It's true! You can escape the choke-hold
of debt and live out your less time than you think!
"Never-Before-Seen Debt Relief Method Kills Your Credit Card Debt Quickly and Easily - And Makes All Previous So Called "Debt Ellimination" Methods Obsolete "
From: George
Location: Somewhere in Greece
Time: 10:10 AM
Dear Friend:
If you answered yes, then the Debt Relief Method may be the
solution you've been searching for.
This system can help
you eliminate credit card debt. It takes a lot of will, discipline, courage, and help to slay the debt monster.
Here Are Some Of The Warning Signs That You Might Be Piling Up Too Much
Credit Card Debt!
You can't pay off the bill in full each
You're charging because you don't have the
You're health is beginning to suffer...
You're fighting with your spouse or family over
You can only pay the minimum amount due...
You're turned down for credit...
You're considering a loan because the monthly payment is a
You're living paycheck to paycheck...
If you or your spouse lost your job, you'd be in financial hot
If you're like the average American family, you may owe thousands of dollars in credit card
This debt continues to generate outrageous finance charges each month dragging you deeper
and deeper in the hole!
Discover how to eliminate credit card debt once and for all. Are you just plain broke because you're deep in debt up to your eyeballs?
Let's review some of the most commons myths out there about debt!
"All Debt is Bad, And I Should Stay As Far Away From It As Possible..."
At this point, you're probably thinking that all debt is bad and it's something to avoided. But this is simply not true. There are times when it makes
sense to get into debt. This could be to purchase a home or to pay for a college education.
"Debt Is A Tool And Should Be Used To Help Create Prosperity..."
isn't used by wealthy people nearly as much as we're led to believe. Forbes magazine conducted a survey and it was determined that 75% percent of the Forbes 400 (rich people,
not your broke brother-in-law with an opinion) said the best way to build wealth is to become and stay debt free.
"Credit Is What Got Me Into This Mess..."
spending habits are what got you into debt in the first place. Credit is just a means to spending. If you have a problem with spending, then you would simply have spent any
cash you had. Credit is a tool you used to leverage your spending power. However, credit cards make it easier to spend.
"You Need A Formal Program To Get Out Of Debt..."
DEBT RELIEF FACT: This is not true. You can set up your own method to get out of debt. Many creditors
will enroll you in their special reduced-interest programs if you contact them as an individual. The hardest part is getting up the courage to make those phone calls and
knowing what to ask for.
"There's Nothing I Can Do About It Now. My Credit Is Destroyed Forever!..."
DEBT RELIEF FACT: As long as you have a job, starting today, you can rebuild your credit. It will take some
time, but eventually, you'll get it under control. Rebuilding your credit means that you are committed to paying your bills on time, looking for better credit options and
educating yourself about money and credit.
"I Can't Change The Information On My Credit Report, It's Set In stone..."
DEBT RELIEF FACT: You can change inaccurate information! The Fair Credit Reporting Act outlines that
information that's not 100% accurate or cannot be verified within 30 days, must be removed. So it makes sense to check your credit report occasionally for any errors or to see
if you've been the victim of identity fraud.
"If I Pay Off An Old Debt, It Will Be Removed From My Credit History..."
RELIEF FACT: This will not happen. When you go ahead and pay on any of your
past-due debts, this action will restart the time period that it can be reported in your credit history.
DEBT MYTH #8: "Credit Counseling And Debt Management Programs Are All The Same..."
DEBT RELIEF FACT: Credit counseling is an educational service that helps consumers develop a budget and the
discipline to make consistent payments to eliminate debt. Debt management programs -- or DMPs as they're commonly known, acts like a middleman and collects a monthly
lump sum payment from you. They in turn distribute these funds to your creditors until your bills are paid off.
DEBT MYTH #9: "Since Credit Counseling Organizations Are Non-Profit, They Don't Charge For Their Services..."
RELIEF FACT: Absolutely False. In past years, credit counseling agencies were able to
provide their Debt Management Programs for free. Recently, creditors have cut back on their contributions from an average of 12-15% of each payment received to an average of
6-8%. This is a huge loss in funding for these organizations. Therefore, these firms can't operate without fees from their clients. Keep in mind that most 'non-profits'
have many of the same expenses that 'for-profit' businesses have and must find a way to pay for these expenses.
DEBT MYTH #10: "Bankruptcy Is Not A Big Deal, Everybody Does It..."
DEBT RELIEF FACT: Bankruptcy is an extreme solution that should be reserved for cases when someone has an
average salary of $30,000 with outstanding credit card debt of $60,000 or more. If you file Chapter 7, which gets rid of all debt, you have to wait nearly 10 years.
With Chapter 13, which is debt reorganization, the seven-year clock starts ticking AFTER you pay off the debt. So if you need 5 years to get back on your feet, assume this
dark cloud follows you for 12 years. Employers are now checking credit reports and sometimes refuse employment based on those
findings. Insurance companies can also deny coverage as well.
You'll get straight to the
point information with this meat-and-potatoes eBook, which delivers it with practical advice:

Easy to read eBook in PDF format written in a conversational 'how to' style for
simplicity and action...

How to completely eliminate credit card debt with your current income and how easy it is to
operate 100% on cash, and never need credit again...

See how you’ve been misled and taken advantage of by "conventional" wisdom...

Why it may be a BAD idea to save money first BEFORE paying off your bills...

Why your credit rating won't be important...

How to calculate exactly WHEN you’ll be completely be able to eliminate credit card

FREE Powerful Rapid Debt Reducer Financial Software™ to analyze your

Convenient worksheets to get your debt reduction plan in action...

Examples and loan payment tables which will show you the enormous savings you can achieve
on your mortgage and other installment loans...

How conventional financial advice may actually stop you from
becoming debt free...

How you can achieve a better rate of return when you eliminate
credit card debt than even the best money market account or CD...

How to enjoy phenomenal interest savings on your home loan and
free yourself of debt years ahead of schedule...

Learn the insider debt elimination secrets without refinancing your
current mortgage...

Do it yourself, without lawyers, loans, filing for bankruptcy or debt management

And much, much more!
Think about this for a much would you expect to pay for information that can turn your
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I really want you to be as confident as I am about these powerful debt reduction
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But if you're still skeptical, then that's only natural...
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Look, I know you don't have loads of money to spend. If you did, you wouldn't be hanging around here looking for help to getting out of debt!
Make Today,
the day you slay the debt monster. Your cost is only
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That's Right! For less than ftwenty bucks, you can get started and
download your eBook in the next 2-1/2 minutes.
This may be less money than the finance charges on just one
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Heck, it's even less than a night at the movies!
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Study the information and learn how to implement these proven strategies. I sincerely believe they will work for you if
you're committed to digging yourself out of debt.
How will you eliminate credit card debt and more importantly, when are you
going to live the lifestyle of your dreams?
Only YOU can make that decision for yourself. If you don't start
using this proven and successful formula, what will you do? If you want to eliminate credit card debt, here's your
chance to MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Here's How To Order Right Now!
YOUR ORDER LINK GOES HERE Make today the day you DECIDE to eliminate credit card debt and regain control. The world is filled with two types of
people. Those who WISH for things to happen...and those who TAKE ACTION and make things happen.
All the best,

George Katsoudas and YOUR NAME
P.S. Discover how to quickly and easily eliminate credit
card debt!
P.P.S. And just as important, learn HOW TO STAY OUT of debt. Use this proven debt
reduction eBook to allow you to take control of your life and make your dreams come true!