From the Desktop of: [YOUR NAME]
Dear Friend,
Are you looking to lose weight or even just tone up? What is stopping you from having the body you want and help you feel great at the same time?

Things weren't looking great for me at the age of 32. I was well over the normal weight for a 32 year old.
Then I began to think to myself....I want to see my kids grow up. Being 120 pounds overweight is not fun and an easy way to get diabetes, different diseases, hypertension and even a stroke.
In the past I tried a ton of things to help me lose weight.
Things just weren't working, I spent money on gym memberships that I didn't even use, pills that tell you just take 2 a day and watch an amazing tranfermation.
We all know how hard weight lose can be. Getting a gym memberships is the easy part, getting the motivation to get up and go is the hardest part.
Plus now days we just don't have the budget to fit in an extra 40 plus dollars on a memberships.
So I had to think of a plan that would actually work and wouldn't take a lot of money that I could fit into my daily busy life...and guess what I figured out that plan.

I created Weight Loss All-Star for all those wanting to lose weight, and keep the weight off. I know how hard it is to do diets and stick with them, and get the motivation to get up and exercise.
But with this guide I will show you how to keep yourself motivate, and a plan that will not only help you lose weight but have you feeling good at the same time.
Let me tell you a little bit of why I started to create a weight lose plan.
Not only did I want to see my children go further in life, I wanted to be able to feel great also.
According to the World Health Organization there are well over 1 billion overweight adults, and out of those 1 billion adults at least 300 million of them die from diabetes, or other diseases caused by being overweight.

Not only did I want to help myself I wanted to help all those that are just like me, or just people that are looking for a weight loss plan that actually works and doesn't just take your money.
With this plan I know I won't save the world from being overweight but I want to cut the numbers in half.
I know if I can do it, anyone can!
After I put this plan into affect I was able to do all the things I wanted to, like go to a beach and actually just wear my trunks, instead of shirts upon shirts.
I felt more comfortable with myself, and at the same time I had more energy to do other things with my family.
Here is a peek inside Weight Loss All Star.....

How you gain weight and why some people weight |

5 simple daily habits can be the ones placing the spare tire above your waist! |

Learn why if your BMI (Body Mass Index) is over 30 it means BIG trouble! |

The two leading causes of death in the U.S and how they're related to obesity! |

Eight other killer diseases that could plague you if you don't drop that extra mass now! |

When to and when not to use mind games in the battle to win your ex back |

Four points to always remember when you set your weight loss goals so you won't push yourself to the limit and develop further problems! |

Three elements of weight loss that go together and how you can leverage on them to make sure the fat doesn't return! |

Learn the real ways to losing weight and put all the gimmicks and fads on the backburner. |

A proven, tried and tested plan for keeping track of your calorie intake everyday – You won't have to starve, you can enjoy your food and still lose weight! |

How your metabolism system works and the most effective way to make it burn all those calories for you! |

The importance of drinking fresh water and how much you should ideally gulp down. |

Power herbs: Do they really help you burn fat or just a hole in your pocket? |

The kind of exercises that cause you to hit your slim and trim target faster than expected! |
And much, much more!
There are a lot of diet plans and weight loss books that promise you the world for literally hundreds of dollars. Most of them are a joke!
I'm always looking for ways to overdeliver! Check out what previous customers have to say about this weight loss program.

Your probably thinking you can simply sign up for a gym membership and be fine but we both now that it can get expensive and if you don't have a solid game plan you will end up not going!
You'd be better off giving your money away to someone who needs it.
You can grab the "Weight Loss All Star" for a fraction of what it would cost you to go to the gym all year.
On top of that you will benefit more from this guide book because it lays out a guide to complete weight loss and overall health.
You will thank me later for saving you ALOT of money!
You can avoid expensive surgery, kiss tons of wasted days in the gym and countless fad diets goodbye!
Your cost is only $27 - Click Here to Order
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To Your Weight Loss Success,
P.S. - Remember, you only have one life to live! I'm sure you want to spend it enjoying yourself and living life to the fullest. I'm sure you don't want to spend your days visiting the doctor for medical problems and sitting on the couch eating your life away! The choice is yours today - Click here to order it right now