“Discover the Secrets to Establishing a Complete Home”
Now you can use a practical, step-by-step guide to achieve the complete home of your drams.Guaranteed!
Dear Reader,
If I’m right, you have probably flipped through the glossy pages of a home and garden magazine at least once and sighed with envy, wishing that your own home could look just as nice.
Without the right tools and information, it could take you years and cost you a small fortune to either hire someone to show you how to complete the home you’ve always dreamed of or figure out the secrets to a complete home on your own. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to achieve the complete home you’ve always dreamed of.
Now there’s good news ....
I won’t deny that there are a ton of books out there on establishing a home. Unfortunately the problem with most books on the subject is that they are either filled with plenty of promises and no solid techniques and strategies to back up those promises or they contain only one or two pieces of useful information and not a comprehensive look at everything you need to know to succeed in establishing a complete home.
Complete You House breaks the mold of all the other home books and manuals you have heard and read about. It presents solid, proven steps to help you learn how to establish the complete home you’ve always wanted.
Suppose you could finally set up housekeeping from attic to basement and have the home your neighbors envy-simply and easily?
Sounds too good to be true?
It’s not and I can prove it with Complete You House.
But, first a word of introduction.
My name is _______. A few years ago I found myself in a situation not too different from your own. I was setting up housekeeping for the first time on my own and naturally I wanted to have a home that was envied by all of my friends and neighbors. The only problem was that I had no clue where to start. It all seemed to be so overwhelming and because I had moved away from my family I really didn’t have anyone to help me.
I picked up several well known home and gardening magazines and while some of them passed on a few clues, none of them really imparted all of the complete information I needed.
That’s when it hit me!
If I couldn’t find a comprehensive guide on setting up a complete home, then why not create my own? I was tired of flipping back and forth through tons of books for the few bits of information that could help me; but I reasoned that if I put all those little tidbits of info together then I might actually be able to begin understanding the secrets to creating a complete home.
The next morning I furiously began to read through all of the home books that I had purchased over the past months and take down the pertinent notes. I didn’t stop there either. I swallowed my pride and enlisted the help of my neighbors to discover what they were doing that resulted in such beautiful and complete homes.
It took awhile to sort through all of the information I had gathered and compile the notes I received from the experts I consulted, but when I was finished I sat back and was completely stunned.
Right here in front of me was the information that I had been seeking all along!
From the notes I had taken from several articles on the subject of setting up a complete home, as well as my own experiments, I had comprised a comprehensive compendium on the subject of establishing a home.
“I sat back in stunned amazement!”
It was all there!
Choosing a Place to Live
Choosing a Place to Live
How to Make Floor, Wall and Window Selections
Making Discriminating Choices in Furniture
Styles of Furniture
Kitchen Plans
How to Care for the Refrigerator
How to Furnish the Kitchen

Then I decided to try an experiment and put all of my hard work to the test. I tackled setting up my first home with new determination. This time I would not fail!
“Suddenly, I was excited!”
I absolutely could not believe the difference. Suddenly it was all so clear! I could easily implement proven strategies without having to wade through a mountain of fancy words and difficult to understand terms.
What happened next was nothing short of amazing!
These strategies not only worked, but the results were completely astonishing. I could feel the difference in my home as I began to pull it together piece by piece. I had never seen anything like it! Now, keep in mind that I had tried a lot of other techniques up until this point. You name it, I probably tried it! That’s how desperate I was to establish a complete home of my own!
As my success grew, I started to feel guilty. I knew there were a lot more people out there who wanted the same solutions I had found. Somehow, it just didn’t seem right to keep it to myself.
One night as I made some changes to my book, I wondered how many other people might have the same problem? After all, if I couldn’t find a decent comprehensive manual on setting up a home, what were the chances anyone else could? Given the tremendous success I had encountered using my manual; I was sure that other people could take the same easy to read and understands strategies and achieve success as well.
Right now you’re probably thinking, “Yeah, right. There’s a ton of home books out there. What makes you and your book so different?”
I won’t deny for a minute that there are some good home technique books out there-after all I’ve read most of them, if not all of them. The difference, however; is that my book blows all the others out of the water because it doesn’t just focus on one area of the game.
You get everything you need to understand in order to set up a complete home and care for it. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is left out.
All the fundamentals are there:
How to Remove Stains
How to Wash Specific Types of Fabrics
How to Iron
How to Properly Supply and Set up the Dining Room
How to Wash China
How to Care for Knives
How to Handle Closets
How to Set up a Housekeeping Schedule
- How to Handle Hired Help
And that’s just a small taste of what you will get when you order Complete You House.
Absolutely everything anyone would ever need to learn how to successfully set up and care for a home is contained within this impressive work.
Okay, I’m sold, but what’s this incredible resource going to cost me?
When I first began to think about putting my manual on the market, my first thought was to create a seminar where people could actually get the benefits in a hands-on way. I know not everyone loves to read, so that seemed to be a great solution.
But, I quickly realized how time consuming that would be for everyone so instead, I decided I wanted as many people as possible to reap the benefits of these delicious dishes.
So, I’m willing to slash the cost just so you can take advantage of the incredible information within Complete You House.
So, because of my hectic schedule, you can now take advantage of Complete You House for only $27.
The truth is that you will never be able to find the in-depth information found in any other book.
I’m so convinced that you can put the exclusive information contained within Complete You House to immediate use that I’m going to sweeten the pot a little and give you ___ special bonuses as a special reward for taking action immediately.
Bonus # 1: ____________
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Together these __ free bonuses are worth more than $27 your investment in Complete You House -- but they’re all yours absolutely free when you place your order today.
You couldn’t ask for a better deal!
I know you’re probably still skeptical and bit on the wary side. I can completely understand that. It’s all too easy to waste a small fortune on books and manuals that promise you the moon and then deliver nothing. Believe me; I know. I’ve been there. That’s why I want to offer you my:
100% Money Back Guarantee
If you don’t agree that this is the most eye-opening, impactful and practical information you have ever received on the subject of establishing a home, simply e-mail me and I will refund 100% of your money on the spot, no hard feelings, no questions asked. That’s how confident I am that you will Complete You House! In fact, I will even extend this guarantee for an entire 90 days. That’s right! A 100% 90_day Money Back Guarantee! You can’t beat it! You get to use and benefit from this unique and exclusive book for an entire 90 days or else receive an immediate refund. Even if you decide to request a refund, you still get to keep the ____ bonuses as my free gift to you just for giving this a try.
Price: $27.00
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Fair enough?
You don’t want to miss out on this one! In fact, I can’t even guarantee how long this special price is going to last. This is one honey of a deal! Remember this is a limited time offer. The price could go up dramatically in the future and this is your chance to get a copyComplete You House now at a reduced price.
Is this product really worth $27? You be the judge:
Let me summarize and review what you get when you take advantage of this incredible offer:
- Choosing a Place to Live
- How to Make Floor, Wall and Window Selections
- Making Discriminating Choices in Furniture
- Styles of Furniture
- Kitchen Plans
- How to Care for the Refrigerator
- How to Furnish the Kitchen
- How to Remove Stains
- How to Wash Specific Types of Fabrics
- How to Iron
- How to Properly Supply and Set up the Dining Room
- How to Wash China
- How to Care for Knives
- How to Handle Closets
- How to Set up a Housekeeping Schedule
- How to Handle Hired Help
But, wait! There’s more!
Don’t forget the incredible ___ bonuses!
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Here’s How to Get Started:
Yes! I want to learn how to achieve the garden and landscaping of my dreams with Complete Home! I know this is a limited time offer and may never be available again!
Please send me Complete Home right away!
I understand my purchase is completely protected by your name’s 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. I have 90 days to test drive the techniques and strategies presented in Complete You House and if I am not completely convinced that it is hands-down the best gardening book on the market, then I am entitled to a 100% refund of my purchase price. Even if I decide to accept the refund offer, I still get to keep the ____ bonuses as a free gift.
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P.S. You’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to establish the home you’ve always wanted with Complete You House
P.P.S. Oh, and don’t forget the special ___ bonuses you will receive for taking action right now. And don’t forget! I take all the risk! You have nothing to lose!
You really can’t afford not to invest in Complete You House. You owe it to yourself to try this manual and witness the incredible results. When you order today, you can stop wasting your time and get started.
Give me the word! Let’s get started and get you on the path toward a complete home today!
Price: $27.00
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