The secret to a happier and healthier life...
"Breaking Free - How to Banish Bad Habits!"
Dear Friend,
Everywhere you look, people want to know why they’re unhappy and they want to know what they can do about it.
Have you ever asked yourself why intelligent people let bad habits keep them from living happier and healthier lives? I ask myself that question all the time.
We live in a world where 30-second commercials offer instant solutions. We shouldn’t be surprised when easy solutions don’t work. There are no magic bullets, no quick fixes on the path to lasting change. People are overwhelmed with options today. It’s beginning to seem that the more solutions there are, the harder it is to find one that works.
Programs that promise easy change fail because they gloss over the necessary stages that people have to go through on the path to lasting change. People who regain more weight than they lost by following the latest fad diet are victims of programs that ignore the need for a lifestyle change. Many people have learned the hard way that lasting change is only possible when you have the right information.
New Year’s resolutions usually fail. They don’t work because people jump into them without the right preparation. As I learned from my own experience, you can’t be successful in the action stage if you haven’t been successful in the preparation stage. Most people make New Year’s resolutions when they wake up with a hangover—or with a few extra pounds weighing them down. They haven’t done the necessary preparation to have a fighting chance to be successful. It’s no wonder so many people give up before January is over.
My research, as well as my experience and common sense, tell me that anyone can change, if you have a compelling reason to change—and the right strategy to guide you. The first step is to get unstuck. Many people spend years telling themselves that they’re going to change “one day.” They spend years worrying about the problem instead of working on it. Maybe they’re waiting for the “perfect” weight-loss program, the “perfect” smoking-cessation program, or the “perfect” time to stop drinking. “I’ll change when the time is right.” How many times have you heard that one?
Many people are never able to make a serious commitment to change, even though their life depends on it.
Imagine What Life Will Be Like
When You’re Free…
Even good change threatens our sense of security. When you’re used to something, the thought of losing it can cause you to panic and get stuck where you are, no matter how much you have to gain by changing.
Your capacity to shift your focus from the past to the present is the key to breaking bad habits. You can’t make a decision to change as long as you’re still focused on the past. Learning that you can choose your own feelings, words, and actions makes you a free person and a powerful person…

"Breaking Free - How to Banish Bad Habits!" will give you the information and strategy you need to free yourself from bad habits forever!
Did you know that 45% of clients who seek a professional therapist drop out of therapy after two or three sessions? And did you know that for every person who quits smoking by following a treatment program, there are almost twenty persons who quit on their own?
In this special step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to turn your life around!
Defeat Daily Temptations
It’s easier to promote a healthy new habit than to get rid of the old one that’s causing all the misery. Trying too hard to break a habit is usually a recipe for failure. As long as you’re focused on the old habit, you’re like a soldier fighting with one hand tied behind his back. |
Prepare for a Lasting Lifestyle Change
You’ll learn how to replace your bad habits with healthy new habits. Focusing on your new lifestyle is like freeing the hand tied behind your back—suddenly you have power to bring about the change you desire. |
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
The six stages in the process of breaking bad habits |
How to replace bad habits with a healthy new lifestyle |
How millions of people have succeeded in breaking a bad habit |
Why you have a better chance of freeing yourself from a bad habit by taking responsibility for your own program |
Why successful preparation for change means that you set goals for yourself |
Why change is not an event, but a process |
Why most successful self-changers fail at least once before they succeed |
Why willpower alone isn’t enough |
Why quitting a habit cold turkey usually doesn’t work |
Why a commitment to a more active lifestyle is one of the keys to breaking a bad habit |
And a lot more! |
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Andrew from Minnesota |
When you win the battle in your mind, it’s only a matter of time before you win the war against bad habits. The secret is to make change your No. 1 priority. You can’t win the war until freeing yourself from the habit becomes your highest priority.
The solution is to accept responsibility for yourself, to realize that you can decide to take charge of your life.
The key to freeing yourself from bad habits is to change your lifestyle. A total lifestyle change isn’t something that happens overnight.
It happens one day at a time, and it starts when you begin to focus on the solution instead of the problem. Don’t be surprised if you’re not completely sure that you’re ready to break your habit. It’s not about quitting cold turkey. Forcing yourself to quit before you’re mentally and emotionally prepared usually backfires.
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PS: Remember, success depends on having the right information and knowing how to use it. There’s no magic bullet, no quick fix. But if you’ve come to the realization that you’re stuck in a self-defeating lifestyle, you’ve already taken the first step. You’ve become aware of the need to free yourself from bad habits.
A bad habit is like an iceberg. You can’t beat a bad habit if you treat it as if it were only as big as what you see on the surface.
Whatever it is, you can beat it if you take the time to reevaluate your life. It will take a serious commitment on your part, but you already took the hardest step by consciously recognizing the problem.
Sign up for your step-by-step guide and start creating a happier and healthier life today. Buy Now... |