Combine List Building with Affiliate Marketing, Throw in a Video For Good Measure and you have.... "The Secret Recipe to Building a Highly Profitable Online Venture That Could Bring You Hundreds of Dollars in Sales on Complete Autopilot - With Ease!"
Dear Fellow Marketer,
They say the "money is in the list" and by building that list in a particular niche, you can then market to them and sell them stuff. Great! Firstly though, you have to build that list. And what better way of doing it than giving them something for free!
But not just anything.
Something of value.
High value.
This means something that will benefit them.
And in the long term - you!
You give them a free report. Not just any old report but a report that is brimming with information that will help them and make them want to buy your product....
Oh no , I hear you say - you don't have a product?! Well, this is where the affiliate marketing thing comes into play....
You find a product to affiliate with, grab banners, emails and your affiliate link and start marketing to your new found list in your particular niche. You send them emails once a week telling them about this great new product. Some buy and some don't. So you keep sending emails and one by one members on your list unsubscribe.....but...
There Is a Better Way!
You build your list by giving them a free report which has your affiliate link embedded inside at the end of it so when they have read your report, they click on the link and hey presto! They get taken to the product in question. Not a new theory - in fact it's quite old. Making your affiliate links viral in this way is used by most, if not all, marketers.
But first, you have to get your website visitors to subscribe to your list to get the free report and what better way to do this than with a video!
Video Marketing!
Again, nothing new about video marketing but you have to make a video first in order to use it to build your list and upload it to YouTube to advertise your free report. A bit of a learning curve for most maybe. And you know what they say...
Time is Money!
So what you need is a ready made video, ready made report, ready made product and a ready made squeeze page so you can add your affiliate link to the report, insert your autoresponder code to the webpage upload the whole thing to your website, upload the video onto YouTube or any other video site and Bob's yer uncle! Done! Have a guess what I'm trying to sell you today.....
Green Tea!
Oh yeah... :-)
Well actually, it's not Green Tea as such but a Video Squeeze Page complete with video :-) and a Private Label Report, keywords, information on an affiliate program you can join, targeted towards the highly popular niche of Green Tea!
So without further ado, here we go.....
Brand New From [Insert Your Website Here]!
Green Tea Squeeze
Just look at what you get!
Squeeze Page: 
Private Label Rights Report:

(Press the Play Button to See an Excerpt:)
Graphics include the slices but not the template itself. You can easily change the optin script details to your own in any HTML editor.
The Report contains 11 pages of content (15 pages in all) and is delivered to you in WordTM, Open OfficeTM and .PDF Formats.
The Video lasts for 1 minute and 16 seconds.
And the Price? Well, as I Love to Over Deliver, You Can Get This Green Tea Video Squeeze Today For Just: [INSERT YOUR PRICE HERE]
It's a no-brainer - as they say!
Place your own name on the report as the author, insert your affiliate link and give away the Report to build your list in this niche, making your affiliate link viral!
Grab YOUR Green Tea Video Squeeze now by clicking on the link below to purchase. You will get access to your product instantly after your payment has been accepted by PayPal and will be delivered in a downloadable WinzipTM file.
Green Tea Squeeze - ONLY From [Insert Your Website Here]!
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