This is the question we parents are always trying
to answer.
It's good
that children ask questions: that's the best way to
All children have two
wonderful resources for learning -- imagination and
curiosity. As a parent, you can awaken your
children to the joy of learning by encouraging
their imagination and curiosity.
And Grow is a
collection of 5 ebooks on different education and
health topics intended to help you make the most of
your child's natural curiosity and guide them
towards a healthy lifestyle. Teaching and learning
are not mysteries that can only happen in school.
They also happen when parents and children do
simple things together.
By doing things together,
you will show that learning is fun and important.
You will be encouraging your child to study, learn,
and stay in school -- important goals for any
This collection is a way
for you to help meet these goals. It will give you
a short run-down on facts, but the biggest part of
the book is made up of simple, fun activities for
you and your child to do together. Your child may
even beg you to do them.
It has been
"The first teachers are
the parents, both by example and conversation. But
don't think of it as teaching. Think of it as
Included in this
outstanding collection are the following

Long-term good
health is less an accident than the result
of good habits and wise choices. To enjoy
good health now and in the future,
youngsters must learn how to eat,exercise,
sleep, control stress, and be responsible
for personal cleanliness and reducing the
risk of disease. Your child's ability to
learn and the chances for a longer and
more productive life can be greatly
improved by developing and following good
health practices.

When parents help
their children learn to read, they help
open the door to a new world. As a parent,
you can begin an endless learning chain:
You read to your children, they develop a
love of stories and poems, they want to
read on their own, they practice reading,
and finally they read for their own
information or pleasure. They become
readers, and their world is forever
expanded and enriched.

Most parents will
agree that it is a wonderful experience to
cuddle up with their child and a good
book. Few people will say that about flash
cards or pages of math problems. For that
reason, we have prepared this book to
offer some math activities that are
meaningful as well as fun. These
activities use materials that are easy to
find. They have been planned so you and
your child might see that math is not just
work we do at school but, rather, a part
of life.

Today educators
are working to promote the study of
history in the schools and at home.
Knowledge of our history enables us to
understand our nation's traditions, its
conflicts, and its central ideas and
values. Knowledge of world history enables
us to understand other cultures.We hope to
encourage children to love history and to
enjoy learning about it. This book is a
tool you can use to stimulate your
children's active involvement in the
history that surrounds them every

It's never too
early to think about the benefits of a
college education and about ways to put
college within reach both academically and
financially. Throughout their school
years, students will make decisions that
affect whether they will be eligible to
enter college. You, working with others,
can help your child make these decisions
wisely. This book is designed to help you
with that process. It will help you work
with your child and with your child's
teachers and guidance counselors, to
ensure that he or she has the option of
going to college.
Invest wisely in your
childs future today by ordering the
And Grow
collection. At only 37.00, it may be the best
investment you will ever make!
Learn And Grow collection
delivered in PDF format and is viewable on
any computer. All you need is Adobe Reader
which is available free and already on
most computers.