in the process, but I couldn’t see that there were any positive changes.
As my son grew older, I could see that the temptations surrounding him were growing harder and harder for him to resist. I knew that if I didn’t get a handle on the situation soon that I might well lose him forever. That wasn’t a possibility I was willing to accept, but I didn’t know what else to do. That’s when I ran across a copy ofCamping for Boys at a used bookstore one day. I remembered the camping trips I had taken with my grandfather and how much they had influenced my own growing up years.
But, anyway back to the story….
I’ll be honest and admit that I almost didn’t even pick up Camping for Boys. Wow! Am I glad I did! This one book has completely changed my life.
That night after the kids were in bed, I pulled out this out of print book and started reading it. At first, I couldn’t believe it!
I read several pages and quickly realized that I simply couldn’t put it down. I had to finish this book. I knew that the answers I needed to solve my concerns about my son were inside this book.
But here’s the funny thing….
This wasn’t some new release book. In fact, this book had been out of print for several years. Still, it contained all the information, tips and strategies I needed. I couldn’t wait to put them to use!
I started off small and put just one of the tips contained within Camping for Boys to use and then sat back to wait and see what would happen. Even though I was really excited about the possibilities contained within this amazing little book, I had been burned enough times that I wasn’t about to put all my eggs in one basket, so to speak.
What happened next was nothing short of amazing!
I took my son out for our first camping trip and I could see an immediate difference in how he responded to my instruction as well as the pressures surrounding him. Soon, I invited some of his friends along for another camping trip. On the next trip, some of the other dads joined us.
As our success with camping for boys grew, I started to feel guilty. I knew there were a lot more people out there who not only wanted, but needed, the same solutions I had found. Somehow, it just didn’t seem right to keep it to myself.
After all, it’s not like I wrote the book. I was just lucky enough to come across it one day.
Why not repackage Camping for Boys? You see, this amazing book had first been published several years ago. And while it was incredibly successful at the time, it eventually faded out the limelight.
I was convinced that if it could be repackaged into a more usable and modern format, that it could bring the same benefits I now enjoyed to many other people. So, I brushed off the cover and got to work.
Now you too can discover….
Tramps, Hikes and Overnight Trips
Cooking on Hikes
Athletics, Campus Games, Aquatics, Water Sports
- Nature Study
The Right (and the Wrong) Way to go Camping with Boys:
Absolutely everything anyone would ever need is contained within this impressive work. Take a look at everything you’ll find inside Camping for Boys.
This newly released work called Camping for Boys by H.W. Gibson is the quickest and easiest way to learn how to help your son or other boys become better young men through the benefits of camping.
Until now, this ultimate tutorial for boys’ camping was nearly lost forever.
What A Guide to Camping for Boys can teach you:
Okay, I’m sold, but what’s this incredible resource going to cost me?
When I first began to package Camping for Boys and offer it to the public, my first thought was to create a seminar where people could actually get the benefits in a hands-on way. I know not everyone loves to read like I do, so that seemed to be a great solution.
And I was right. It’s been very successful. Normally, the exclusive information contained within Camping for Boys for boys would be delivered as part of a 3 day seminar for $47 per person. But now I have a problem. My special seminar on camping for boys has been so successful that my schedule is now jam packed!
Since I still want as many people as possible to reap the benefits of Camping for Boys, and it involves a lot of time and effort on the part of everyone to set up more seminars; time that quite frankly; I just don’t have; I’m willing to slash the cost just so you can take advantage of the incredible information within Camping for Boys.
So, because of my hectic schedule, you can now take advantage of Camping for Boys for only $27.
The truth is that you will never be able to find the in-depth information found in any other book.
I’m so convinced that you can put the exclusive information contained within Camping for Boys to immediate use, that I’m going to sweeten the pot a little and give you ___ special bonuses as a special reward for taking action immediately.
Bonus # 1: ____________
Bonus #2: ____________
Bonus #2 ____________
Together these __ free bonuses are worth more than $27 your investment in Camping for Boys-- but they’re all yours absolutely free when you place your order today.
You couldn’t ask for a better deal! Not only do you get the special bonuses but can also pick up following exclusive strategies for a ridiculously low price:
- Character Building
- Becoming one with Nature
- Moral Development
- Self-Sufficiency
I know you’re probably still skeptical and bit on the wary side. I can completely understand that. It’s all too easy to waste a small fortune on books and manuals that promise you the moon and then deliver nothing.
100% Money Back Guarantee
If you don’t agree that this is the most eye-opening, impactful and practical information you have ever received on the subject of camping for boys, simply e-mail me and I will refund 100% of your money on the spot, no hard feelings, no questions asked. That’s how confident I am that you will love Camping for Boys! In fact, I will even extend this guarantee for an entire 90 days. That’s right! A 100% 90 days Money Back Guarantee! You can’t beat it! You get to use and benefit from this unique and exclusive guide for an entire 90 days or else receive an immediate refund. Even if you decide to request a refund, you still get to keep the ____ bonuses as my free gift to you just for giving this a try.
Fair enough?
You don’t want to miss out on this one! In fact, I can’t even guarantee how long this special price is going to last. This is one honey of a deal! Remember this is a limited time offer. The price could go up dramatically in the future and this is your chance to get a copy of Camping for Boys now at a reduced price.
Price: $27.00
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Is this product really worth $27? You be the judge:
Let me summarize and review what you get when you take advantage of this incredible offer:
- Cooking on Hikes
- Nature Study
- Organization, Administration and Discipline
- Honor, Emblems and Awards
- Character Building
But, wait! There’s more!
Don’t forget the incredible ___ bonuses!
Bonus # 1: ____________
Bonus #2: ____________
Bonus #2 ____________
Here’s How to Get Started:
Yes! I want to help boys become the best they can be and take advantage of the exclusive techniques presented in Camping for Boys ! I know this is a limited time offer and may never be available again!
Please send me Camping for Boys right away!
I understand my purchase is completely protected by your name’s 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. I have 90 days to test drive the techniques and strategies presented in Camping for Boys and if I am not completely convinced that it is hands-down the best camping for boys book on the market, then I am entitled to a 100% refund of my purchase price. Even if I decide to accept the refund offer, I still get to keep the ____ bonuses as a free gift.
Your name
P.S. You’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to help a boy begin his path to manhood with Camping for Boys.
P.P.S. Oh, and don’t forget the special ___ bonuses you will receive for taking action right now. And don’t forget! I take all the risk! You have nothing to lose!
P.P.P.S. You’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to take advantage of the techniques presented in Camping for Boys and implement them in your own (life/business).
You really can’t afford not to invest in Camping for Boys. You owe it to yourself to try this books and witness the incredible results. When you order today, you can stop wasting your time and get started camping today!
Price: $17.00
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