I attended this amazing
internet business and
marketing conference workshop and was
completely blown away by the experience...
Now you can experience
the next
best thing to being there!
Here's a few comments from some of the
people who were there:
-- The
conference workshop was hosted by Mark
Hendricks --
"Speakers who spent their time on stage
sharing their knowledge, not trying to
continuously promote their products"...
Hi Mark,
Boy, am I ever glad I picked ISSC for my
first Internet Marketing conference. It was
a class operation -- Speakers who spent
their time on stage sharing their knowledge,
not trying to continuously promote their
products... The workshops that allowed
participants to try what they'd just
learned... A relaxed atmosphere that
encouraged relationship building and
networking... The attitude of freely giving
I saw again and again from the speakers as
well as the participants.
Thanks so much for
everything, Mark, and I look forward to
seeing you at the next ISSC.
Peggy Baron
seminar was everything that you
promised it would be and
I've been marketing online
successfully for over 10 years,
yet at your conference I
scribble page after page of
notes directly into the manual.
This manual will be my action
plan for at least the next 12
With everything that I learned
from you and the rest of
speakers I've got a ton of
things to implement into my own
business immediately. People who
study this course at home will
actually have an advantage
because they will be able to
pause the recordings while they
review the manual.
This seminar was everything that
you promised it would be and
Mike McGroarty
already have a full business
plan set up for my web site with
an end goal in mind!"...
I wanted to say thank you for
putting on such a GREAT
conference! I've only been home
for two days and I already have
a full business plan set up for
my web site with an end goal in
Thank you to you, and all of the
speakers, for helping me to see
that end goal and giving me the
motivation I needed to not be
afraid to chase my dreams!
Thanks again,
Duston McGroarty
"I was
amazed at the amount of content
we were given"...
Having just attended the
Internet Super Stars Conference,
I need to write and tell you how
happy I am that I came to the
Coming off a
bad conference experience, I was
amazed at the amount of content
we were given and the added
bonus of time to implement our
business into what we just
You and the
speakers gave freely of your
time and energy, and motivated
us to what we could accomplish.
The Internet is huge and
opportunities abound, and now we
can be a part of it thanks to
your training. Thanks Mark, I
will be back.
John Vonhof
~ you can
read more comments from attendees further down this page
Disclosure: The people who provide testimonials for this
website are not paid for their comments. These comments are
from their personal experience and not to be taken as what
you will experience. Only you will be responsible for your
April 26, 2018
From: Your Firstname Lastname
RE: Internet Super Stars Conference II
Dear Friend:
I am so glad I went to this conference workshop, it was so
much more than I expected.
Mark Hendricks and all the other speaker coaches promised
this would be an educational workshop and not just a long 3-day salespitch,
and boy oh boy did they deliver on that promise.
It was nothing short of fantastic!
Let me ask you a question
If you wanted to know how to create your own internet business that created
the lifestyle you've always dreamed of in the least amount of time and for the
least amount of money, who would you go to for expert advice?
Your neighbor?...Your cousin?...Your fellow workers?... Or maybe look
around in some of the internet marketing forums to see what you can learn from
people hanging out there who are about two days ahead of you?
The obvious answer is... none of
these options
The best answer is to learn from people who've already become successful in
their internet businesses and are willing to share their knowledge and
experience with you.
But not just anybody.
The truth is, you should be very careful who you do business with.
There's lots of "gurus" who are willing to sell you all the hopes and
dreams and promises without really telling you all the "nuts and bolts" and
the "upsides and downsides" to all the internet business strategies,
techniques and tips that can save you lots of time, money and frustration in
getting your internet business going--or leveraging up your current business.
"I've got some
great news for you today!"
I want to personally invite you to benefit from something very special.
It's quite unique, and very unlike anything you may believe to be similar.
Here's exactly how you can learn what you need to know, in the shortest
amount of time, from people who you can truly trust to tell you the real
deal about building your own internet business empire.
Introducing the...
"Internet Super Stars Conference
You will learn exactly what it
takes to have a profitable
and thriving internet business from 11 experts
who've done it and know how to show
others how to do it too!
Here's what a few more
attendees have to say...
-- The
conference workshop was hosted by Mark Hendricks --
"Your Presentation + Workshop format took me from just
hearing to successfully doing"...
You and ISSC offered something truly special to those of us wanting to learn how
to be successful online because in addition to bringing together experts in
their fields...
- You're committed to helping other people be
successful & your actions speak volumes;
- You had speakers with the same mindset - to share and education - not sell;
- You foster a friendly, warm community for those committed to putting their
dreams into action;
- You and other speakers sat, ate & talked with attendees for an even richer
So thank you for 3 awesome days of jam-packed
education and fun. Your Presentation + Workshop format took me from just hearing
to successfully "doing" and I left confident I can go do it on my own. I
appreciated that ISSC allowed each Presenters topic to build on the ones before
making it a unique exponential learning experience.
Here are just a few of the many things I
- I never knew how to share knowledge and create
info products in one day - Now I do!
- I never knew how to leverage online Press Releases with easy to follow
templates - Now I do!
- I never knew how to create professional DVD's & CDs in 24 hrs for next to
nothing - Now I do!
- I never knew how I could publish a book on demand with ISBN# & no inventory -
Now I do!
- I never knew how to outsource what I don't like in a way that makes sense -Now
I do!
- I never knew there were several ways to use Membership sites - Now I do!
- I also got step by step action plans, worksheets, formulas and proven secrets
of accomplished
Internet Marketers.
Thank you Mark - Can't wait until your next
Cyndee Haydon
"A tailored ACTION PLAN"...
3 jam-packed, FULL days dedicated to the best online marketing
My takeaways: New ideas and resources, PLUS a tailored ACTION PLAN that
points the path to success!
Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.
"I was amazed and delighted to see that there truly was no
hype or hard sales pitches of any kind"...
The Internet Super Stars Conference was just what I needed to
jumpstart my business. As a new internet entrepreneur, I often work
in isolation. The Internet Super Stars Conference gave me the
opportunity to connect with others who have proven that success is a
very real possibility if I stay focused on what matters.
The information provided by the speakers was chock full of valuable
tips. They gave step by step ideas that I can immediately implement.
I was amazed and delighted to see that there truly was no hype or
hard sales pitches of any kind. Instead there was an abundance of
pure information and strategies that I can use right away.
Absolutely, without a doubt, the very best part of the Internet
Super Stars Conference was the networking. It gave me the chance to
rub shoulders and exchange ideas with successful internet marketers.
The speakers were there at lunch and during breaks to answer any
questions and to give me feedback specific to my business.
I highly recommend that anyone interested in making money online get
out of their office and head straight to the next Internet Super
Stars Conference.
Sherri Frost
~ you can
read more comments from attendees further down this page
Disclosure: The people who provide testimonials for this
website are not paid for their comments. These comments are
from their personal experience and not to be taken as what
you will experience. Only you will be responsible for your
me tell you about the Speaker Coaches
who were with us at the event...

Mark Hendricks
Mark has been an entrepreneur for the last 30 years, and has become known
world-wide as a business and
marketing expert; sales copywriter; joint venture specialist; software
developer; an author, speaker, consultant, mentor, and success coach.
He's used his proven
marketing secrets in his own businesses to personally sell millions of dollars
of products and services, as well as help other business owners get more
predictable and profitable results in a wide variety of industries. He lives
and works, along with his wife and son, on his horse farm that's hidden away
in the rolling hills of Trilby, Florida. Using the internet since 1994,
his advice, articles, and publications have helped
thousands of people world-wide to finally start making money online.
He is the founder and creator of two very
popular coaching programs, the "Internet Success System" and the
Success Program". The ISS program is very unique in that it is made up of
a comprehensive home study course, live and archived teleconference coaching,
live 4-day master mind conferences, group master mind teleconferences and so
much more. The USP program is a one-year long training program that introduces
the participants to 50 of the most important success secrets Mark has
uncovered during his own journey to success. These two programs have helped
thousands of people all over the world to become more successful internet
business owners, and people in all walks of life achieve levels of success
that most people only dream about.
During his presentation workshop, Mark
revealed his
"How To Strategically Create and Design The Life You Really Want, And How To
Achieve The Success
Results Most People Only Dream About", he will guide you through
the steps you need to take to create, design and live the lifestyle that you
really want... and you'll learn exactly what actions you need to take to to
accomplish your goals in every part of your life (lifestyle is not just
about your successful business, right?).

Terry Dean
Terry has been doing business online full-time since 1996.
The last job he ever had was delivering pizzas for Little Caesar's for $8 an
hour. He was over $50,000 in debt with no business experience. He jokingly says
that he found everything that didn't work first before mapping out a plan that
has produced full-time profits for him ever since.
In 2004 he sold his first company and retired from online work to travel, write
books, and participate in ministry. In 2006 he founded MyMarketingCoach, LLC
which is dedicated to helping new and experienced online entrepreneurs Earn
More, Work Less, and Enjoy Life. He does this with one-on-one coaching, group
coaching programs, and step-by-step training products.
His specialty is putting together long-term strategies passive income streams.
At this event he shared the "5 Keys to Creating an Internet
Lifestyle Business"...one which earns money whether you're currently working
on it or not. Making money online isn't always easy, but it is simple. Find out
the keys you need to be successful...and how to cut out all the information

Willie Crawford
Willie is one of the best known and best liked internet marketers around, and
I'm delighted that Willie is going to be with us at our Orlando Master Mind
He was raised on a tobacco farm in North Carolina, living off welfare most of
his youth. His family was so poor that he once wore his grandmother's shoes to
school while working to earn money to replace his only dilapidated pair. This
built a burning desire in Willie to break away from the poverty and build his
own business.
Willie worked his way through college, then joined the Air Force where he
traveled to 47 different countries while serving as a navigator on C-130
transport aircraft, while still serving in the Air Force, in Hawaii, Willie
decided to start his own internet-based business. By the time he retired in
2003, Willie had built that into a 6-figure part-time income. Willie is now one
of the world's leading Internet marketing joint venture experts, having spoken
at dozens of seminars in the United States, Malaysia, Singapore and the U.K.,
and helped to orchestrate dozens of six and seven-figure product launches.
When Willie is not busy teaching ecommerce online via his membership site at The
Internet Marketing Inner Circle, teaching local businesses to use the internet
to drive more business through their doors, or orchestrating joint ventures, he
enjoys deep sea fishing in The Gulf of Mexico... not too far from his Florida
During his presentation workshop he revealed his insights on
"Rolling Out Your Own Or An Affiliate Product Via Joint Ventures". Willie is
a master of Joint Ventures and has some great ideas on how you can become one

Elsom Eldridge, Jr.
Elsom is known far and wide as “the Consultants'
Consultant”, and he's the recognized authority on the marketing and
management of professional practices.
In addition to co-authoring How to Position Yourself as The Obvious
Expert with his son, Mark Eldridge, he's also co-authored The
Ultimate Home Study Action Course For Maximum Success in the Consulting
Business with Dan Kennedy and The Encyclopedia of Consulting
with Howard Shenson; as well as being the author of more than three
dozen books, audio and video learning packages, research reports and
For the last 21 years he's been involved in producing more than 500 seminars
and workshops attracting more than a million participants, and has been the
marketing consultant to several of America's leading consultants, speakers,
seminar providers and national associations; and holds a Master's Degree
(Ed.M.) in Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Elsom brings his years of wisdom and experience to the
workshop, and during his presentation workshop he guides you through
his 12-part marketing system that results in you being positioned as the
"Obvious Expert" in your specialty with his workshop on

Cindi Dawson is
known as THE Teleseminar Coach and she is one energetic fireball of facts
and tips on doing teleseminars, creating audio products, and profiting from them like crazy.
Plus she's one of the most positive and fun-loving people you will ever meet, we
all adore her. Cindi has taught
and coached many successful info product marketers with their projects, giving them little
secrets that she's picked up along the way that makes doing teleseminars and
audio so
much easier, and so much more profitable.
As part of the workshop faculty, she revealed all the
little known secrets to creating a physical product using Kunaki (an online
CD fulfillment service), including creating your outline, producing your
audio, getting "the package look" you want, and automating the entire
selling process.

Jeanette Cates
Dr. Jeanette Cates combines 30 years in Adult Education with more than 25 years
in technology to bring you the exciting world of Online Success Technology! She
is the creator of the Online Success System and operates more than 200 active
Jeanette took her first email course in 1983 - and never looked back! As an
online pioneer she has taught thousands of people how to make a living on the
Internet. Her fast-paced, information-packed presentations and her knack for
explaining cutting-edge technology in easy-to-understand terms have gained her
the reputation of being The Technology Tamer(tm).
She has taken that same expertise and applied it to the Internet to become one
of the pre-eminent online entrepreneurial educators. Presenting hundreds of
teleseminars and webinars over the past ten years, she teaches those same skills
to her students and clients in both online and in-person presentations. Her
Online Success Incubator is highly acclaimed as one of the best online business
educations you can get!
During her presentation workshop you will learn "How To Crank Out Fast and
Easy Products That Generate Quick Cash & More Leads". No prior product
creation experience needed! You'll get the experience you need right in the
workshop - with tools you already have.

Joey Smith
Joey is a two time CIO of the year finalist in Georgia and
has won
numerous awards in the technology field including the 1999 Microsoft's
Project of the Year and the 2003 Pinnacle award in internet-based
In addition, Joey has consulted for Fortune top 500 companies on internet
technologies including Cox Communications and Coca Cola Enterprises. He has
been an internet technologist and marketer since 1994 and was brought on by
best-selling author John Maxwell in 2000 to ramp up his online sales in
leadership training. He did just that and took the company's online sales
from 250k per year in sales to over 2.5 million in sales in less than two
Joey embraced social media late in the game and had some catching up to
do... Therefore he created a system to grow quality followers in Twitter to
the tune of 20,000 in less than 30 days and put thousands of dollars in his
pocket to boot with his new methods. He now teaches people and businesses
how to leverage social media marketing for credibility, relationships and
During his presentation workshop, he shows you everything
you need to know to get started fast using social media sites, leveraging
them up to your full advantage, and getting the results you've heard others
promise (but not deliver!)... finally you'll understand exactly what to do,
and how to do it.

Joe Marsh
Joe has helped many business owners
get their websites up and running online over the past few years.
Invariably, this one question always arises from them, "How
do I get top rankings in Google for my website so I can get more traffic to
my sites?" (maybe you've asked the same question yourself).
So Joe put together an easy step-by-step method to take
brand new sites, get them indexed and ranked in the top 10 of Google organic
search result pages in as little as 30 minutes to 2 hours for you keyword
phrases. I actually witnessed him winning a bet from a non-believer who got
first page results using his method in less than 30 minutes!
In his presentation workshop he reveals the methods and techniques he uses to help web site owners get
their sites indexed and ranked quickly in the top 10 results for your
keyword phrases. You will learn from Joe what to do, then do it "hands-on"
for yourself.

Chris Lockwood
Chris has been involved with internet business since
1995, and has had his own thriving internet business since 2002.
His "Membership Sites Revealed" program teaches the
strategies, tactics, tips and techniques for creating profitable membership
sites you won't find anywhere else.
In his presentation workshop, Chris shows you how to go about choosing
the best market niches to build you site around, how to plan your site and
site concept to get the most that you can from your effort, what software to
use, how to use six different types of content to populate your membership
site to keep your members coming back and happy with their membership with
you, and strategies on support and retaining members over the long haul.

Doug Champigny
Doug is a full-time Internet marketer, Affiliate Marketer,
E-Zine Publisher, mentor and speaker, is often called a super-promoter
because he's an expert in creating wealth online and teaching others to do
the same. A 20-year veteran of the marketing and advertising industries
before coming online, Doug has worked online full-time since 1997.
By 19 Doug was advertising manager of a weekly newspaper, went on to become
Outside Sales Manager at dailies like The Toronto Sun and The Globe And
Mail, then founded and built two full-service advertising agencies doing TV,
radio and print campaigns for corporate and retail clients. Joined by his
wife Teri in 1996, the pair added website design, SEO services and online
promotional services to their company's offerings, and by 1997 had moved
solely into those fields.
Their agency, The Cyber Surfer, won many design accolades along the way,
including having one of their sites profiled in Entrepreneur, Inc and being
sought out by Yahoo! to handle their online and offline promotion for events
at their newly-acquired Broadcast.com.
Realizing the true potential of the emerging Internet
Marketing industry, the Champignys fired their existing clients in 2004 to
focus solely on their own growing virtual real estate and Internet marketing
Besides the numerous Internet marketing books and video training courses
Doug has created, he has also spoken at seminars and conventions on subjects
as diverse as Maximizing Monetization (Internet Marketing Seminar,
Sandusky), Web 2.0 Traffic Generation (Internet Marketing SuperConference,
Las Vegas) and Mastering PLR (Virtual Marketing Masters Seminar).
Currently, Doug and Teri own and operate over 150 web sites, author a dozen
or more Internet marketing, affiliate marketing and niche marketing blogs,
and are constantly working to help other marketers achieve the high level of
success they themselves have reached.
During is presentation workshop he introduces you to
PowerStart 2010: How to skip the trial and error period and startup lag that
affects most new online enterprises, allowing you to be in a profit position
MUCH sooner!

Gina Gaudio Graves
Gina Gaudio-Graves is better known as "The JV Queen", a
title she earned by organizing some of the biggest product launches on the
internet. Before she became an entrepreneur, though, Gina had an extremely
busy legal career as a litigator. But, in 1997, a disabling car accident
left her in a hospital bed and wheelchair for nearly 10 years. She turned to
the internet as a way to spend her time and afford her medical bills.
Gina's been growing her business ever since -- even after her "miraculous
transformation" a few years ago allowed her to completely recover from her
illness! Her close brush with death left her with renewed passion for
helping entrepreneurs live the life of their dreams as she does today by
managing her business from the comfort of her RV, traveling the country
wherever she wants.
As "The JV Queen", Gina perfected systems and strategies that brought her
clients 6 and 7 figure paydays. Her client list reads like the "Who's Who"
of the internet, including well-known experts such as Shawn Casey, Willie
Crawford, Russell Brunson, David Garfinkel, and many more.
The system responsible for such results is what Gina calls "Relationship
Marketing". It's not just about having a huge rolodex of powerful clients.
Gina's success came from having a system that drives immense amounts of
traffic without ever spending a dime on advertising. The system doesn't just
get more people to your website, though. It also gets those visitors to
subscribe more often (10% to 20% of your visitors are likely to opt in to
your list) and it gets visitors to buy more often too (it's not unusual to
see conversions of 6% to 8% with this system!).
Today, Gina is the Dean & Founder of Directions University, where she
mentors students on her business systems and strategies.
When you
study Gina's presentation workshop she'll show you the "Six Simple
Steps to Getting 1,000+ Unique Visitors to Your Website Every Day (in Under
90 Days) and Getting 25% or More of Those Visitors to Pages That Make You
Money". Don't worry -- you don't need any special skills to make this
work for you in your business! You'll even have a chance to hear the "Magic
Formula" being put into action during the workshop as Gina looks over your shoulder
of the workshop attendees and offers valuable advice and critiques to help get the best results
Plus we had some very informative
Discussions and Q and A sessions too!
One other thing, it's very important you understand this big difference...
The Internet Super Stars Conference
is NOT a "pitch fest"
where you hear "Gurus" talk for 90 minutes about their
"rags to riches" story then try to sell you their stuff
at the back of the room
If you want to spend your
money just to hear someone sell you stuff, then the
Super Stars Conference is not for you
With the Internet Super Stars
Conference MP3/PDF Package you get:
11 information-packed expert
educational presentations |
11 expert-guided workshop activities to do |
11 Q&A sessions to hear all the questions answered |
Three sets of panel discussions
along with Q and A |
MP3 Audio Recordings of all the
above, listen to them time and time again for full comprehension |
The full 118 page Workshop Manual (PDF format)
complete with the workshop worksheets, print it out so you can do the
assignments and have a ready reference guide within easy
each that you will refer to over and over |
And more! |
Just in case you're wondering, this
conference is not like the "pitch fest" conferences you may have experienced
or heard of in the past. The Internet
Super Star Conferences are packed full of content and education through
workshop presentations, Q and A sessions, and lots of networking among
successful internet entrepreneurs. This conference was not designed just to sell you a bunch of other stuff,
it's designed to be the most incredibly positive experience you've ever had
and the best investment you've ever made in your own success.
"Okay, okay, I want it...
so how much is it?"
Wait just a
minute, there's more!
Before the conference the speakers got
together with Mark Hendricks and did some terrifically informative
pre-conference interview calls, you also get all of these
MP3 recordings as a FREE bonus too:
Jeanette Cates - How To Crank Out Fast
and Easy Products That Generate Quick Cash & More Leads! No
prior product creation experience needed!
Cindi Dawson - How To Use Kunaki To
Produce and Deliver Physical Products On Demand (for cheap)
Terry Dean - Living the internet business
lifestyle, finding your niche, creating sales pages, increasing
traffic and conversion, and a whole lot more!
Willie Crawford - All about Joint Ventures, the little
secrets others don't tell you.
Elsom Eldridge, Jr. - Discover how to
become THE expert that people go to in your target market.
Doug Champigny - How to get
your internet business up and running fast.
Joey Smith - Which social
platforms to focus on to build a following, drive traffic and
make money without wasting a bunch of time.
Joe Marsh - How to quickly and
easily get high rankings in the search engines and get gobs of
traffic coming to your sites.
Chris Lockwood - Membership Site Secrets:
what niche, software, content, members and what else
Gina Gaudio Graves - Six Simple Steps To
Getting 1,000+ Unique Visitors Per Day To Your Website (In Under
90 Days) And Getting 25% Or More Of Those Visitors To Pages That
Make You Money!
You Get All Of This For $497
Special Price Today Of Only $197
"Hey this is really a great deal, what gives?"
Great question, and the answer is... We do.
Mark absolutely believes in over-delivering in everything
he does, and so do I.
And the best way to over-deliver is to give, give, give.
By doing so we create an ever-so-obvious value for the money
we ask in return, we just think it's good business to treat people the way
we want to be treated...that makes sense, doesn't it?
Those who came to this unique event learned from the expert
speakers who gave information-packed workshops, got answers to their most burning questions, and
now you can too by listening and reading exactly what happened live
at the event.
If you put that all together there is no better way for
you to get yourself the knowledge you need to take
action on your dreams.
Please Note: This Offer Is Limited
To be sure that you get everything that I've
mentioned, you must order now. I reserve the right to change the
offer, the bonuses, and the pricing at any time, so if you come back
later and you see that things have changed, or I have removed this
offer completely, let's just say I let you know, okay?
"My Personal Rock-Solid Guarantee To You"

Get the MP3/PDF Package, listen, read, learn and
take action with the expert
speakers--and after you've gone through everything and you've experienced everything for yourself first-hand, if you
don't think this was the best investment you've ever made in your own
success, simply get in touch with me and tell me so, and I will promptly
refund every penny of your purchase to you, with no hard feelings or
trying to talk you out of it.
And remember, to get the discount and bonuses promised you must
order now
Click Here To Order
Disclosure: You will notice there
are no income claims made by me, or in any of the testimonials given
by members and guest speakers. Your results will be determined by
you, and only you. There are no shortcuts to success...there is hard
work, persistence, and good business sense.
I'm excited to bring this breakthrough program to you, and
know you'll be delighted with your decision to join us.
Your Firstname and Lastname
P.S. If you've ever looked
around for this kind of intensive internet training program you already
know down deep you in your heart what a great
we've put together here for you. It all comes with my 100% satisfaction
guarantee, and you can
register right now, signup today.
P.P.S. And here's even more comments from
attendees of this event...
-- The
conference workshop was hosted by Mark Hendricks --
is refreshing to attend a conference where I actually learn strategies and
techniques that I can put into action right away"...
I want to thank you for putting on another awesome Internet Superstars
Conference. It is refreshing to attend a conference where I actually learn
strategies and techniques that I can put into action right away. The speakers,
the workshops and even the other attendees provided the information I needed to
take my business to the next level.
Also, I really appreciate all the conferences you sponsor because I feel welcome
and not intimidated by marketers that are further along than I am. That
environment is the direct result of your leadership.
Thanks again and you will see me at your next conference. I wouldn't miss it!
Chris Cobb
was so overwhelmed at the amount of genuine kick butt information
and workshops where we applied our new found knowledge"...
First I would like to say that Mark Hendricks
"Rocks". This is the first Conference on Internet Marketing that I
have attended and lucked out, after learning of other conferences,
not saying all of the others are just sales pitches mind you.
Personally I have seven digital products that I have produced,
affiliate hub, personal blog and driving traffic to them. Even
though I feel comfortable as an online marketer, I was so
overwhelmed at the amount of genuine kick butt information and
workshops where we applied our new found knowledge to prove to
ourselves that it works, it blew my mind!
It is my second day back home and I am already putting it to work on
a new blog with affiliate products, automated newsletter with
affiliate links, social bookmarking, 15 minute Press Releases and
becoming a Jedi Knight with regards to twitter.
Now after saying all of this, not to discount the powerful speakers
that spoke, it was Mark Hendricks life lessons that brought my main
priority back to the path of life, respecting the creator and
myself. I also look forward to supporting Joe Marsh from your group,
with holding meetings here in Florida monthly.
Robert Ratcliff
"I was amazed and delighted to see that there truly was no
hype or hard sales pitches of any kind"...
The Internet Super Stars Conference was just what I needed to
jumpstart my business. As a new internet entrepreneur, I often work
in isolation. The Internet Super Stars Conference gave me the
opportunity to connect with others who have proven that success is a
very real possibility if I stay focused on what matters.
The information provided by the speakers was chock full of valuable
tips. They gave step by step ideas that I can immediately implement.
I was amazed and delighted to see that there truly was no hype or
hard sales pitches of any kind. Instead there was an abundance of
pure information and strategies that I can use right away.
Absolutely, without a doubt, the very best part of the Internet
Super Stars Conference was the networking. It gave me the chance to
rub shoulders and exchange ideas with successful internet marketers.
The speakers were there at lunch and during breaks to answer any
questions and to give me feedback specific to my business.
I highly recommend that anyone interested in making money online get
out of their office and head straight to the next Internet Super
Stars Conference.
Sherri Frost
"The conference
information was solid, realistic, and doable"...
As a business owner for 38 years, I have looked several years for
legitimate training in the internet marketing industry. Too many
times I found the 'get rich quick' schemes and '$4000 experts.' How
refreshing to call with a question before the conference and have
Mark Hendricks answer his own phone.
The conference information was solid, realistic, and doable by a novice. Now
I can roll up my sleeves and work a definite plan. Thanks, Mark, for a solid
training with people of high integrity!
Pam Salem
"And the bonus
was how welcomed we all felt"...
I feel like a really lucked out.
The Internet Super Stars Conference was my very first internet
marketing conference and it was no "pitchfest"...it was all content,
only a mention or two about each speakers' product at the very end
of their talk. And I know from others attending that the total focus
on educating us versus promoting your own product was quite rare.
Not only did we get the chance to try out the ideas and teachings in
short workshops at the end of each talk, but I came home with enough
new information to last me a year. And the bonus was how welcomed we
all felt, how willing each teacher was to answer our individual
questions no matter our level of expertise and no matter when...it
could have been dinner, breaks, it was just continuous new
And most importantly, I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Thanks Mark.
Gloria Waite
Disclosure: The people who provide testimonials for this
website are not paid for their comments. These comments are
from their personal experience and not to be taken as what
you will experience. Only you will be responsible for your
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- Mark Hendricks and the Internet Super
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