Here to Order Now
you ever wondered how to add streaming audio to your website without the hassle
of montly fees? We'll
show you how in just a few easy steps -- 100% Guaranteed! Are
you reaching your customers personally and generating sales and repeat customers
as a result? No matter how good your web graphics are, or how interesting your
sales copy is, nothing can compare to hearing a real voice. In
the world of online marketing, credibility is key to getting customers to
buy. Most people are hesitant to pay for services or products from a nameless
person they dont know, and whose voice theyve never heard. When you
add your voice to your web site, your customers can connect with you on a more
personal level and overcome one of the biggest barriers to buying online. This
will always have the advantage over cold marketing techniques such
as static pictures and text. If
you thought that recording audio files for your site has to be difficult, expensive
or involves monthly fees, think again. You need to read the information below,
because it could change the way you market online forever.
your site doesnt have audio, its going to be outdated soon. Maxtor
Corporation and TrendFocus recently did a study of why the demand for larger hard-drives
in computers is increasing at unheard of rates in recent years. The biggest factor?
People want space for audio and video files, and computers that can hear them.
People are looking for increased media when they go online-and computer sales
trends are reflecting this. They
also predicted that while most web sites today use text and graphics, consumer
trends are showing that in the very near future, online shopping will be propelled
by increasing amounts of audio and visual features. The ecommerce and marketing
site that fails to offer these features to an increasingly multi-media hungry
audience will be left behind. Source: study results published at
at |
Your Name Here Re:
Explode Your Sales With Web Audio!Dear
Internet friend, What
if I told you that there was a method of causing your online sales to skyrocket?
One that can reach your customers in a powerful way that no ordinary text web
page can? Thats simple to use and highly affordable? Would you be interested? There
is such a method, and its revolutionizing the way my partners and
I do business online. In fact, the response has been so incredible, we decided
that we had to share it with others. Weve discovered that placing audio
files on our web sites allows us to connect with our site visitors in a way that
no other method can and saw our sales go up. I
used to think that putting audio files on a web site would be a lot of work and
hassle, and didnt want to bother with it. That's why I've created this software
that is incredibly easy to use (you just click and paste the code created for
you by the program onto your web site) and in just minutes, you have a working,
quality audio web file! Its easy for your visitors, too. They just push
the play button and they can hear your message. Imagine
what could happen to your own sales if you could talk to your site visitors? Web
Audio Plus can kick start sales, and overcome online sales barriers. After
all, how do the most effective marketers make sales? They do it by talking
to people. Imagine what could happen to your online sales if customers could
actually hear your voice, and make a more personal connection with you? Audio
presentations are the hottest new method of increasing online sales. Im
no tech guru, but when I found out about audio, I decided to try it
out on my own site. I can tell you, it didnt do what I expected. It exceeded
it many times over. Just
think what would happen if your sales started going up by 3%...5%...10%...what
could happen to your income if you could personally greet your customers when
they visit your web site. Why
Audio Works Better Than Text... To
understand why audio works so well in making sales, think back to the last time
you bought a product or a service. In many cases, you connected personally to
the person making the sale, especially for items that cost a bit more. This sense
of relating is key to making a sale, and Web Audio Plus allows you to provide
this personal touch on your web site. Its
simple to use (Im no tech guru, and cant work with something thats
complicated or involves programming knowledge on my part). So my first requirement
is that anything I use has to work, and be easy to use. Using
it is simple enough for a non-techie like me. It takes three short
Use the microphone
in your computer, and record the file. You can make it as long or short as you
like, theres no limit! |
Upload the
sound file it creates to your server (you own the file, not a third party) |
Cut and paste
the code that Web Audio Plus creates for you. It does the work, and it
only takes a few seconds to cut and paste the code that IT creates for you onto
your web page. | Then
watch your sales go up, as customers are greeted by your personal message. Web
Audio Plus Screenshots 

that simple to use, and extremely affordable. You
arent calling in by phone, or paying monthly service fees,
which many other audio services require. But its powerful,
with built-in features that will give you complete control of what goes
on your site-and ensures that customers will be delighted with the results. Quality
sound files that are a snap to create with Web Audio Plus:
- Record high-quality
Macromedia Flash files - Web Audio Plus was designed to work with your
favorite online file format to provide you with high quality and professional
sounding audio files.
- Record
using your computer-with no need to buy expensive equipment.
Web Audio Plus lets you record using your computers internal microphone
and the programs you already have on it to record your audio message. You can
record, update, and fix your files as often as you like, in just minutes! You
dont need to call in (and pay high phone charges) or pay each
time your record a new file with this exciting program that puts you in control
of the process, not an outside person or hosting service.
- Let your customers hear
you without having to download special programs.
One of the best features of Web Audio Plus is that it uses the software
already installed in most computers today for listening. Most people already have
Macromedia Flash installed on their computers, and thats what theyll
use to hear your files. You can reach a huge audience without asking them to go
offsite to load special software or plug ins-and risk losing the sale. Instead,
they can click your custom button, and instantly hear your message.
- Use our powerful Record/Playback
feature: with Web
Audio Plus, you can record, playback, and clear your music and sound files
to create the perfect presentation. Want to make sure that your recording is perfect?
Youre in control of what others hear with this simple-to-use editing feature
that gives you the results you want.
- Let
customers hear personal testimonials.
Nothing can create instant credibility the way hearing real people share how your
product or service has helped them can. You can upload customer testimonials in
just minutes to your web site-and see the results in your sales!
Makes Web Audio Plus Stand Out... It
doesnt keep costing, and costing. There are several audio products available
online, that let you place sound files on your site. But they have a catch: you
have to pay each time you create a file, or pay expensive monthly fees to access
them, and the sound files are hosted on their server. This means you lose
control of your file, and if you dont pay that monthly fee, your recording
no longer works. Or, if you want to change your audio file, you get hit with
another fee.
Comparison |
Brand X |
Audio Plus |
Monthly Fee! |
$29.95+ |
NO! |
Uses Your Phone |
YES! |
NO! |
Uses Your Computer |
NO! |
YES! |
Affordable |
NO! |
YES! |
Includes Training
Videos | NO! |
YES! |
I personally like
to have control of what goes onto my web site, and dont like to depend on
a third party for important files. This is why Web Audio Plus is a great solution:
you get to make the file. You get to record and edit it, as many times as you
like, and make sure its exactly the way you want it. You have
the code, and you own the file, because its recorded on YOUR hard drive
and you can place it on your server.
are no monthly fees. No button fees. No upload fees. Instead,
theres simply a low one-time price that pays for itself quickly once
you place your audio files on your site because of the increased results in sales...
But theres
Action Bonuses: Audio
Web Plus is easy to use. And we make sure you know how to use all of its exciting
features! Have
you ever bought software or a new product, and then wondered how on earth to use
it? Or spent hours trying to get it to do what you were told it could? Its
one of the most frustrating experiences on earth. Thats why weve taken
steps to make sure you completely understand how to use what we term the
worlds easiest to use audio software package. When
you order Web Audio Plus, youll receive:
A complete video tutorial that explains exactly how to use this powerful
software that allows you to create audio buttons for your web site in just minutes!
- A complete step-by-step Audio Web Wizard that walks you through each
step of creating your customized audio button, from recording the audio message
to placing it on your site. - And much, much more! |
how much does it cost? At
this point, you may be thinking, Software that gives me this much control
and unlimited recording ability must be pretty expensive. After all many
audio programs make you pay each and every time you record by phone, each time
you upload a sound file to their site, and cost you monthly hosting fees besides! What
if I told you that you could have this feature-packed audio software program for
the price of a good meal for two at a restaurant? And gain access to software
that will allow you to create audio files for your web site that will keep selling
(and selling, and selling) for you? For
the low price of only $37.00 youll receive
this powerful, feature-packed software that allows you to create audio buttons
for your web site in just minutes. Normally, software with these types of features
costs you three or four times as much, no mention monthly hosting fees. Theres
no hidden fees with Audio Web Plus, just a one-time fee that puts you in
control of creating your own quality audio files, and custom buttons for your
web site.
No Risk With My 100% Guarantee!
Your satisfaction
is important to me, and I guarantee it when you order Web
Audio Plus with a no risk, you-can't-lose, 100%, no-questions-asked, iron-clad
money back guarantee.
for any reason, you aren't thrilled and satisfied with my product, just contact
me within 6 months and I'll refund 100% of your purchase price. No hard
feelings. This
makes it absolutely risk-free to try
out the exciting features of Web Audio Plus. Youll have complete
control over your audio files that are on your own hard-drive or server, and be
able to create custom files and put them on your web site in just minutes! You
have nothing to lose-and increased site sales and affiliate signups-when you order
this software that lets you produce high-quality audio files and place them on
your web site. |
Online By Safe and Secure Server INSTANT
Audio Plus Software for Only $37.00 Click
Here To Order Your Copy
This Special Pricing
Could End Very Soon! You can get INSTANT ACCESS
right now -- even if it's 2:00 a.m! | 
it make sense to order now, and get access to a product that can help
you increase sales? And to use this method to help your affiliate commissions
skyrocket? The sooner you do, the sooner you will start seeing the difference
in conversions on your site, and response rates, that hearing your message
can make. After all, many people respond more to audio messages than to visual
messages (studies of learning styles have proven this).
you afford to lose sales because you didnt reach some of your site visitors
with the method theyre most comfortable with? If theyre audio learners,
having a custom audio button can make the difference-and make the sale! So why
not take advantage of this exciting opportunity today? Youll
be glad you did. And
I look forward to hearing about the increased response rates and affiliate sign-ups
that youre seeing as a result. Heres
to revolutionizing the way you market online, and increasing your income to higher
levels with this amazingly effective tool, To
Your Success, Your Name Here P.S.
Did I mention that I completely guarantee that youll be delighted
with this exciting software that allows you to create completely customized audio
buttons and files for your web site in just minutes? That youll have complete
control over your audio files, since theres no hosting fees, no file fees,
only a low one-time price of $37.00? Its completely risk-free to order
this affordable software that can help unleash a flood of affiliate sales, since
Im offering you a 100%, absolute money-back guarantee:
if you arent delighted with the features of our software, Ill refund
you 100% of the purchase price. P.P.S.
Remember, Im only able to offer this software at this low one-time price
for a limited time, because our prices will change as the cost of producing
it goes up in the next few months. This is why its important to place
your order today and take advantage of this low, low price-a one-time
cost that youll receive back over and over again as your affiliate sales
and site orders go up! |