Great Fortunes, and How They Were
The Struggles and Triumphs of Our Self-Made Men
James D. McCabe |
Fortunes and How They Were Made Or, The Struggles and Triumphs of Our Self-Made Men by James D.
Mccabe, Jr.
is the story of the men and women whose toil and labor made it possible for America to become what it is
It talks about the toil, philosophies and struggles of the pioneers in making this country a land without prejudice, discrimination and class distinctions.
It glorifies the ingenuity of great Americans throughout history who contributed to America's prosperity and honor.
Great Fortunes, and How They Were
Made dissects the anatomy of success of a few wealthy and successful
Americans in history
This book will inspire you to
persevere like what many of the characters went through to achieve triumph eventually.
The chief glory of America is, that
it is the country in which genius and industry find their speediest and surest reward. Fame and fortune
are here open to all who are willing to work for them.
Neither class
distinctions nor social prejudices, neither differences of birth, religion, nor ideas, can prevent the man
of true merit from winning the just reward of his labors in this favored land.
We are emphatically a nation of self-made men, and it is to the labors of this worthy class
that our marvelous national prosperity is due.
This being the case, it is but natural that there should be manifested
by our people a very decided desire to know the history of those who
have risen to the front rank of their respective callings.
Men are
naturally cheered and encouraged by the success of others, and those who
are worthy of a similar reward will not fail to learn valuable lessons
from the examples of the men who have preceded them.
No one can hope to succeed in life merely by the force
of his own genius, any more than he can hope to live without exerting
some degree of influence for good or evil upon the community in which
his lot is cast. Success in life is not the effect of accident or of
chance: it is the result of the intelligent application of certain fixed
principles to the affairs of every day.
Each man must make this
application according to the circumstances by which he is surrounded,
and he can derive no greater assistance or encouragement in this undertaking than
by informing himself how other men of acknowledged merit have succeeded in the same departments of the world's industry.
Some explanation is due to the reader respecting the title that has been
chosen for the work. The term "Great Fortunes" is not used here to designate pecuniary success exclusively. A few of the men whose lives
are herein recorded never amassed great wealth.
Yet they achieved the
highest success in their vocations, and their lives are so full of interest and instruction that this work must have been incomplete and
unsatisfactory had they been passed over in silence.
In short, I have sought to make this work the story of the
Genius of America, believing as I do that he whose achievements have contributed
to the increase of the national wealth, the development of the national
resources, and the elevation of the national character, though he himself be poor in purse, has indeed won a great fortune, of which no
reverse can ever deprive him.
J.D. McC., JR.
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